Wisdom Book

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

don't bother
Some people are indifferent to everything, while others are inquisitive about everything.People who care about everything are always serious, and when they open their mouths, they are so-called big things, arguing with others endlessly on everything, or making everything difficult to understand.In fact, many troubles are not really troubles, and people who worry about any little things are undoubtedly stupid.Many things seem to be related to the overall situation. If you can always ignore them, the big things will eventually become small.If you care too much about all the insignificant things, there are bound to be serious consequences.Solve the problem when it first appears, and don't procrastinate, otherwise it will be difficult to get out in the future.The drug itself is often the cause of the disease, and the first rule of life is to

Chic and open-minded.

words and deeds should have prestige

If a person can be dignified in his words and deeds, then he can win the respect of others, and no matter what he does, he will not encounter obstacles.Conversing with people, delivering speeches, and even walking steps can show majestic power everywhere.To conquer hearts is the greatest victory.It does not come from stupid self-righteousness, nor from old-fashioned procrastination, it is the unique temperament of virtuous people.

don't put on airs
The more talented a person is, the less he will put on airs.Posturing is like a viral virus that spreads far and wide, overwhelming not only yourself but others as well.Posers are careful in everything they do, they wear their own shackles, and they get the limelight.Even great geniuses can be considered arrogant and rude because of their posturing, which greatly reduces their talents.This behavior is not natural, and what is natural is more pleasing than that.In people's eyes, a poser doesn't have any talent at all, and the harder you work at something, the more you have to cover it up to show that you're born with it.Of course, you can't pretend to be aloof just to get rid of the suspicion of affectation.A wise man never flaunts his talents, and pretends not to value his talents, so that others will look at you differently.Those who are excellent and do not boast will appear extraordinarily great.He won praise from the world for his strict adherence to certain rules.

What everyone expects makes great things-7
In the world, people who can do what everyone expects are very rare.It is a blessing to be able to win the favor of wise men.People in the world always stay away from those who are facing bad luck.In fact, it is not difficult to get goodwill in return, and there are many ways to achieve it.You can excel at your work or talent, as can being refined and graceful in your manner.Turn your reputation for excellence into a dependency so that people say the job needs you, not you need the job.Some people will bring glory to their work, and some people will soar in value because of their work.Highlighting your abilities because your successor isn't up to the job is not something to brag about because it doesn't prove that you are a desirable person.

Don't dwell on other people's faults

If you always pay attention to the notoriety of others, it means that your reputation has been ruined.Covering up the faults of others in order to excuse one's own, or laughing at the faults of others in order to lessen one's own guilt, is the usual method of self-consolation of fools.This kind of people's breath is filthy, forming a stinking ditch of rumors throughout the city.The deeper you dig this stinky ditch, the more dirty and stinky you will be.Everyone has flaws, and no one will notice your flaws unless you are nobody.Wise men never get tired of talking about other people's mistakes, they are afraid of becoming a stained notebook
cover up your stupidity
People who do stupid things are not really stupid, but those who are not good at covering up afterwards are really stupid.Don't expose your flaws easily, learn to cover it up.Everyone makes mistakes, but wise people try to cover up their mistakes after making mistakes, while stupid people make mistakes and then publicize their mistakes.The acquisition of fame does not depend on merits that are aboveboard, but on the faults that a person hides.If you cannot keep yourself pure, at least you should be discreet in your words and deeds.The faults of great men are like eclipses, even a little of which draws attention.Don't tell your friends all about your mistakes, and if possible, keep them from yourself.In addition, there is an equally practical rule of life, that is, learn to forget.

Everything is calm and elegant
To liven wit, liven words, liven actions, and excellency gifts, you must always maintain poise and grace.Virtue is adorned with this grace, and abstract thought is pleasing to the eye.It tends to come from nature rather than nurture, because it cannot be acquired by skill and intelligence.This kind of demeanor can enhance people's self-confidence and make people's virtues even better.Without it, beauty will lose its vitality, and elegance will become vulgar. It is superior to bravery, fame, resourcefulness and even majesty. It can make you succeed quickly and help you get out of trouble.

