lazy tang

Chapter 627 Guangzhou

Chapter 627 Guangzhou
Although tides exist every day, Luermen is a bit evil.The high tide in this place does not happen every day, Yunhao waited helplessly outside Luermen.Inside the Luermen, it was unusually quiet, occasionally two small boats poked their heads out.As soon as he saw the shadows of the two giant ships, he immediately retracted.

The bright moon hangs high in the sky, and the swell beats against the ship's side of Zhenhai.Here comes the tide, a big one.The swell was more than one foot high, and the broken waves could even splash onto the deck.This is an astronomical tide. The old fisherman on board said that he has never seen such a tide in his whole life.

The billowing black smoke and the roar of machinery accompanied by the deafening sound of the sea tide, the huge hull of the Zhenhai began to move forward.Behind him, followed by the same huge Dinghai.The two warships, like two prehistoric beasts, rushed into the rocky Luermen along the majestic tide.

Yunhao's heart was in his throat, he was going to go through a big battle today.Perhaps, only the battle in Shuofang City can be compared with it.Putting them to death and then reviving, my four thousand soldiers are facing thirty thousand vicious pirates.

Prepared for the worst, Yun Hao even prepared a bucket of gunpowder by his side.The tens of thousands of wronged souls in Quanzhou City made Yun Hao sleepless at night, as long as he closed his eyes, he could see the violent scenes of pirates.Rows of human heads, naked female corpses.A child with a ripped stomach, an old man who was burnt to ashes...!The evil deeds done by the pirates are simply too numerous to write down.

Even though he had made all the preparations, the scene when he rushed into Luermen still surprised Yunhao.There are only a dozen small boats in the harbor swaying with the waves, and there seem to be many people on the shore.But there is no bonfire!Yun Hao hesitated for a long time before letting Cheng Chumo lead the marines into the boat to check.

Cheng Chumo was extremely nervous, and the three small boats were filled with only 100 people.There are tens of thousands of pirates on the opposite side, when they are close to the pirate ship.The match ignited the Molotov cocktail and threw it vigorously.In a short while, the raging fire engulfed the ships.Surprisingly, there was no one on board.

Borrowing fire and moonlight, the boat rushed to the beach cautiously.The above scene made Cheng Chumo's eyes widen.

"Run away?" Yun Hao never dreamed that this would be the result.I was trapped in Luermen for ten days, and Zhang Zhongjian escaped in the dark ten days ago.

"They ran away! The boats we saw all came back after being broken up by us. When they came back, Zhang Zhongjian had already run away." Cheng Chumo replied with difficulty.

The scene in front of me was only seen in the concentration camp in the movie.There are emaciated people and stinking corpses everywhere.Every corpse was covered with flies, and swarms of flies would fly into the air when people approached.It sounded like a bomber was taking off.

Tens of thousands of people were captured from Quanzhou by Zhang Zhongjian just to build this water village.Months of non-stop work have exhausted all their energy.Because of the hot weather, both men and women were topless, with only a piece of cloth covering their crotch.You can clearly see their exposed ribs and unhealed wounds.Some had inflamed wounds, with round maggots crawling on them.The hell on earth is nothing more than that!
What a Zhang Zhongjian, he ran away and left behind tens of thousands of people to hold him back.I really want to leave these tens of thousands of people behind and chase Zhang Zhongjian, but I can't!These are in terrible physical condition and the weather is hot in the south.Once a plague occurs, it is difficult to say how many people will survive in the end.

"Don't give them so much food, they will be stuffed to death if they are hungry for so long. Set up the pot and make porridge! Put more water and less rice, and get more pickles." Yun Hao kicked Yuchi who was distributing the food angrily. Bao Lin kicked, this rascal just gave a big cake to a little girl.After being hungry for such a long time, eating this big cake will definitely make me hungry.

Gouzi is hard at work making porridge, and the uncle said that if he can support a dead person, he can support a dead person.A lot of water was added to the rice porridge, and it was stirred desperately with a stick.Although the porridge is thin, it must be fragrant.The Yun family has never done things carelessly.

A coconut shell stretched out in front of the dog, and behind the bamboo pole-like arm was an immature face, as dirty as a little cat.The hair is unkempt, like a chicken coop.Gouzi even saw some unknown little creatures crawling between the hairs.Everyone in the Yun family loves to be clean, but they don't feel uncomfortable looking at this dirty guy.He personally scooped up a spoonful of rice porridge and poured it into the coconut shell. Zhang Zhongjian didn't even leave the earthenware bowl for them.When they eat, they use coconut shells.

