Chapter 16
Looking at the lonely figure of this classmate, I really couldn't laugh or cry. It was hard to understand that a man and a man can have such a complicated relationship, and this kind of relationship is not at all shallower than the love between a man and a woman.

It's really hard for me to imagine what kind of feelings they have for each other, is it love, family affection, or friendship?

Later, this boy told me with his actions that the emotion between them is called love.

That day, in the early hours of the morning, we were sleeping soundly in bed, when a dull sound suddenly exploded and spread throughout the dormitory building.

Later we heard someone shouting from the top of the building, someone jumped off the building, someone jumped off the building.

Because of the previous experience, we all reacted quickly and got up from the bed slowly.

I clearly remember that when I just got up and hadn't reached the window, I heard our dormitory head shout: "Hey, another grandson jumped off the building Hey, come quickly, someone call the emergency center ?”

When I went to the floor and looked down, I realized that the person who jumped from the building was actually the friend of the dead ghost.The state of death was also quite miserable, and the position and posture of the tall and thin man were actually exactly the same as the previous one!
After I calmed down, I blamed myself deeply. It was all my fault, my talkativeness, my nosy meddling. If I didn’t give him the love letter, if I didn’t tell him, this love letter It was given to me by the boy before he jumped off the building, so he wouldn't be so emotional, and he wouldn't jump off the building.

I walked into the bathroom and slapped myself several times. The guilt in my heart was still so strong that I couldn't suppress it at all.

I suddenly had a firm idea in my heart, that is to call out their souls to alleviate the sense of guilt!

After I made this plan, I didn't go to class all day, and I only prepared materials for their soul-calling.

Since ancient times, there have been countless ways of summoning souls, and there are also many ways of summoning souls in "Lou Guan Dao Fa". After carefully going through it in my mind, I finally chose the simplest and most effective way of summoning souls.

The methods and ceremonies are very simple, that is, at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, wearing a red body, burning incense with a bowl of yellow rice turned upside down to attract ghosts.

I spent less than 50 yuan to prepare all these things, and most of the money was spent on this red dress.This red dress is a set of aunt's square dance costumes I bought in a 19 yuan store. How can such a proletariat be willing to buy luxury goods that can easily cost hundreds of thousands?

So after careful selection, I finally found this dance suit in a small shop.I'm even thinking now, if I put on this dance costume later, I will look very funny, and I might even be at the same level as the square dancing aunt.

But it turns out that I did overestimate myself, saying that I am on the same level as my aunt is simply insulting the square dancing aunt.

When I stood in front of the mirror and admired my appearance, I couldn't help laughing, which shows how ridiculous my appearance is.

In the middle of the night, I was wearing red clothes and walked downstairs to the dormitory with a luggage bag carefully.Now all the students are asleep, and the whole campus is completely silent, without any movement.

Except for the occasional strange evil wind that blows up one or two plastic bags and floats back and forth in mid-air, which is very scary...

My brain began to fantasize uncontrollably, and I always felt that the two plastic bags were two big white eyeballs, looking at me with mocking eyes.

After I arrived at the destination with the props tremblingly, I looked around and found that no one noticed here, so I started to summon the soul!

This red dress is particularly conspicuous in the dark night. Even if I look at myself, my heart will still be pounding wildly. This thing is really evil, so when I speak, my voice trembles: "Brother , I know that people who commit suicide will not leave the place where they died within seven days, so if you can see brother, please say hello to brother. This bowl of yellow rice is for you to eat. "

After finishing speaking, he knelt on the ground and took out the yellow rice that he had prepared earlier from the backpack he was carrying.

I secretly cooked this yellow rice in the old ghost’s room. Only then did I realize that my cooking skills are not bad. At least the color and aroma of the cooked yellow rice are good. I ate a bowl. , I feel that my craftsmanship is no worse than that of a five-star hotel.

Later, I struggled for a long time about whether the chefs of five-star hotels should cook yellow rice.

After placing the upside-down yellow rice on the place where the tall and thin man died, I lit three more sticks of incense, chanted the mantra of saving lives from suffering, stepped back to the position of two meters, and slammed on the yellow rice. He rang his head three times.

After that, he put a round mirror behind the three sticks of incense, and stared at the mirror with burning eyes.

