Wisdom Book

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Don't show complacency

A person who is always dissatisfied with himself must be a weak and incompetent person.A person who is always satisfied with what he has achieved must be a stupid person.Excessive complacency born of ignorance can give you a goofy high, but it can also damage your reputation.Some people don't see perfection in others and revel in their own mediocrity.It pays and is wise to be cautious.It can make things go well, and it can also comfort you when disaster strikes.Because you are protected against disaster, when it comes, you will not lose your normalcy.Homer will also make mistakes, and Alexander will also wake up from the fiasco.Everything depends on circumstances, and sometimes circumstances can help you win, and sometimes circumstances can cause you to suffer miserably.There is always a lot of self-satisfaction growing, flowering, and spreading its seeds in the heart of a hopeless fool.

The Shortcut to True Personality

Interacting with different people can create miracles.Judgment and wit grow unconsciously as men share different habits, tastes, and even knowledge.Let the clean man associate with the indecisive, and the same goes for other temperaments.In this way you will be able to neutralize your self-cultivation without any effort.It takes great skill to be attuned to people.The ebb and flow of opposites makes the world more beautiful and keeps the universe going.This alternation makes the spiritual world more harmonious than the physical world.In choosing your friends or servants, you might as well adopt this principle, that two extremes different from each other can create a more effective mean.

don't demand others
Some people have a gloomy nature and a bad temper. In their eyes, any trivial matter will become an unforgivable heinous crime.They do this not because their motives are impure, but because of their nature.It is a tiresome nature, worse even than cruelty, to accuse anyone, before or after.Their accusations are always too much, and they even say that a problem the size of a sesame seed is as big as a watermelon, which is unbearable.Heaven will also become hell because of such people.When angry, they go to extremes in everything.On the contrary, those who are naturally good can tolerate all mistakes, believing that others have committed mistakes from good intentions or carelessness.

Before being abandoned, give up first

Before being abandoned, a wise man will first give up, which is a wise approach.Even if you are in a dangerous situation and cannot find a solution, you must work hard to end in victory. Just like the sun, in order to prevent people from seeing its sunset, it will gradually disappear behind the clouds at the most dazzling time. People will guess whether it has gone down or not?If you can foresee that misfortune is going to happen, it is wise to exit in time so that you don't collapse when misfortune arrives.Don't wait for people to shun you before quitting, because then you have no dignity and people will even send you to your grave.A smart rider knows when to change horses, lest the horse slump mid-run and become a laughingstock.A beautiful woman should choose the right time to smash the mirror, so that she will not feel sad for the mirror when she is old.

Make friends
A friend is your other life, and a friend treats you kindly and wisely.When you are together, everything will work out exactly as you want.What other people want and what they say is your value.If you want others to praise you, you must conquer his heart. Helping others is the best way to impress him.The best way to win him is to keep in contact with a friend by friendly conduct.Everything about us depends on others.People who cannot get along with friends can only become partners with enemies, and you have no other choice.Make friends with as many people as you can every day, and if they can't be your confidants, at least they can become your advocates.Choose your friends carefully, some of them will become your lifelong close friends.

win the favor of others

Even a high God wins the favor of others in the greatest things.Gaining the favor of others can be exchanged for a good reputation.Those who are overconfident in their own abilities always ignore the role of this aspect, but wise men can always clearly realize this.If a person can get help from others, he will be even more powerful, producing a multiplier effect.The kindness of others moves things forward and provides all the qualities you lack, such as courage, sincerity, wisdom, and even prudence.It doesn't want to poke your scars, so it doesn't hunt around for your flaws.There are two sources of goodwill, one is substantive, based on similar personalities, races, families, countries or occupations.One is immaterial, such as intelligence, responsibility, fame, and ability.It's hard to win someone's favor, but it's easy to maintain it.After working hard to win the favor of others, you should learn how to use it to your advantage.

