Chapter 87
"Sister, try it, it's absolutely delicious." Wang Jing did not forget to advertise her breakfast.

Zhou Qingqing took a sip of the porridge, it was smooth, slightly sweet and delicious, and she picked up a bun with chopsticks and bit it, the meaty smell in her mouth was filled with white noodles, and she wished she could eat her tongue.

"It's delicious, lady boss, your craftsmanship is really good, I will come to you for breakfast every day from now on."

"Welcome, welcome." Zhang Lanzhi was very happy when she heard customers praised her for her craftsmanship and said that she came to eat every day, and she was not afraid of poor business.

Think about the first customer saying yes, but not coming later.

Not to mention, Zhou Qingqing wanted to come here for breakfast this week after she finished speaking, and someone came over to eat, and as soon as the opening started, the subsequent business came one after another, and everyone exaggerated that Laneige made delicious food, and the quantity was sufficient Fresh and delicious.

The more people there are, the more motivated they are. The three Wang Jing sisters and brothers kept helping to serve meals, serve buns, wash dishes, and wipe the table. Zhang Lanzhi was busy frying fried dough sticks and oil cakes. It took less than an hour, early in the morning. All the prepared ones were bought early, and the mother and son smiled happily and narrowed their eyes.

After a busy morning, I was so tired that I didn't even have a chance to rest, but I didn't feel tired in my heart. Instead, my heart was full of hope and hope.

After the last customer had finished eating, Wang Jing asked her younger siblings to clean up the dishes. She helped Zhang Lanzhi move the stove and pot heads to the trolley, and put the used dishes and chopsticks in the bucket and took them home to wash. They were all the same. tidy up.

Looking at the remaining rubbish on the ground, Wang Jing ran to a shop on the street and picked up a broom to sweep up the rubbish. She took the rubbish and swept it to a fixed rubbish dump on the street. Then she returned the broom and said thank you with a smile.

Wang Fulai quietly watched her sister run back to pick up the broom to sweep the floor, and was puzzled. Wasn't someone sweeping the floor? "Sister, why are you sweeping the floor?"

Wang Jing tapped Wang Fulai's forehead, but the kid dodged it, and put down her hand in dissatisfaction, "Of course we have to clean up the dirty ones." Wang Jing didn't understand why her brother asked such a stupid question.

"Didn't someone sweep it? And I saw that other people left after doing business without cleaning it." Isn't this superfluous?

"Yes! Sis, you're not tired after being busy this morning!" Wang Li also listened to Wang Jing's movements, obviously wanting to know why?
Wang Jing smiled and said, "It's tiring, but if our family is going to do business here for a long time in the future, we must clean it up. We love cleanliness, and customers can rest assured. If you say that we will leave after finishing our business every day, we will leave a pile of rubbish behind. Can the sweeper have no objection and don’t say anything else. Did you see the first customer who came here for breakfast today? You said that if she didn’t see that our place is clean and tastes good, she can explain that if she comes back tomorrow, then It’s not like our family is the only one who buys breakfast on the street, does anyone have a shop?”

Wang Jing looked at her younger siblings in deep thought, met Zhang Lanzhi's eyes, and knew that her mother was also listening, and said, "This food should not only taste good, but the most important thing is to be hygienic. If we only taste good, it will be hygienic." But it is not clean, who would want to come here for the second time, now everyone’s conditions are better, and they are starting to pay attention to the safety and hygiene of this food. Clean it up, people who come and go on the street must think that our family is reliable and down-to-earth, and they must have a good impression of us, and they will reach out to help if they have a good impression of us."

She was a clean person in her previous life, she never littered, and if she got popular afterwards, she would pick up the garbage before leaving. This is responsible for herself and the environment.

The environment is good, and I feel comfortable looking at it.

"That's right, let's bring a broom tomorrow too. It's not good to always borrow someone else's." It was too much trouble for others, and she couldn't bear it. After hearing Wang Jing's words, Zhang Lanzhi felt that what she said was very reasonable, that is, if she If I go to eat, I'm sure I'd like to choose me who is healthy, otherwise why would I spend that money?
"Sister, what you said is really reasonable, and I won't mess with you in the future." Wang Li patted her chest to assure her.

"I will supervise you." Wang Fulai said solemnly.

"Go, who wants you to supervise." Said as if she had no self-discipline, Wang Li turned her head away from looking at Wang Fulai, her younger brother just liked to fight against her, obviously they were all the same before.

"Hehe, well, as long as you remember to protect the environment, everyone is responsible. We must lead by example and develop good habits, and good habits will last us a lifetime." In her previous life, she knew a lot when she was Mu Jing. Good habits have a great impact on yourself or others.

Take the child and the mother as an example. The mother is a gentle, kind-hearted person who is very principled in doing things. Her children learn the same things from her as the mother.Parents are children's first teachers, and your behavior is the object that children imitate, so it is necessary to develop good habits.

The teacher also said this, good habits will benefit him for life, Wang Fulai admired this sister more and more, and said the same thing as the teacher.Now my sister is getting better and better. He likes her now, she is assertive, confident and smart.She hopes that her sister will always maintain this state.

Walking along the way was easier than when we came here, and it didn't feel so heavy when the things were sold out. Wang Jing and Zhang Lanzhi didn't feel very tired when they changed the carts. They walked very quickly and arrived home in a short time.

Back home, Jiang Xiaohua was preparing lunch in the kitchen. Wang Jing went to the kitchen to scoop out hot water to help Zhang Lanzhi wash the dishes and steamer. in the room.Several people worked together, and the washing was done quickly.

After washing, Wang Jing hugged Zhang Lanzhi and went to the room to sit down, and asked Zhang Lanzhi to take out the money and count it to see how much she had earned.

Zhang Lanzhi also wanted to know how much money she had earned today, so she took out the cloth bag containing the money while Wang Jing and her siblings looked at her eagerly, and slowly counted with their fingers wet with saliva.

"26 yuan, that's a lot." Zhang Lanzhi looked at the money in his hand in disbelief, my God, 26 yuan, this is half a month's wages for urban workers, and it's not me who earns so much in one day Wrong number!
"That's right, why don't you count?" Wang Li couldn't believe it, she was too shocked, "Sister, did you hear what Mom said?"

"I heard it." Wang Jing twitched her lips speechlessly, of course she heard her mother's exclamation so loudly.And count the money no less than three times, okay?How can I count wrong.

"Mom, let's count together, it won't be wrong. If you don't believe me, you can ask my brother." Wang Jing doesn't want to count, it's very difficult to get it right.

Wang Fulai nodded at Zhang Lanzhi, "Mom, that's right." It was indeed 26 yuan, and he was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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