"Lou Guan Dao Fa" says that as long as you think about the dead ghost in your heart, you will see the ghost appearing on the back of your head in the mirror.If he could recruit these two guys at once, it would really kill two birds with one stone. If they were fulfilled, he would no longer have to do such rituals to disgust himself.

I kept chanting the names of these two gay friends in my heart, and as I chanted, I unconsciously had an illusion in my heart, as if I was their third party.

This thought really disgusted me, I despised myself severely, thinking why did I become so wretched?Probably after getting acquainted with the old ghost.

When I think of the old ghost, I feel sad again in my heart.I don't know where the old ghost has gone now, and why he left without saying goodbye.And I think the old ghost has never married a wife and had children in his life, so is he also a comrade?
If you are gay, then it would be quite a contrast with these two dead ghosts.

I was thinking wildly in my heart, but unconsciously amused myself.

Brush, brush, brush!
At this moment, I suddenly heard a rush of footsteps behind me, and I froze in place, focusing my gaze on the mirror little by little, wondering if it was possible that the dead ghost heard my call so quickly and started Apparition?

When my eyes finally managed to focus on the mirror, I was frightened half to death by the scene in the mirror.

Paralyzed, this can't be true!I clearly saw a 'ghost' wearing a white mourning dress standing five or six meters behind me.Because the environment was too dark, I could barely see the white part of the ghost's filial piety, and couldn't see the flesh body at all.

But that's what's scary about it.Think about it, in the middle of the night, you are wearing the costume of a square dancing aunt, and you are holding a spiritual ceremony, and then suddenly a strange white figure broke into your eyes, and you saw it through the mirror, that is to say, that white figure , most likely objects you cannot see with the naked eye.

The more invisible an object is, the more it can arouse fear in people's hearts.

I saw the white being walking up step by step, with heavy footsteps rubbing against the ground, making a rustling sound, watching the thing getting bigger and bigger in the mirror, I only felt chills in the back of my head, My mind was running fast, and I thought to myself, is this thing one of those gay friends?
But something is wrong, when those two guys died, they were wearing school uniforms, but why did this thing appear in filial piety?

Could it be that after a person dies, ghosts will turn into filial piety clothes?But the introduction in "Lou Guan Dao Fa" is not like this.

For a while, I also couldn't figure it out.

Although I was trembling with fright right now, and even peed my pants, I still tried my best to maintain my sanity, thinking about how to deal with this ghost thing, and how to say the first sentence.

At this moment, buddy, I suddenly discovered that this guy in filial piety was holding up a stick covered with white stripes in his hand, and it looked like he was about to hit me on the head. My brain immediately understood and was paralyzed. Yes, I met Bai Wuchang, the ecstasy envoy!

You may be wondering, why is Bai Wuchang not the bull-headed horse face that seduces the soul?In fact, there is still a bit of knowledge here.Black and White Impermanence, commonly known as the Black and White Master, is a erotic errand just like the Bull Head and Horse Face.

It's just that the souls of this black and white master are all good people.Since he is a good person, he will be a good person in his next reincarnation.

And the souls of the bull-headed horse-faced hook are all bad guys, and they will be reincarnated as animals in their next life.I thought to myself that these two dead ghost classmates of mine are usually honest and honest, and they don't even masturbate, so they can't be regarded as bad guys no matter what.

So it is only natural that the one who came to seduce the soul is this black and white master.

Probably Master Bai saw that I was stealing his old man's errand here, so he was angry, and wanted to have a life-and-death duel with me?

Mom, I don't have the guts to compete with civil servants for food, so I immediately jumped up with a groan: "Master Bai, stop, this is a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstood fart." A middle-aged man shouted angrily behind him: "I knew you would come to destroy the evidence. I have been waiting for a day..."

Shit, it really was a misunderstanding, buddy, my heart instantly relaxed, it turned out that it wasn't Mr. Bai, who really scared me for so long just now.

It's just who is running around the school wearing filial piety in the middle of the night?Isn't this going to scare people to death, I thought quickly while running wildly.

"Stop what you're doing, and tell me clearly whether my son's death has something to do with you."

It was only then that I realized that it turned out that the person who was rascal was the father of my dead classmate, probably because he saw that his son died without knowing why, so he squatted here and wanted to seek justice for his son.

(End of this chapter)

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