Chapter 86
After a while, the meaty smell of the steamed stuffed buns wafted out of the pot, and the white smoke from the gap in the steamer carried a scent of meat and the fragrance of wheat.The porridge is also ready, then change a clean pot and pour rapeseed oil in it, when the oil temperature is 1% hot, knead the awakened dough into long strips with chopsticks two fingers wide and put them in the oil pan When fried, the dough swelled as soon as it was touched with oil. Wang Jing immediately took the extra-long wooden chopsticks and gently peeled it from the side. The fritters were fried in less than [-] minute, golden and fragrant.

"It smells so good!" Wang Li sniffed, her eyes widened when she was so hungry, it smelled so good, if only she could eat it.

"Think about it, hurry up and help put the dishes and chopsticks away. The table is being checked." Wang Jing was also very nervous. This was the first time her family was doing business, and she ordered the twin siblings to check carefully for fear of any flaws.

"Sister, it's already very clean." Wang Li listened to Wang Jing's words and checked carefully while playing, and found that the tableware and table were clean enough to take care of people.

"Wang Jing, why don't people come to buy breakfast? Is it because we didn't do well!" Zhang Lanzhi asked worriedly, looking at the sparse pedestrians around her, she really didn't know what to do.

Wang Jing saw that her mother was so nervous that she was calling her by her first name, and said happily, "Mom, don't worry, I guess our family came too early today. Do you see that many shops on the street are not guarded? Don't worry. After a while, there will be business when people come.”

"Really?" Zhang Lanzhi desperately needed an answer that would reassure her.

"Of course, I'm sure the business will be good today. Mom, you have to believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, you have to believe in your craftsmanship. Anyway, I believe in it." Wang Jing was also very disturbed at the moment. Excited, got up too early, there are not many people, but fortunately the porridge and steamed buns are hot, not afraid of cold, not afraid of deep-fried fried dough sticks.

With that, Wang Jing thought of an idea, and hurriedly asked Wang Li and his sister to sit on the table, and served two bowls of porridge for them to eat with deep-fried dough sticks.

"Don't talk, eat big, enjoy your expression." Wang Jing whispered into Wang Li's ear, then stood up and yelled, "Breakfast, delicious meat buns, vegetable buns, hot millet porridge, crispy and fragrant The fried dough sticks come and have a look and choose.”

"Two meat buns, one corner of vegetable buns, two fried dough sticks triangles, one corner of delicious soft and fragrant porridge, one corner and one bowl. Pass by and fill your stomach."

Zhang Lanzhi was dumbfounded, looking at Wang Jing's crisp voice, her face was a little hot, she was a mother who was not yet a big girl, she couldn't help lowering her head while she was ashamed, she was really embarrassed.

Wang Jing is not in the mood to care about Zhang Lanzhi's complicated mood. Now she sees that there are many people on the street, and she is busy greeting future customers, so she knows Zhang Lanzhi's thoughts.

"It's delicious. Give me two of these meat buns, and a bowl of porridge." Zhou Qingqing, who was about to go to work in the supply and marketing cooperative, heard crisp shouts when she was about to enter the gate of the supply and marketing cooperative, and saw the table The two children ate so deliciously, they just happened to be hungry before eating, and smelled the unique aroma of white bread, the glutton hooked out, and the foot that stepped in was retracted.

"Okay, sister, sit down, I'll be here soon." Wang Jing smiled happily and narrowed her eyes. Thanks to her hard work, the business came to the door.

When Zhang Lanzhi saw that the business was coming, she quickly picked up the tongs and put two meat buns on the plate. Wang Jing took them and filled the porridge for the customers to play with.

Zhou Qingqing nodded in satisfaction. The owner of this shop is a clean-minded guy, and he does a good job of hygiene.

She is not good at picking up buns, which she is very satisfied with.The mouth is still very sweet, shouting makes her happy.

(End of this chapter)

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