have lofty aspirations

One of the elements of being a noble person is to have lofty aspirations, which can arouse people's various great feelings, and can enhance the taste, purify the soul, expand the horizon, cultivate the sentiment, and enable people to do what they want to do .A man who possesses lofty aspirations can be nourished and even depended on to escape from bad luck.The god of fate sometimes tries to completely eliminate lofty aspirations because of jealousy, but it can still choose the right time to quickly appear, and it can keep people always ambitious even if the environment is dangerous.Generosity, generosity, and all other noble qualities flow from this.

don't complain

Loss of reputation is usually due to recurring complaints.People who often complain will not only not become the object of sympathy, but will become the object of ridicule and contempt by others.In some cases, those who listen to our complaints may even emulate the people we complain about.Complaining about past shame brings future shame.I originally wanted to get help and comfort from others, but it can only make the listener feel contemptuous of you.Complimenting other people's favors to you is the best strategy, and it can help you win more favors.When you tell others how favors have been done to you by those who were not there, you are asking the listener to do the same to you, and you will be doubled.A wise man never mentions the insults he has suffered to others, but only publicizes the help others have given him.Doing so can reduce hostility and increase the number of friends.

Be practical, but also know how to show

When people judge things, they often only see its surface, but not its essence.Hard work is important, but it is also necessary to express yourself at the right time, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.Those things that people can't see, will be treated as if they don't exist.It is also difficult for truth to be properly evaluated if it seems unreasonable.There are very few people in the world who can see the essence of things, but there are people everywhere who are deceived by appearances.In an age of deceit, when people look at things, they mostly make judgments from the surface, which makes things worthy of the name very rare.External perfection is the best passport to inner perfection.

have a broad mind

The soul has its beautiful adornments, those liberty and boldness that add to the personality a kind of grace.Because this temperament requires people to have a broad mind, it is rare.With this kind of temperament, even if you are facing an enemy, you will praise him and face him with a tolerant heart.When the opportunity for vengeance arises, this type of person makes this temperament even more glamorous, and he not only forgoes vengeance, but takes advantage of it, converting an act of vengeance into an act of generosity.This is the secret of the way of controlling people.He doesn't pretend to be a winner, he never puts on airs, even if he wins by virtue of his real ability, he doesn't flaunt it.

revise one's judgment

Think twice when acting, so as to ensure safety and security.Especially when you are not sure, you must spend a lot of time improving your situation or making concessions until you can find new evidence to prove and confirm your judgment.If it is a gift for the other party, don't give it away in a hurry, and give it after careful consideration. Only in this way, the gift can be doubled by the recipient.Those long-awaited gifts are always more cherished and valued.If you are refusing what others ask for, you should consider how to make your "no" reasonable, so that it will not hurt others.Desires fade over time and rejection is easier to accept.If the other person is desperate for an answer, delaying it is a great technique for controlling someone's interest.

I'd rather be drunk with others than wake up alone

Politicians always say: "Better get drunk with others than wake up alone." If everyone is in a state of madness, you might as well go with the flow and be crazy with them.At this time, if you stay awake alone, you will be considered stupid.It is very important to pretend to lack the ability to judge right from wrong and follow everyone.Sometimes, even with great knowledge, you have to pretend to be ignorant.We have to coexist with other people, most of whom are ignorant.If you live alone, you are either upright as a god, or as savage as a beast.But I'm going to revise that sentence and declare: Better to be wise together than stupid with a stomach.People who pursue unreal things are usually those who are mavericks.

Double your stock of life's necessities

If you want to make your life richer, you might as well store more resources.Don't pin your hopes on any one thing, and don't limit yourself to any one resource, even if they are very precious and rare.Everything, especially success, favors, tastes, etc., should be doubled.The moon waxes and wanes, and the world is fickle, especially those things that depend on our fragile will to move.It is a great law of intelligent life to store more for future needs and to double those useful resources.As nature has doubled our most important and prominent limbs, so we should, by wisdom, double our stock of the necessaries of life

Don't be the opposite of everything
People who always disagree with others not only make themselves look stupid, but also attract envy from others.A wise man should try to avoid this behavior.Your contrary opinion on any matter may prove that you have some sense, but if you always stubbornly insist on your opinion and refuse to change it, it will make people think you are a fool in the end.Such people are always turning pleasant small talk into a war.They treat friends and acquaintances more like enemies than those with whom they have no relationship.Refutation during entertainment is like the sand in a delicious meal, which makes people feel disappointed.People with this behavior look like a bunch of surly, cold, brutish fools.

(End of this chapter)

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