Wisdom Book

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

sell things, come with courtesy

A savvy seller can also offer a sense of courteousness when making a sale, which can be appreciated.The price offered by an interested buyer can never compare with the gift from the beneficiary.Although etiquette is not a gift, it does make others feel that they have been favored.And generosity is a huge debt of favor.Nothing is more expensive to the virtuous than getting something for nothing, and you are effectively selling an item twice: once for the actual price of the item, and once for the gracious value, and you are equivalent to Get double the price.You should note that courtesies are noise to scoundrels, because they cannot understand polite speech.

Get to know the personality of the person you're dating
Knowing the character of the person you associate with allows you to see through their true intentions.Only by knowing the cause of things can we know the result.Know his character before you can know his motives.The melancholy person foresees all misfortune, and the negative person sees only flaws. They cannot see the good side of things, but always think of the bad side, and therefore often regard possible evil as inevitable.A person who is controlled by passion will always talk about things that are quite different from what they really are, because their passion has occupied their hearts and they have lost their reason.Everyone expresses his opinion according to his feelings and moods, and the result is naturally all far away from reality.You should know how to decipher a person's expression, so as to gain insight into the secrets deep in his heart.He who laughs all the time is a fool, and he who never laughs is a hypocrite.Beware of those who frequently ask you questions.He's either looking for your secrets, or he's critical but has scruples.Don't expect anything from the evil-faced person. Such a person always feels that God has not cared for him, so he has little respect for nature.Beauty and stupidity often go hand in hand.

stay charming

Maintain a charming demeanor, which is an attraction that suits others.Earn people's goodwill and their favor with grace and courtesy.Virtue alone is not enough if it is not supported by grace.Demeanor is the basic element for people to be accepted by everyone, and it is also the most practical means to control others.If people find your demeanor, it will be your luck, but this kind of luck needs the help of self-cultivation.The combination of natural talent and acquired cultivation will produce unexpected results.Manners beget kindness, and end in general favor.

Go with the flow and maintain your self-esteem

Don't always put on an air of sophistication or grievance just to appear personable.In order to win people's favor, you may have to compromise some dignity.Sometimes you can go with the flow, but don't cross the line of etiquette.You will be seen as stupid in public, and you will not be considered smart in private.You lose more in a day of fun than you gain in years of hard work.Don't be an outlier, being different is taunting others.Don't be overly sensitive and leave this behavior to women.The best quality in a man is to be manly.A woman can copy a man, and maybe act differently, but a man copying a woman can be very weird.

know how to perfect your character
It is generally believed that a person's personality changes every seven years, and his taste becomes more refined.After the first seven years, we reach the age of reason.Since then, every seven years, a merit has graced us.Observe this natural change, promote its development, and strive to make other aspects of yourself develop simultaneously.Many people change their position and occupation, and their behavior changes accordingly, but they don't notice it at first, and it is often when they find that the change is so great.Let yourself be a peacock at 20, a lion at 30, a camel at 40, a poisonous snake at 50, a dog at 60, a monkey at 70, and nothing at all until 80 .

Timely showcase your talents

Everyone has the opportunity to show their talents, and they should be good at grasping it, because it is impossible for a person to achieve success every day.Brilliant people can display even small talents, and when their great talents are displayed, they will be amazing.If you have talent and know how to show it, you will be considered a miracle.There are countries whose entire population is good at presenting themselves, and the Spaniards are exemplary in this regard.God has given us perfect talents for us to display.Of course, this kind of display also requires superb skills. Even outstanding talents also depend on the environment. Untimely display can only make you pay for nothing without getting any results.Nor should we show affectation in the display of our talents, for otherwise it will be repugnant, and it will invite contempt for being vain.At this time, we should be temperate and imaginary, so as not to become vulgar.Too much talent will be dismissed by wise men.Sometimes a silent eloquence, a casual display, is all that is needed.Judicious disguising is the most effective means of winning praise, and precisely because it is hidden from people's sight, it only arouses their curiosity.Don't show your talents all at once, but show them gradually.Win one brilliant success before proceeding to the next one, and expect more successes after receiving warm applause.

don't stand out
Don't let yourself stand out for everything, even your strengths, if they are known, will become your weaknesses, and you will be snubbed and even laughed at as a weirdo.Even beauty can damage your reputation by being overdressed, because it is too ostentatious and invites envy from others.Notorious eccentricities can have this effect even more.There are those who seek to have their reputations tarnished in any way they can, simply by trying to make a name for themselves by doing novel and evil deeds.Even knowledge, if talked about too much, will become unrealistic speech.

don't answer questions that criticize you
If someone disagrees with you, you must first find out whether he is a cunning person or a vulgar person.This behavior is not always out of stubbornness, sometimes there may be some kind of conspiracy involved.So you have to pay more attention, because the former will put you in trouble, and the latter will put you in danger.To prevent others from spying, being cautious is the best way to deal with it.When others have the key to your mind, you should leave the key of vigilance behind the lock.

be an upright person

Good morals have disappeared, there are very few people who are honest, and even few people can treat others with courtesy. This is the way people do things now.All over the world, the more you give, the less you get back.There are also countries where all citizens are unwilling to treat others well.Some people are afraid of others breaking their promises, some people are afraid of others breaking their promises, and some people are afraid of being deceived.Watch out for these despicable acts, not to imitate them, but to protect us from harm.The self-destructive behavior of others can make our honesty and trustworthiness disappear.However, a truly noble person will not forget what he should do because he sees the bad behavior of others.

win the appreciation of the wise
The warm applause of ordinary people is far worse than the plain "yes" of outstanding people.Don't be complacent about the praise of worldly people.There is insight in the words of wise men, and their praise can bring lasting satisfaction.The sage Antigonus ① (①Antigonus, King of Macedon, highly admired Zeno, the founder of the Stoic school.) became famous because of his admiration of Zeno, and Plato also believed that Aristotle was alone will be able to offset all his students.There are those who are indifferent to the consumption of poor food, because they seek only to feed themselves.Even princes need manipulators of words, who are more afraid of the rafter's brush than an ugly man is of a painter's paintbrush.

not showing up, thus making oneself more respected
Public presence damages your reputation, absence increases it.Those who are regarded as lions in absence are regarded as mice when they are present.Genius loses its brilliance if it is always misused, because people see only the shell and not the essence.Compared with vision, the energy of imagination is greater.Deception enters through the ears, but the eyes see through it.Open groups and masses can keep your reputation.Even the phoenix will rarely show up in order to preserve its dignity, which arouses the desire of the world to see it.

have the ability to discover

Possessing the talent of discovery is a manifestation of a top genius, but when is a genius without a trace of madness?If being good at discovering is a natural talent, being good at choosing is a sign of good judgment.Being good at finding is different from ordinary favors, and very rare.Many people want to find out the details of a thing after it is discovered, but it is often a few geniuses who discover it first.These geniuses are the best in talent and ahead of time.Novelty makes people curious, and if successful, it will be doubly glorious.When judgment is required, it is very dangerous to pursue novelty, because things often contain some specious things; in terms of invention and creation, the pursuit of novelty is worthy of approval.If both are successful, then all deserve applause.

(End of this chapter)

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