Super little Shennong

Chapter 371 The Human Resources Manager Finally Arrives

Chapter 371 The Human Resources Manager Finally Arrives
Looking at this person, Wu Xie couldn't help laughing: "The human resource manager of a famous luxury brand group company is like a small ant company at our scale compared to that kind of place, and it's completely different from your previous one. I am curious about the agricultural companies with different business scopes. Moreover, this place is in a poor valley. It can’t compare to the prosperity of the city.”

The man smiled and said: "When I was young, I also thought about it in the same way. I was nostalgic for the feasting, feasting, luxury and gold fans in big cities. But in the end, I have to return to the basics. Of course, this is only one reason. I didn't want to mention the other reason. , but I think it is better to make it clear. I was forced to resign. I am a little discouraged. Of course, the work here is for me, and I think I can do it. After all, the manpower is relatively small and the work is relatively simple. "

Wu Xie looked at this person, and threw his resume on the table: "You think the agricultural company is simple? Then I think, you may not be suitable for my company."

The man was stunned: so direct?

But Gao Zhengsheng had already signed a contract with him at that time!

"This... the chairman means that he is not going to accept me to join the company?" The man looked at Wu Xie, very puzzled. "My work contract has already been signed."

Wu Xie smiled and said, "I won't accept someone who doesn't respect my company enough and intends to come here to relax. I don't know how Director Gao talked with you and why he signed you. But for me, A person who despises my company, I will not let him in such an important position as my HR manager. Sorry!"

Then, Wu Xie stood up, and the man shrugged: "According to the contract, if the contract is terminated at this time, you will pay me 100 million euros in compensation."

Wu Xie frowned: "I didn't see it in the contract."

The man smiled and said, "It's in the attachment."

Wu Xie felt a bit of a toothache, picked up the contract again and read it again, but laughed: "It's not just the compensation. Director Gao finally wrote on the attachment that all contracts will come into force on the day the chairman signs and accepts them. Unfortunately, I didn't sign it."

The man was stunned: "It's impossible to have this one."

Wu Xie handed him the contract: "Look for yourself, the last one."

The last one was handwritten... and also had a fingerprint, Gao Zhengsheng's private seal.

The person was stunned: "Director Gao is so insidious, he didn't have it... When the contract was stamped, he took it together, saying that he wanted to take it for the record number... Then he sealed it and gave it to me... He actually added the last clause by hand... This is a violation of the contract law."

Wu Xie shrugged: "But does this contract violate the contract law? Or do you think that the handwritten part of this contract is invalid anywhere?"

That person is speechless...

Wu Xie suddenly laughed: "A human resource manager would actually make such a mistake in his work contract. Do you think you are suitable?"

The man's face darkened, he picked up the contract, turned around and left.

Gao Zhengsheng hummed a song and returned to Lijia Village. When he saw Wu Xie, Wu Xie was meeting with a human resource manager in his forties. He was the group vice president of a large domestic company and had a background in human resource management.

"Oh? Old Zhou? It's really you? You're not slow!" Gao Zhengsheng hung up his coat, rubbed his hands, and let out a sigh of relief. "It's really cold outside, it's really hard to live in the cold spring."

The man stood up immediately: "Director Gao, I never thought we would have such an opportunity to work in a company."

Wu Xie and this person named Zhou Yuqiang met for the first time, and they hadn't talked yet. They just sat down and only glanced at the resume.

At this time, I couldn't help asking: "You guys knew each other before?"

"I know! This guy was almost killed by the boss of a certain state-owned enterprise. My dad told him. But it seems that you are still not doing well there. When I saw your resume, I thought it was People with the same name and surname. I didn't expect it was really you. Did you resign, or were you fired?" Gao Zheng laughed.

Zhou Yuqiang chuckled: "It's not enough to be fired, but I really can't continue working. The state-owned enterprise has been transferred to a group company, and the boss has been changed. The position of human resources manager is naturally going to leave. Another relative of him is replaced. .I don’t work for a day, so I have nothing to eat. I have seen several other companies, but there is no suitable company. Later, a headhunting company found me and said there was an agricultural company, so I came. I originally He came from a company engaged in agricultural machinery, so he is quite familiar with this area."

Both Gao Zhengsheng and Wu Xie came to a sudden... It is estimated that this state-owned enterprise was acquired by a family business.

Wu Xie laughed: "Since you know each other, I won't ask any more questions. What do you think of our company?"

"Very optimistic. Agriculture has always been an important industry, and agricultural innovation is too difficult. Before coming here, I checked a lot of information, including the gradual tilt towards agriculture from the national policy in the past few years. Judging from the increase in investment, agriculture is promising. It’s just that innovation in agriculture is difficult. However, although your company opened not long ago, I came here a few days ago and have been observing here. I found that the company is full of vitality, and the management methods , very high-level, and surprisingly, there is no acclimatization, and the management is a master. The more important thing is technology, which makes me feel that this company has a bright future. That's why I contacted the senior director and handed over my resume. Originally, I I have to observe here for a few more days, but I just came here when I received a notice this morning that the chairman was going to be interviewed." Zhou Yuqiang said naturally.

Wu Xie smiled and said, "You're just talking about us nicely."

Zhou Yuqiang said with a smile: "I'm not talking nicely, I'm just talking about the real situation. Now the country's agriculture is facing a threshold, but who will come up with new technologies and break this threshold? I think our company is reliable. The technology is advanced , advanced management, the only thing missing is enough talents of all kinds. I think I am suitable."

Gao Zheng laughed loudly, and threw him a cigarette: "The annual salary of 60 is not comparable to your previous million annual salary."

"I believe that the company will get better and better, and my salary will increase. Moreover, this company has only opened for half a year, and there is actually a serious shortage of senior executives. If I come here at this time, even if I am a veteran, the company will definitely develop in the future. , I can definitely win the affiliated shares by my ability. I am 42 years old, and I plan to work here until I retire. This is also a good place to raise people." Zhou Yuqiang did not hide his thoughts at all.

Qin Ruo laughed and looked at Gao Zhengsheng: "I don't know more about it, what do you think?"

"Lao Zhou's business ability is absolutely fine. It's just a little bit of luck. If he hadn't entered a state-owned enterprise and caught up with the sale of the state-owned enterprise, he would have been in the government at least at the city level. I am optimistic about Lao Zhou. " Gao Zhengsheng put away his hippie smile and said seriously. "But Lao Zhou, there is one more thing I have to remind you. You can't commit your old problems. Drinking alcohol hurts your health."

When Zhou Yuqiang heard this, he immediately sighed softly: "Quit... My wife got into a car accident because I was drinking and driving. I quit."

(End of this chapter)

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