"Thank you!" He spoke in Hokkien, but Gouzi could barely understand it.Smiling without saying a word, he casually broke a small piece of pancake for the child.The ones Zhang Zhongjian brought here were all young and strong, such a young child is really an odd number.

"Give more to the child!" said a fellow with an equally disheveled head behind him.

Gouzi glanced at him, and saw a bag-like nipple on his chest.His mother, Zhang Zhongjian, doesn't treat him like a human being.He waved his hand and said, "Let's go! Eating too much is not good for him."

"Please, give the child more. He hasn't eaten for three days!" the child's mother cried.

"Go! Go! Go! There are still people behind!" Gouzi waved his hands irritably, how can anyone know the truth of what uncle said!
Cheng Chumo on the side frowned, the members of the Yun family just accepted death.As far as Yun Hao is concerned, he has never seen the Yun family disobey. "Deadly!" Cheng Chumo muttered, and quietly walked behind the child.A large pancake fell to the ground unintentionally, and Cheng Chumo didn't seem to notice and went straight away.

"Thank you!" The woman knelt on the ground and silently kowtowed to Cheng Chu who was leaving.Then he immediately picked up the pancake and stuffed it like a duck into the child's mouth desperately.It must be eaten quickly, even if it is in the mouth, those bastards will take it out of the child's mouth and eat it.This means that the soldiers of the imperial court came in time, and in a few days his mother and child might be eaten.

"Mother...! Uh...!" The child rolled his eyes from being stuffed with big pancakes, and took a big mouthful of porridge before recovering, without any estimate of the astonishing temperature of the porridge.That is to say, the porridge should be boiled thinly, otherwise the child would be choked to death.

Even so, only less than half of the cake was stuffed in, and a group of shirtless guys surrounded it.A bunch of dirty hands grabbed it, and the child's mother screamed loudly in fright. She knew it was useless, but she still wanted to scream.Who let her man be hacked to death by pirates!
"Get out!" The voice of justice suddenly sounded, and the young captain just rushed over.Halfway out of the horizontal knife in his hand, those dirty hands disappeared.The woman lay down on the ground and kowtowed silently to Cheng Chu, while the child was picking up broken cakes on the ground and stuffing them with sand into his mouth.

Hearing the toothache "creak", Cheng Chumo turned his head and left.I can't stand it!

Yuchi Baolin was not interested in giving porridge, he carried a horizontal knife and patrolled around.When you see a lawless guy, go up with a scabbard.Bad guys are always everywhere, Yun Hao made the porridge thinner again.People who have been hungry for three days can drink it as soon as they raise their necks.Then those strong and strong people stared at the porridge in other people's coconut shells.

The small-scale robbery was unstoppable. After throwing out a few guys, Xiong Kuohai drew the horizontal knife directly.There was a burst of left and right slashing, and the situation quickly subsided under the residual value of broken arms.Especially after some stumps and bloody heads were thrown around, the order was in a mess.Tens of thousands of people quickly became good citizens, the kindest citizens.

"Marshal, we don't have much food in stock. Zhang Zhongjian took all the food, and these people have been hungry for three or four days. If we want to feed them, we have to go to Guangzhou to adjust the food." Wang Zhe looked quickly deflated Going down to the granary, he said with some worry.

Yun Hao shook his head helplessly, gruel could not feed so many people.Tens of thousands of people want to be transported back to land, not only need ships but also time.Zhang Zhongjian's plan succeeded, ten days was not enough for him to escape Yunhao's pursuit.But with so many people, it is possible to settle so many people well.Don't even think about it for ten or eight days, this time he has enough time to fly away.There is even time to go back to Jiaozhi's old lair and take away the results of the robbery over the years.

In the vast sea, it is not easy to find him.Let the thief enter the sea!Others don't know, but Yunhao knows how wide the ocean in this world is.Zhang Zhongjian was terrified of being beaten this time, so he decided to go to sea.God knows where he will hide!
fly!The Zhang Zhongjian who got to the mouth is considered to have flown!
"I seized some ships, took some people on board and sent them back to the mainland. You and Li Wenzhong go to Guangzhou immediately. The Dinghai ship should be enough to feed these people for a few days." Yun Hao was helpless and could only turn to Feng An for help. up.

"No!" Wang Zhe nodded helplessly.Let him deal with Feng Ang very much, and it really makes him very frightened.The Duke of Yue is the King of Lingnan, and Feng An's greed is well known in the world.

