
Chapter 229 Examination Room

Chapter 229 Examination Room
As soon as he entered the county seat, Luo Xin was shocked to see many carts like them, ox carts, donkey carts, and horse carts carrying families into the city. Of course, there were also many poor scholars, not even a schoolboy, who entered the city alone.

At this time, Luo Xin's house in the county had been renovated, but it just needed to dry out the smell, and Luo Xin's family didn't care about the slight smell at this time, so they lived in it.

That night, Luo Ping held a banquet at home to wish Luo Xin well, and also set off a whip.However, Luo Xin only ate half full, and Luo and his sister-in-law watched closely. Just as Luo Xin wanted to pick up a chicken leg, his mother and sister-in-law stretched out their chopsticks to hold the chicken leg down. Luo Xin had no choice but to take back the chopsticks with a bitter face.


Under the service of Die'er and Chunhua, Luo Xin lay down on the bed early, looking at the backs of Die'er and Chunhua walking out, Luo Xin couldn't help saying:
"Die'er, Chunhua, do you think I am suffering, my lord? After eating two meals in a row, I can only eat some vegetables and radishes, and each ton is half full."


The two little girls couldn't help laughing, and said in a tired voice: "Master, it's all for your own good! In just a few days, waiting for you to finish the exam, it's up to you to eat what you want!"


Luo Xin sighed, stroked his deflated stomach and closed his eyes.

Four and a half.

Luo Xin was woken up by two maids. Martial arts practitioners don't have the habit of being lazy on the bed, but they just got up a little earlier than before, so Luo Xin washed up and put on his clothes under the service of Chunhua and Die'er. Wide awake and refreshed.

The ox cart was ready, and Lu Zhonglian drove it, with the larger bookcase that Song Tai gave Luo Xin on it.Luo Xin didn't ride a horse, but sat in a bullock cart with Lu Daqing. Looking at the red eyes of his parents and sister-in-law, he knew that they might get up at midnight to prepare things for the scientific examination.

"Xin'er, don't be careless." Luo Shi said softly.

Luo Xin nodded and said with a smile on his face, "Mother, don't worry, Xin'er understands."

Luo Ping and his sister-in-law kept reminding him, and finally Luo Ping waved his hand and said, "Don't waste time, you missed Xin'er's scientific examination. Zhong Lian, you must deliver Xin'er to the examination room on time."

"Yes, sir!"

Under the earnest eyes of his parents and sister-in-law, Lu Zhonglian drove Luo Xin and Lu Daqing away.

It didn't take long to go out, and it was still dark at this time, but the streets were bustling.The streets are full of candidates going to the examination room, as well as parents, relatives and friends who are sending them off, and some small businesses and hawkers also get up early, and some people who have nothing to do also come out to watch the excitement.

There was a lot of noise along the way, some were earnest reminders from parents, some were blessings from relatives and friends, and some were greeting each other loudly when they met scholars who were going to rush for the exam together.Luo Xin also frequently greeted the scholars he met. Almost all of them knew Luo Xin, and Luo Xin also knew most of them, and a few of them felt familiar. He is the youngest among these candidates.

Each candidate's look is different, but most of the candidates' faces still reveal a trace of nervousness.Even the voices of some candidates trembled slightly.

There are also some candidates with high expressions, giving people the feeling that passing the county test is like picking something out of a pocket.There are also some people with calm expressions, neither happy nor sad, and Luo Xin belongs to this type of people.With a calm smile on his face, he greeted the candidates he met, and then sat there quietly, with a faint smile on his face, looking at everything that happened around him.

At this moment, he seemed to jump out of this world, watching all this as a bystander.

"Is this the scene of Daming's scientific research?"

It wasn't until he reached the main street in front of the county school that Luo Xin broke away from this state of onlookers, looked forward, and found that the guards were no longer yamen servants, but soldiers instead.These soldiers stopped the parents, relatives and friends who were seeing them off solemnly, and did not allow them to move on.Only candidates holding test cards are allowed to enter here.

Luo Xin jumped out of the bullock cart vigorously, and Lu Daqing also jumped out of the bullock cart, took the book box off the cart, and handed it to Luo Xin with both hands.

"Young master! I wish you success!"

Luo Xin smiled, took the bookcase with one hand, turned to Lu Zhonglian and said, "Zhonglian, you guys go back."

"My lord, we'll wait for you outside." Lu Zhonglian said hastily.

Luo Xin nodded, knowing that it was the two of them showing their loyalty, so he didn't force them to leave, and walked inside with the bookcase.He showed the test card, but he didn't expect that the soldier who tested his test card didn't even look at the test card in Luo Xin's hand, but cupped his hands at Luo Xin and said:
"I wish Mr. Luo every success."

Luo Xin was stunned and asked, "Who is this big brother?"

The soldier just smiled and said: "At the beginning, I saw Mr. Luo's heroic posture charging into the battle on the top of the city."

Suddenly, Luo Xin nodded towards the soldier, and walked in with the bookcase.

Walking into the gate, Luo Xin couldn't help showing surprise on his face, and then suddenly realized.This is the north, which is incomparable with the south.The south was originally a land of prosperity, and it attached great importance to reading, so there were hundreds of people in each county taking the county examination, and there were more than a thousand people in each county.But the county government can still set up sheds and arrange seats.

But the north is much worse, and it can't even be compared with the south at all.Wealthier counties are better off. In addition to building sheds, they can also prepare seats.But some poor counties simply don't have the financial resources to do this, so it would be nice to be able to build a shed.

Candidates sat in a shed with no shelter on all sides. The south was okay, after all, the weather was warm, but it was still very cold in the north in February.Sitting in a shed with ventilation on all sides, it would be nice not to be frozen.

If it catches up with the snow and then it snows, it will be like sitting in the snow and answering the paper. It is a beautiful scene to look at, but it is miserable to experience it personally.

There are even some poor counties whose financial resources can only build a shed and have no spare power to prepare tables and chairs, so candidates who come to the scientific examination must solve the tables and chairs by themselves.

Of course, it’s okay if you can’t borrow a table and chairs. You can also borrow a board, even a cutting board. As for the chairs, you can just move a stone or a few bricks to pay for it.

Originally, Yanglin County belonged to the city of poverty and fairyland. In the past, the yamen used to build a shed. As for the desks and chairs, the examinees had to solve it themselves.But this time Zhou Tingyu made great efforts.

He has transformed the Wudou water into Wendou water, and he has achieved enlightenment. He also defended the city when the rogues besieged the city. This is the last time he presided over the county examination. If he succeeds in this county examination again, he has a very high possibility of being promoted.

It seems to be a double monthly ticket, this ticket must be requested!

(End of this chapter)

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