Chapter 86
I took a look at Yue Yaowei, and immediately felt very distressed. This Yue Yaowei's disheveled hair, originally rosy and fair skin, was extremely pale at the moment, and his clothes were torn open several times. He was kneeling like a sinner. On the table.

And her wrist was cut open, and blood dripped down on the table. There was also a dagger on the table, which was completely soaked in blood.

I hurriedly carried Yue Yaowei to the bed, and quickly stopped the bleeding with sterile cotton.Fortunately, the wound was not big, and it seemed that the bleeding time was short, so Yue Yaowei woke up soon.

Her eyes were extremely haggard, and when she saw me, she burst into tears: "Hundred years old, I... I saw my younger brother, he... he is now... woo, woo."

After finishing speaking, he threw himself into my arms and began to cry: "Bastard, it's all that bastard, damn it, brother, I will avenge you, don't worry."

I lightly patted Yue Yaowei's back and comforted me: "It's okay, isn't I here? Don't worry, I will definitely help you get your brother's soul back."

Yue Yaowei sobbed even harder: "Hundred years old, I...I suddenly remembered that is my brother's tenth birthday. I just wanted to tell you, but when I opened the door, I saw a man in a black robe The guy in the black robe stood at the door. The black robe pushed me in, and then grabbed my brother out of the black robe."

I nodded thoughtfully. If my guess is correct, the black robe should be the person taught by the black hand, right?
"It's okay, it's okay, it's all over, I said I will protect you, and I will never let you be hurt by others."

Yue Yaowei cried even harder.

Lu Yixing went to the window and looked out the door, sighing again and again, this Lu Yixing lamented the injustice of life again.

Sure enough, after a long time Lu Yixing sighed; "A full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry!"

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle.

At this time, my mobile phone rang, and I took it out in a hurry. It turned out that the fat man was calling.

"Where are you kid, come back quickly, there is no wine, bring back two bottles of wine." The fat man said angrily.

"Well, go back right away." I said something, and then said to Yue Yaowei: "Yue Yaowei, I have to go back quickly. Now that the evil baby has just become a baby and is still very weak, I won't come to trouble you again in the middle of the night. You first have a rest."

Yue Yaowei sighed: "Hai Sui, I... I'm really scared, why don't you stay with me here."

Lu Yixing said decisively: "Liu Zi, your friends are waiting for you at home, why don't you go back, I'll help you protect Yue Yaowei here, do you think it's okay?"

I glared at Lu Yixing, this grandson is really full of beautiful things.But my buddies are indeed hard to dismiss. If I let them know that I am here to accompany the beauty, it is estimated that there will be a gap between us in the future.
I don't want to get a bad reputation of being a person who values ​​sex and despises friends.

Yue Yaowei saw that I was in a difficult situation, and he immediately said: "How about I go back with you? I don't dare to stay here, it's too scary."

This kills two birds with one stone, I nodded repeatedly and said: "Well, okay, then you can go back with me first."

Although Yue Yaowei was bleeding, but luckily the wound was not deep, so he was lightly bandaged, and apart from a little dizziness, he was fine.

I simply carried Yue Yaowei on my back, hoping that if I met a pharmacy on the way, I could buy some blood-enriching medicine, and I even wanted to catch a wild dog and bleed Yue Yaowei to drink.

Because I remember that there seems to be a record in the "Lou Guan Dao Fa" that human blood and black dog blood are the most similar in spirituality, and even black dog blood is more spiritual than human.

If dog blood could be replaced with human blood, then Yue Yaowei's spirituality would naturally be stronger than that of normal people, so that he would not be frequently invaded by some evil things.

It's a pity that I met several dogs along the way, but none of them were willing to kill them.After all, a dog is also a life. In this world, all lives are equal. Wouldn't it be too cruel to trade a dog's life for a strong human?
I am such a soft-hearted person, once faced with the question of life, I will not let go.

In the end, instead of killing a dog, Lu Yixing and I were kicked out by the dog, in a state of embarrassment.Tell me, this dog is really a wolf-hearted dog. If I don't do anything to you, you begged your grandpa to sue your grandma, but now you are kicking me out?
Wipe, shameless.

