
Chapter 230 Exam Questions

Chapter 230 Exam Questions
Thank you very much for the rewards from students Rabit2011 and Teng Kuan!
This time, Zhou Tingyu not only built a shed, but also borrowed tables and chairs from various places in Yanglin County in the name of officials. At least he borrowed enough tables and chairs. Although the styles are different, there are all kinds of tables and chairs, but they solved the problem for the candidates. It was a big question, and all the candidates praised it.

The rules of the county examination are not strict, just a simple check, and each candidate is allowed to sit. Luo Xin's examination number is relatively high, so he chose a middle seat to sit. Anyway, in this February in the north , It is still very cold outside, and sitting in the middle can also shield the candidates around from the wind.

There are not many candidates participating in this Yanglin County scientific examination, less than 300 people. There are people of all ages. The youngest is 12-year-old Luo Xin. Although the oldest is not sure how old it is, but Luo Xin I saw a white-haired old man sitting there too.As for middle-aged people, there are quite a few, but more are young people.

in the cold wind.

After all the candidates were seated, Zhou Zhixian stood in front of him in neat official uniform and began to speak.First of all, respect Confucius and Mencius, then respect the Holy One, and finally announce the exam session and the discipline of the exam room.

There will be four exams in this county exam, one day for each exam, and one exam every other day.

This is not because the content of the exam is too much, but to give candidates more opportunities.In fact, candidates can pass the first test, and there is no need to take the next three tests. For various reasons, such as status, candidates who fail to pass the test can continue to take the second test, so the second and third tests are called For the rematch, and the last one is the interview, all candidates have to go through the fourth round.The fourth round was mainly to screen out some candidates who had not been found to have cheated. The county magistrate personally interviewed these candidates who were idiots and cheated.

After Zhou Tingyu finished speaking, some soldiers began to distribute answer sheets.The format was uniform, and the county examination was not vague. Luo Xin's name, age, place of origin, three generations, and physical characteristics were all written on the first page of the answer sheet.

And starting from the second page is the real answer sheet, with red grids on each page, similar to the manuscript paper of later generations, except that the grid is much larger than the manuscript paper of later generations.Only one character can be written in a grid, and it is not allowed to write beyond the exception.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and the manuscript paper on the table could be seen clearly, but the cold wind blew past, and the body felt chills.

The weather was cold, not only the examinees were frozen, but also the soldiers who invigilated the exam. Zhou Zhixian couldn't stand the cold, so he hurriedly wrote down the exam questions on a large piece of paper.Then two soldiers held it up for all candidates to watch.

There is only one topic, which is to write a time essay.

It stands to reason that the standard county examination in the Ming Dynasty produced two essays, but the degree of freedom in the county examination is very large, and the county magistrate himself has the final say.Therefore, some counties publish two Shiwen, and some counties publish one Shiwen and one test post poem.But this is usually done in the south, and in the north because of the cold weather and outdoor scientific research, it doesn’t take long for your hands to freeze. The conditions are not comparable to those in the south, so the northern county test is usually just The purpose of publishing a time essay, not even the test post poems, is to let the examinees finish the test as soon as possible. Anyway, a time essay can already tell the quality of the article.

Luo Xin looked towards the exam questions, and a wry smile appeared on his face.There was a sound of breathing all around.Luo Xin knew that it was not from being frozen, but from being frightened.And Zhou Zhixian glanced over the frightened scholars with a hint of complacency on his face, and also looked at Luo Xin, with an expression of what kind of question this is.

"Where is this county exam? It's already in time for the township exam." Some candidates complained in a low voice.

"Quiet!" A soldier shouted, and the examination room fell silent again, but there was an atmosphere of sorrow.

There are a total of four sentences in the title, which are: the way of great learning, the destiny of heaven is called nature, learning and practicing it from time to time, Mencius saw King Hui of Liang.

This is not a sentence in one article at all, or even a sentence in a book, but a sentence in each of four books.

"The Way of the University" comes from the first sentence of "The Great Learning" written by Zeng Shen. The original sentence is "The way of the University lies in Ming Mingde, in being close to the people, and in ending in perfection."

It means that the purpose of the university is to promote the upright character, to make people abandon the old and make new ones, and to make people reach the most perfect state.

"The Mandate of Heaven is called nature" comes from the first sentence of "The Doctrine of the Mean" written by Zisi. It's wrong."

It means that the temperament given to people by heaven is called sex, and doing things according to nature is called Tao, and the method of cultivating Tao is education.This way, I cannot leave my body and mind for a moment; if I can leave it, it is not the right way.

"Learning while learning from time to time" comes from the first sentence of "The Analects" written by Confucius.

It means that what has been learned should be practiced frequently, which is one of Confucius' important academic thoughts.

"Mencius sees King Hui of Liang" comes from the first sentence of "Mencius" written by Mencius. The original sentence is that Mencius saw King Hui of Liang.The king said: "Old man! If you come here for thousands of miles, will it benefit my country?"

Mencius said to him: "Your Majesty! Why do you say benefit? There is only benevolence and righteousness.

It means that Mencius paid homage to King Hui of Liang.King Hui of Liang said, "Old man, you have come all this way, so you must have some good ideas that are beneficial to my country?"

Mencius replied, "Your Majesty, why talk about benefit? Just talk about benevolence and righteousness.

Zhou Tingyu took out one sentence from each of the opening sentences of the four books to form a single sentence as the test question. The four sentences belong to the four books. .

This kind of question is because they are forcibly merged together, the meaning of the question is difficult to understand, and there is nowhere to start to solve the question. Often, candidates make mistakes when they break the question. Even if your article is colorful, you can only fail the ranking.

Moreover, the general interception question is just to extract a sentence from two articles. This time, Zhou Tingyu took a sentence from each of the four books, and the whole four sentences were combined into one sentence. How can the examinee solve the problem to such a perverted level?
There were mourners in the examination room, and Luo Xin also frowned slightly.But he didn't worry too much, it was still early, but it was cold and moving.He simply opened the bookcase, first took out the pen, ink, and inkstone, and put them on the table.Then, instead of grinding, he took out the small stove inside, fetched some water with a small copper teapot and a hand stove, then put charcoal in the small stove to light it, and first put the hand stove on the small stove. on the stove.

Not to mention those candidates who were dumbfounded, even Zhou Tingyu was in a daze.

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(End of this chapter)

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