Chapter 584
It's as if the crew is on their respective positions, and the leading actor suddenly says he has something to do and won't come. It makes people want to compete with the dog, but they can't do it. What else can you do with other leading actors.

"There are a lot of people, do you want to wait a little longer, or call some more brothers?" Laifu turned into a mouse and squatted in a small hole in the mine.

"Stop barking, it's not enough to call these people anymore." The gray-headed wolf king Pease first objected.

Follow Laifu to eat meat, but unfortunately there is no fight. Before, there were dozens of bosses bullying others for one or two hundred. Coupled with the terrain factor, there was no passion in the fight.

Brother Pingtou never liked this kind of battle where his own advantage was too exaggerated.

Hearing the scene of the last mine and the number of enemies, Pease felt that his cold blood was boiling.

As soon as it heard that Laifu was going to call for backup, it immediately panicked.

"In this case, casualties are inevitable." Laifu was a little reluctant to let his brothers sacrifice, which had something to do with his background, even though it was in the game.

"If you die, die. What are you afraid of?" the gray-headed wolf king Pease said with emotion.

"That's right, that's it." The giant wild boar Usopp agreed.

"Yes, yes, what are you afraid of?" Nicole the golden python followed suit without hesitation. She also urged Jason to attack. When Jason cleared the ground, everyone can jump out and start killing up.

It's a pity that Jason ignored her, it only had Laifu in its eyes.

"Then let's give it a try. By the way, if someone dies, everyone remember to pick up the equipment it dropped, and pick up other things if they can be picked up." Laifu gave the final tactical explanation: "Let's kill the The ones in the pit, and after killing the others, let’s try not to provoke those who don’t do anything to us.”

"Then don't we become passive monsters?" Brother Pingtou said dissatisfied.

"Temporary, after killing the ones here, I will kill the others." The ferocious wild wolf Laifu felt very tired. It felt that it was still the soul of a player, and it couldn't bear to let innocent people suffer.

Living in the middle, the choice is such a dilemma.

"Move out!" Laifu yelled on the wall of the mine: "Kill all these damned players, kill them, grab their mines, and pick up their equipment!"

Without saying a word, Jason drilled a big hole in the ground.

It has a huge body and a lot of legs. It drilled out spirally, and immediately formed a large hole with a slanted exit on the ground, and its little friends came out one after another.

"Look, there are a lot of monsters coming out, are these all BOSS?"

"Isn't that Brother Pingtou?"

"It's really Brother Pingtou, I'm a fan of it, Brother Pingtou, come on!"

"Water, why did Pingtou appear in this place, should we go up and help?"

"Maoxian, can you keep your voice down, this is the temple of the gods, be careful to kill you together, how can people like you crush monsters, do you have any morals?"

"what is that?"

"Which one?"

"The golden one looks like a snake, but why does it have claws? It looks so cute."

"Oh my god, could it be a dragon? It's so beautiful."

"Where are the dragons? Are you kidding me? Shouldn't the dragons in the game be blue? Some people have seen them in Twilight Forest."

"I'm ignorant, who said that only Twilight Forest has dragons in this game."

"Hey, buddy, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to tame this dragon. I'm going to reach the pinnacle of my life. From today onwards, I'm the protagonist in the novel. I'm going to lead the dragon to kill all directions."

"I want to... wait, I'm not a hunter."

"It doesn't matter if you're not a hunter, we can kill dragons and explode equipment."

"Dragon Slayer, yes, I am the Dragon Slayer Wizard, don't stop me, I'm going!"

There were quite a few onlookers participating in the battle. After all, it was a melee between a group of bosses and the largest guild in the game, and they could always find some bargains when they ran in.

I dare not say what the boss dropped, it was a tiger's mouth pulling teeth.

But you can always pick up the equipment that the people in the Temple of Gods hang up. There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that all the people in the Temple of Gods are equipped with dark gold equipment. If we just pick up one, we can go to college for free, okay?

What is fate, isn't it just experience!

"On the left, Big Cat, protect the little desert fox, Barbara." Laifu stood on a high place and gave orders to the apostles.

"Okay!" The big cat Bigworth rushed to the battlefield on the left, and the players who besieged a little fox there immediately suffered disaster, and all of them were scratched by the cat beyond recognition.

Someone asked, which is more unacceptable to be swallowed by a huge monster in the game or to be scratched by a cat.

Many people's answer is to be scratched by a cat.

The reason is very simple. A huge monster can be seen as fake at first glance. There are very few such monsters in reality, but cats are different. There is a cat at home, and it is obviously more substituting to be scratched by a cat.

Moreover, the big cat Bigworth has a high attack rate, and many people were caught and killed directly.

A large area of ​​players was emptied just like that. In terms of combat power alone, no one here can compare to the big cat. Back then, it was an apostle, so it beat them to death.

Nicole, the little golden python, also performed well. After shedding her skin this time, her combat effectiveness has taken another qualitative leap.

Laifu mainly used her super-fast moving speed to direct her to clean up those things that looked like commanders. The reason why players are strong is the collective strength, and it is the commander who can mobilize the collective strength. .

Especially in this kind of large-scale scene where thousands of people and dozens of bosses participate in the battle, if there is no one to command, the more players there are, the harder it is to show their true strength.

Yao Wu and Yang Wei died long ago.

Who made him like dressing up so much? Not to mention the top-notch equipment and fashion, there was even a chair, and he almost opened a bottle of red wine and put some Beethoven on it.

Laifu saw him at first sight and recognized him as the vice president of the Temple of the Gods.

The little golden python "flyed" over the heads of the crowd with a swish, and its sharp claws scratched the heads of many people. The helmet was almost useless in front of her sharp claws.

Then he quickly jumped in front of Yaowu Yangwei.

Yao Wu Yang Wei's level and equipment are actually very good, but unfortunately he was frightened out of his wits at the time. In front of his guild and the onlookers eating melons, he was torn apart by the little golden python with his new skills.

Of course, the death of Yaowu Yaowei does not mean that the temples are really scattered.

The overlord-level guild has been established for decades, and the system has been perfected for a long time. How could it be possible that the death of a commander would collapse. Immediately after the death of Yao Wu and Yang Wei, someone took over the command power.

As several commanders were beheaded by Nicole, they also became smarter, directing directly on their own guild channel.

(End of this chapter)

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