When Lu Yixing and I opened the door of the guard room, we were shocked again, your sister, what is going on here?

Sun Dehou, the fat man and Zhang Dashuai are reading the "Tao Te Ching" with great interest at the moment, laughing while reading: "Haha, look how ugly the idiot behind this word is, Feel free to draw it."

"Fuck, look, this one looks good, this one looks good. I heard Erlang God had three eyes before, and I thought it was strange enough, but I didn't expect to have three milks. Awesome!"

"Look at this, look at this, this one is even more awesome, these two bastards."

I broke out in a cold sweat. Brothers, what are you kidding? What is going on with your sister?This "Tao Te Ching" is what I used to press the mouth of the bottle, and you actually took it down to study...

I immediately glanced at the mouth of the bottle, and was dumbfounded for a moment. The cork on the mouth of the bottle was gone...

I immediately felt dizzy, and hurriedly put Yue Yaowei on the ground, threw myself on the bottle with a mournful face, opened the bottle cap and looked at the empty space inside, and cried for a while, dumbfounding: "Your sister, who told you to open the bottle."

The fat man glared at me contemptuously: "I said, Old Liu, what are you doing? Just a little wine can be kept so well. You can't be so poor, right?"

I thought it was pretty good that the giant hanging ghost baby didn't hurt you. Although the giant hanging ghost baby ran away, at least these people were not hurt, so I was relieved.

Also, why do they say there's a little wine in it?As far as I know, it's empty here, so there's no wine at all.

"What did you just say, that there is a little wine in here? How does it taste?" I asked hurriedly.

"Well, the taste is pretty good." The fat man said, "It's a bit like beer, but it's colorless and tasteless. Could it be a foreign bar?"

I was terrified for a while, and I was really worried that the fat man would drink something bad.

I don't know what the so-called foreign wine is, but I can also guess a little bit, maybe the giant hanging ghost baby has been compressed into such a pool of essence by the "Tao Te Ching", or it may be the giant hanging ghost A piss from a baby.

If it was a piss from a giant hanging ghost baby, it would be fine, at least it should not have too strong side effects on the human body.But if the giant hanging ghost baby turned into a puddle of essence, it would be hard to say.

This thing is the water of the most yin, if it is drunk by a fat man, the fat man may change his gender.

This thought made me tremble all over, and I worriedly asked the fat man: "Fatty, are you okay after drinking that little wine?"

The fat man said, "It's all right, except for a little dizziness, I don't feel anything else."

I nodded thoughtfully. I always felt that the wine was a bit abnormal. I thought to forget it, let's take it one step at a time, and we will talk about the future situation later.

Lu Yixing looked at me worriedly, obviously worried that the fat man would not be able to bear the side effects of this most yin water.I nodded at him, signaling him not to worry too much, there should be no problem.

I just put the "Tao Te Ching" and the Qian Kun bottle, but Sun Dehou suddenly screamed: "Ah!"

I froze for a moment, and looked at Sun Dehou inexplicably: "What's wrong, Sun Dehou?"

Sun Dehou's excited voice trembled violently: "Yue...Miss Yue, my God, I'm not dreaming."

As he said that, he couldn't help wanting to touch Yue Yaowei with his hands.

I immediately grabbed Sun Dehou and said dumbfoundingly: "Old Sun, how about some morals?"

Only then did Sun Dehou come to his senses, but stared straight at Yue Yaowei: "Okay, Liu Baisui, your boy Jinwu Zangjiao is still pretending to be aggressive with me, let me wipe it, you are really good enough."

I said, "You know what a fool, Yue Yaowei and I are innocent."

"Only those who are not innocent will say that they are innocent." Sun Dehou said.

Yue Yaowei was a little dizzy, so he ignored our flirting, and just said: "Hai Sui, I'm a little dizzy, let me lie down for a while."

It seemed that she was really suffering from severe ischemia, otherwise it would be impossible for her to ask to lie down on my bed.

Sun Dehou, the infatuated seed, immediately stood up and said, "Well, Miss Yue, you can lie down and rest for a while. Your face is pale and complexion is not good. Is it because you are not feeling well recently? I just know some traditional Chinese medicine, so let me feel your pulse." !"

(End of this chapter)

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