Online game god pet hunter

Chapter 583 Traveler's Trek

Chapter 583 Traveler's Trek
Laifu also learned the names of the high-level members of the Brotherhood through the dialogues of the Brotherhood, as well as their personalities and guild status expressed in their words.

These information are very difficult to inquire about, and it can be easily obtained only when the other party is completely undefended.

Therefore, it took a long time to mine this mine of the Brotherhood.

The apostles must fight carefully, lest they accidentally kill the object that Laifu wants to observe, and if it falls into the eyes of the players, it will become a sign that the monster is not very powerful.

They even dreamed of cleaning up all the monsters.

"I don't understand why so many mines are bloodbathed by these monsters. These monsters are too weak." Dapanji is not so naive, and his normal IQ is online.

The Brotherhood does have quite a few masters, as well as ability users with strange fighting styles, but the previous guilds are not weak.

Especially in the mines of the Temple of the Gods, few people dare to attack them.

Dapanji has not expanded to the point where the hundreds of people from its guild today are invincible, so there must be something wrong with it.

Laifu could hear what Dapanji was saying.

It also knows that it can't continue to procrastinate, and it will be bad if the shocking secret is discovered.

"Old Loach, give everyone a halo!" Laifu shouted, Old Loach Edith is an auxiliary apostle, it can increase blood and add status to everyone.

The halo is the kind that increases the state collectively, and it can cover up as much as it can.

Under the blessing of the halo—actually Laifu’s order—the apostles broke out with [-]% fighting power, and everyone including Dapanji was beaten to the ground.

Dapanji is a hunter with the same occupation as Su Mo.

The level is not much lower than Su Mo at present, they are all 46 to 47, ranking in the twenties and thirties, but the pet he brings is a chimpanzee.

That's right, the kind of Caesar's family.

It is estimated that I bought it from Gaara. The evidence is that many hunters in their guild bring gorillas, and Gaara's gorillas are all sold in packages.

Scarlet Banner has been in the business of gorilla pet eggs.

Just to prevent the price of gorillas from collapsing in the market, one hundred gorillas are sold every day, and they are packaged and auctioned together. Basically, they can be sold for about 100 million. Su Mo will take 80 of them, and the rest will be given to my love. Lo.

After all, the pet eggs are provided by Su Mo and the others, Gaara is only responsible for providing taming scrolls to customers by the way.

Moreover, because Gaara's trade fair has the best pet eggs, people are constantly coming to participate in the trade fair, and even bringing his other products can sell for higher prices.

Laifu walked to the place where Dapanji died and picked up his equipment.

Dark gold!

Traveler's Trek (Dark Gold): Armor 141, Dexterity +32, Constitution +18, Movement Speed ​​+7, Special Effect 1: Leap of Faith, the wearer jumps from a high place, reducing falling damage received by 80%, special effect 3: Fast, after use, movement speed +35%, lasts 30 seconds, cools down for 5 minutes, equipment requirement level 45, durability 6/92.
Good stuff, compared to other people's shoes, what are these shoes on Su Mo's feet called?

Golden Right Foot (Gold): Armor 98, Dexterity +8, Strength +14, Movement Speed ​​+5, Special Effect: Speed, after use, Movement Speed ​​+20%, lasts 15 seconds, cooldown 6 minutes, equipment requirement level 30 , durable 42/48.
The armor attribute is one sky and one earth, that's fine, they have two special effects.

One of them, Leap of Faith, can play a huge role in many scenes, while the other looks somewhat similar special effect. Compared with others' swiftness, Su Mo's swiftness is simply born by a stepmother.

Why is the name the same, but the attributes are so different.

The movement increase rate is twice as fast, the duration is twice as bad, and even the cooldown time is 1 minute less than our own.

1 minute is enough to do a lot of things.

Even this durability is too shabby. If you are dignified for a while, even if you are not short of money, don't take the dark gold equipment for granted.

As long as the durability of the equipment in the new world is zero, it is not as simple as the attribute failure.

If the durability returns to zero, the equipment will be scrapped directly, and it will cost a lot of money to go to a blacksmith to repair it, and not all blacksmiths can repair it.

The equipment of the Brotherhood seems to be pretty good, but the only piece of dark gold equipment is still this one.

Laifu directly threw all the things into the guild warehouse. It felt like it was cheaper than Su Mo's sand sculpture. The wild wolf couldn't use the equipment, so you just said you were angry.

The last target mine is still owned by the Temple of the Gods.

This is a mine pit, which is almost open-air. From the player's point of view, this terrain is very suitable for players to fight, and it is more suitable than flat ground.

Players can stand outside the pit and throw skills inward, climb to the pit wall to dig a foothold, or throw skills down, which can be said to be 180-degree attacks without dead ends.

Moreover, the mines of the six clubs have already been unlucky, half of them belong to their Temple of the Gods. If there is no large number of reinforcements arriving here at this time, then the leader of the guild world, the Temple of the Gods, should stop messing around and quickly retreat to the second line. Let someone else act.

In addition to the Temple of the Gods, there were also many onlookers this time.

After all, this mine is too big, and the people of the temples have to guard against monsters, so they don't have so much energy to stop idle players from approaching.

And Yaowu Yang Wei secretly wanted to drag these players into the water and deal with these bosses together.

"The temple of the gods looks like they are facing an enemy, who are they going to deal with?" The onlookers don't mean they know what they want to watch. Many people just watch for the sake of watching, so after watching, they remember to figure out what they want to watch. What is it.

"I don't know, I came here because I saw other people around here."

"Do you know that buddy?" I had to ask another person.

There is a theory that you can know anyone in the world through six people, and in the game, you only need to ask around, and you will be able to know the gossip you want to know.

Facts have proved that this theory is somewhat reasonable. The person who was asked glanced at the questioner contemptuously, and said, "Don't you people pay attention to the forum? Today, there is a monster attacking a mine in Langley Canyon. So far, five large mines have been attacked, which is terrifying."

After some understanding, the onlooker party finally got the melon and was successfully promoted to the melon-eating crowd.

"It might not come. If the monsters don't come, are the temples going to wait like this forever?" It's a monkey game.

(End of this chapter)

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