Chapter 74

"I don't want to help anyone, I'm just telling the truth!" He Jing waved her hand innocently, blinking her beautiful long eyelashes a few times.Then she leaned closer to her ear: "To be honest, you really don't feel anything about him?"

Ning Xuan was stunned, biting her lip subconsciously: "I don't know~Actually, I don't hate him. Sometimes he treats me nicely, sometimes he is very fierce. I can't tell what it feels like~~"

"Uh~ so, it's probably your own problem. You shouldn't consciously reject him, right?" He Jing frowned.

"I used to find it hard to understand him, but now I'm a little afraid of him~" Ning Xuan hesitated, she didn't know when she became so unsteady, she used to be so clear about her mind, so sure I like Yonghang, and I have never had the slightest hesitation.

"Heh~ afraid of him?" He Jing laughed incredulously, and said exaggeratedly: "He Ningxuan, do you still have someone to be afraid of? Why does he make you feel scary?"

"Why is it gone?" Ning Xuan frowned angrily: "I can't tell why, but I'm a little scared~"

"Haha~" He Jing laughed more and more happily: "Then this man is really top-notch!"

Ning Xuan felt very speechless. She didn't understand whether He Jing's words were a compliment to Chen Yumo or a satire on her, but she didn't bother to understand.

"Sister He, don't laugh, I'm serious."

He Jing pondered for a while, and finally calmed down: "Oh, I don't understand, you also know that Sister He and I have never been troubled by men's problems~ So, I really have more than enough energy but not enough energy~ "

"However, I hope you are happy~ No matter who gave it to you." He Jing thought about it again, and she was extremely serious.

"Thank you, Sister He." Ning Xuan gently held her hand, a little moved.

"Silly girl! This is so touching~" He Jing smiled and tapped her on the head: "Work hard! No matter what happens, don't forget that Ning Yuan is the hard work of your parents, and you have the responsibility to do it well." good."

"Well, I got it, I will work hard!" Ning Xuan also smiled, and what Sister He said made her feel suddenly enlightened. She had heard a philosopher say before that no matter what kind of tragedy happened, life would always be the same. Still have to go on, no one can resist.What's more, her current situation is not too bad, and there will always be a way to solve it.

When she sat back in the office again, she secretly cheered herself up, work hard, and get Ning Yuan done well as soon as possible, maybe she can take the initiative in her marriage with Chen Yumo as soon as possible.No matter how important Yonghang is to her, they have been separated before. In the years without him, she still continued to live and laugh heartlessly. It was possible before, and it will be possible now.Because I still love him, I don't want to embarrass him, let alone delay his future, so I elope with him regardless.

The ends of the earth, no matter where, it is good to have you~ After all, it is just a beautiful oath, the reality is not only skinny but also cruel.

After figuring this out, she made up her mind to concentrate on her work.In fact, it is strange to say that when a person puts all his thoughts on work, his work efficiency will be very high. At this moment, Ning Xuan has a deep understanding.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In another office, the pen in Chen Yumo's hand kept circling the document, fidgety and hasty.He wanted to finish these earlier, but couldn't calm down.An inexplicable sense of fear welled up in his heart, and it became more and more intense~ Finally, he stopped the pen and held it firmly in his hand, trying to grab something~
But he also knows that love is not a transaction, nor can it be taken by force.Just like the sand in your hand, the harder you grab it, the faster it will be lost~~ This truth, most people understand, but how many people can really do it?At least for now, his emotions have overcome his reason, and he can't let go even if he wants to.

There was a knock on the door, which interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in." He looked up and let go of the pen in his hand.

"Mr. Chen, this is the plan for the project to be developed recently. Take a look. If there is any problem, I will make changes." Secretary Zhang Ran handed over the document in his hand.

"Okay." Chen Yumo turned the pages and frowned slightly: "Has the city approved the development of the land in the east of the city?"

"It doesn't seem to be there yet. I heard that the application has not yet reached Mayor Tang's hands. It should still be with the mayor's secretary~" Zhang Ran paused and said truthfully.

"Secretary to the mayor? Ye Yonghang?" Chen Yumo frowned even more. He almost forgot that Ye Yonghang still had some power in his hands. Although he has not been back from abroad for a long time, he has made a lot of political achievements these days and it is easy. So he climbed up to the position of secretary to the mayor.What's more, he was backed by his mayor's uncle.

"In addition, we still have several development projects that need to be approved by the city, so~~" Zhang Ran looked a little embarrassed, seeing that Chen Yumo was not very happy, so he didn't dare to say more.

"Okay, I got it. I'll look at the plan first, and I'll come to you if I have any questions." Chen Yumo pressed his temple and said slowly.

"Well, then I'll go out first."

Chen Yumo nodded, then shook the document away forcefully, feeling even more irritable. Did this Ye Yonghang do it on purpose?Deliberately withholding the application for project approval, do you want him to go to him in person?On the night when Ning Xuan was drunk, he was clearly watching from the car not far away, but he didn't come out to stop her.He felt that it was not that simple. Ye Yonghang is definitely not stupid than him. If he wants to get Ning Xuan back, he must have to work hard, and he can even play tricks, and his chance of winning must be greater than him, because That woman loves him.

If he, Chen Yumo, lost, he would definitely lose on this point, before and now.

(End of this chapter)

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