"Forget it! Let me go!" Yun Hao shook his head helplessly, it would be cruel for Wang Zhe to deal with Feng An.The difference in status can make Feng An eat Wang Zhe to death.No matter what conditions Feng An throws out, Wang Zhe can only follow through.Then Feng An didn't open his mouth like a lion?
"No!" Wang Zhe breathed a sigh of relief, the word of Duke Yue's greed had already spread.I really can't imagine how I will deal with this powerful Duke.It's better to let the two princes deal with each other, as the Stove Lord himself can't afford to offend the Great God.

Leaving the Dinghai and almost all the food, Yunhao took the Zhenhai and set off.

Penghu is actually not too far from Guangzhou, and the Zhenhai arrived in Guangzhou after a day and a night of running.

This is the first time Yunhao has come to Guangzhou, no matter in his previous life or this life.The tall blue brick city wall stands on the bank of the Pearl River, and Yun Hao has only experienced it under the cities of Chang'an and Luoyang.The land in the Pearl River Delta is fertile and suitable for farming.As early as the Qin and Han Dynasties, Guangzhou became part of China's Shenzhou.Here is rich in two crops of rice, two crops a year so that Guangzhou people do not have to worry about hunger.The rise of maritime trade made Guangzhou prosperous.

During the war at the end of the Sui Dynasty, there was no military disaster in the north here.Guangzhou under Feng Ang's rule even surpassed Chang'an in terms of wealth.

But looking at the population, it can be seen that after ten years of recuperation, Luoyang still cannot recuperate from the wars of the year.There are few residential houses outside the city wall, and there is no scene of Guangzhou.Outside the city walls are also densely populated residential buildings, as if it is another city.There are many masts in the port, and the people on the pier are rubbing shoulders.The porters worked hard to disembark the cargo from the ship, while the other side was loading the cargo onto the ship.

Unloading and loading at the same time, it can be seen that Guangzhou's shipping is busy.Feng An made a fortune in a muffled voice, and told Li Er that the taxes in Guangzhou were beyond the means.He actually had the face to ask Li Er for help. If Li Er saw the scene in front of him, he would probably suffer a stroke.

From the moment Zhenyuanhao entered the Pearl River Estuary with its huge body shaking, there were flying horses running towards the city of Guangzhou.Feng An came out curiously to see that he had heard from Tan Ma a few days ago that the imperial court had sent two huge ships.There is no sail and there is black smoke, but the speed is as fast as a galloping horse.Feng An decided that Tan Ma was crazy, and ordered someone to drag him down and beat him to death with a casual order.Now it seems that the scout died a bit wronged.

But Feng An didn't want to correct it, a scout died as soon as he died.The Feng family, when did they have the bad habit of apologizing?

Standing on a flat boat is a seventh-rank official in a green robe who looks like a praying mantis, who knows what he is shouting.The damn Cantonese sounded to Yunhao, but it was another fucking language.The boat is very small, that is, an ordinary fishing boat.When the Zhenhai passed by, it carefully avoided the fishing boat.But the Pearl River is so wide, the boat was still swallowed by the waves from the Zhenhai.

The seventh-rank official was thrashing in the water, still shouting.Yunhao felt that he seemed to be calling for help!

I'm not sure if I can dock on the pier, and it's a big joke to be stranded at this time.

Wang Zhe was sent ashore by the boat, and Yun Hao clearly saw Feng An also on the pier through the binoculars.Yun Hao couldn't do anything to ask himself to visit him in a small boat.

Madam Xian's noble blood has deteriorated, and she has become a villain who only cares about profit and has no shame.Quanzhou City fell for more than three months, and Feng An was able to stand still and watch Zhang Zhongjian slaughter wantonly in Quanzhou City.Quanzhou is not very close to Guangzhou, but you should have climbed there after three months...!Looking at Feng An now, he has no intention of going to Quanzhou at all.There is still a face on the pier, smiling and waving to himself.

Yun Hao's behavior was very disrespectful, which can be said to be contempt for Feng An.But Feng An immediately agreed to Wang Zhe's invitation on behalf of Yunhao, because he really wanted to see what kind of ghost this huge ship was.Sailing so fast without sails!

Yue Guogong's spectrum is very large, but he really can't find a ship that can rival the Zhenhai.In fact, looking at Datang, only the Dinghai can be compared with the Zhenhai.

Feng An found the largest ship in Guangzhou, and then sailed towards the Zhenhai ship with arrogance.But when he got under the Zhenhai, Feng An was a little discouraged.Because the largest ship in Guangzhou, the deck is seven or eight feet shorter than the Zhenhai.The majestic Duke of Yue needs to climb a rope ladder to go up.

(End of this chapter)

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