When you are proud, prepare for when you are frustrated

It's wise and easy to do your homework beforehand.When good luck strikes you, you will have many friends, and they will all help you.At this time, you should be prepared for bad luck, because when you are in adversity, getting help from others will become your extravagant hope, even if others are willing to help you, you need to pay a high price to get it.Have some friends and people who are grateful to you, and one day you will find that these seemingly insignificant people suddenly have great value.A vile man cannot have friends, because when things are going well for them he wants no one to be friends with, and when things are bad he wants no one to be friends with

don't fight your opponent
When you battle your opponents, your reputation suffers.Your opponents will do everything they can to find your flaws, just to discredit you.No one can fight a glorious war.When the two sides treat each other with courtesy, the flaws are often covered up; when the two sides are in a state of hostility, the covered up flaws are exposed.Many people have good reputations before they make enemies, but when they do battle with their opponents, those deep-seated shames and rumors of the past are revived.After the battle begins, people will use all shady means.When verbal abuse fails to achieve results, both parties will expose each other's scars, and all dishonorable things will be exposed by the other party.Kind people usually have peace of mind, and even if they have to get involved in a fight, they will show affection to their opponents.

Tolerate the shortcomings of acquaintances

Tolerate the flaws of an acquaintance as you would an ugly face.If you want something from them, catering is the best strategy.Some people have mean words and deeds, and it is difficult for us to get along with them, but we cannot live without them.A wise man will choose to tolerate them at this time, just like seeing people with ugly looks, they will not be overly surprised if they see a lot of them.At first, the shortcomings of your acquaintances will be hard to bear, but as you get used to them, they will be less annoying.We are careful to guard against the faults of our acquaintances, and at the same time tolerate their unpleasantness as much as possible.

deal with people of principle

Often deal with principled people, and use words and deeds in exchange for their favor.These people have an open mind and an upright way of dealing with things. Even if they have a misunderstanding with you, they will treat you fairly.I would rather argue with a noble person than conquer a despicable person.Despicable people have no sense of morality and principle, and it is difficult for us to get along with them, so it is impossible to form a real friendship with them.Don't trust their sweet talk, because they have no sense of honor.The sense of honor is the crown of personality, and those who do not have a sense of honor should be avoided. Since they do not value honor, they will inevitably despise morality.

don't talk too much about yourself
Don't talk too much about yourself, because when you talk about yourself, you are either boasting or blaming yourself.The former is due to vanity, while the latter is due to low self-esteem. Both will make you lose your correct judgment and make others feel unhappy.This should be avoided by ordinary people, and even more so by people of high positions, who often speak in public, where even the slightest act of stupidity is punished by others. ridicule.It is also unwise to talk about another person in front of one person. You will be considered as flattery, or as accusation or criticism, which will put you in an embarrassing situation.

Gain a reputation for being courteous and courteous

If you want to gain the favor of everyone, you should establish a reputation for being courteous and courteous.Etiquette is an important part of culture and can make people charming.An arrogant and disrespectful person makes others hate, and an uneducated person makes others despise.Excessive etiquette is not blamed, but lack of it is blamed.This principle also applies to other things, the lack of etiquette will lead to injustice.The most commendable thing is to treat enemies with courtesy.Treating people with courtesy doesn't need to pay a lot, but it can make a lot of gains: those who respect others are respected by others.It is the benefit of being courteous to benefit others without losing anything to oneself.

don't offend others
Disgust usually comes uninvited, so don't arouse resentment at any time.Some people always dislike others for no reason, and because their dislike always goes first, we can never win their liking.Such people are bad by nature and like to hurt others and themselves.There are others who are always devising ways to be hostile, either because they like to cause unpleasantness, or because they enjoy it.For this kind of people, once disgust arises, it will follow them like a bad name, and it will never be eliminated.The wise are feared, the vicious are hated, the rude are despised, the funny are despised, and the eccentric are repelled.If you want to win the respect of others, you must first learn to respect others; if you want to win the praise of others, you must first learn to praise others.

life is practical

Life should be practical, and knowledge should also be practical.Even if you have excellent knowledge, it is wise to pretend that you don't know anything in front of everyone.Everyone's way of thinking will keep pace with the times, and so will taste.Don't let your thoughts be as outdated as the ancients, but let your taste keep up with the pace of the times.No matter what field you are in, you should first follow the taste led by the majority, only in this way can you lead it to a higher level.No matter how beautiful the past is, a wise man will make adjustments to himself at the right time, including the coat of thought and the packaging of the body.But for the word "good", this universally applicable law will fail, because no matter in what era, people need to do good all the time.Things like telling the truth and being honest seem outdated these days, and kind people seem to belong to the good old days, but are actually still missed.In today's world, although such people exist, they have become extremely rare, and no one will emulate them.We live in a deplorable time when good is seldom found and evil reigns supreme!The wise can only do their best, although they have difficulty living according to their own wishes.Instead of complaining that you have no chance to ask fate, it is better to cherish what fate has already bestowed.

(End of this chapter)

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