Chapter 492
The people of Chang'an City have developed strong nerves in the past few days.Since the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, there has been an endless stream of envoys from various countries who have come to Chang'an City of Jingzhao Prefecture to congratulate Dashun on the first day of Yuan Dynasty.The eight post stations, Duting North Station, Duting West Station, Laiyuan Station, Huaiyuan Station, Banjing Pavilion, Libinyuan, Tongwen Pavilion, and Zhanyun Pavilion, were all full of guests from the vassal state.At this moment, no matter if they are yellow, black, or white, the people in Chang'an City are used to it.At most, they just stop to point and discuss, and they won't watch as they did a few days ago.

The emperor of Dashun, Lu Chengqi, did not live very comfortably these few days. Except for the big banquet on the day of Laba Festival, until now, he has received requests from envoys from all over the world to see him.Due to etiquette, Lu Chengqi couldn't refuse.From the Laba Festival to today, which is the [-]rd day of the twelfth lunar month, Lu Chengqi has successively received Bohai Mohe, Jurchen, Waguo, Dong, Khotan, Uighur, Kucha, Tianzhu, Guasamen, Yizhou, and Xizhou (Gaochang) , Jiaozhi, Boni, Fu (Daqin), Zhuchai, Zhenla, Dashi, Zhancheng, Sanfoqi, Java, Danliumei, Tuolali, Layer Tan, Wuxunzhou, Yulu and these others Small country.Almost one a day, even two a day.

These so-called He Zhengdan envoys from various countries just wanted to find out what Lu Chengqi said, and to see what Dashun's future policy orientation would be.Lu Chengqi is the best at this kind of scene of vain and submissive, and he speaks impeccably.

At this time, the strong radiating power of Han culture is reflected, whether it is the Arabs on the side of Europa, or the island countries such as the Three Buddhas and Javas hanging overseas, or the Tianzhu people who claim to be as famous as the civilizations of the Yellow River and Yangtze River basins. (later India's Asan), after getting permission to meet, they all communicated with Lu Chengqi in broken Chinese.

The most frequently asked question by these envoys is whether Dashun's maritime trade is a long-term policy or a short-lived one.In the eyes of these countries, the Han people in the Central Plains didn't seem to like maritime trade very much, and they were very afraid that this young man who held the highest power in the Central Plains was just opening up maritime trade for some fun.If it is really such a 3-minute enthusiasm, it will be difficult for these countries that rely on maritime trade for their livelihood.

The Central Plains is rich and prosperous, with a vast land and abundant resources, rich products, and everything is available. Originally, we did not borrow goods from outsiders to communicate what we had.This is the thought in the hearts of almost all Han people in the Central Plains, except for a very few wealthy businessmen who have made huge profits from maritime trade.

Lu Chengqi naturally understood that he couldn't be sloppy on this issue.In trade, the key is the confidence of both parties.If confidence is gone, the economic order will be in chaos.Lu Chengqi told the envoys of these countries very seriously: "The reason why Dashun opened sea trade is not a whim, but a long-term national policy. You can rest assured. I can guarantee that as long as you uphold the principles of fair and just trade, If there is money, everyone will earn it!"

All the envoys from various countries want is just this sentence.The promise made by the little emperor of Dashun was much richer than any gift in return.After receiving the letter of approval, the envoys of various countries were all beaming with joy. After they left the palace, they began to "trade with tribute" according to the decree, and bought a lot of "local products" (that is, local specialties), which indirectly promoted the development of Chang'an City. Business.

Most of the expenses for receiving envoys from various countries and sending them to the capital city of Chang’an after entering Dashun territory are paid by the local finances of the state capitals. This kind of reception of envoys is a very heavy burden.Su Shi, the number one scholar, once made a memorial and said: "Since the minister Fujian Yuanshou, the Koreans have paid tribute many times. At the end of Yuanshou and the beginning of Hongxiang, for more than [-] years, the fee for the gift from the museum is innumerable. Two Zhe, Huainan, and Jingdong three roads built cities and ships, built pavilions, dispatched farmers and workers, invaded fishermen and merchants, caused disturbances in the place, public and private complaints about illness. This is a bad government, and your majesty should change it as soon as possible."

Lu Chengqi followed Su Shi's suggestion and ordered to strictly limit the expenses of receiving foreign missions in various state capitals to prevent corruption, embezzlement and other malfeasance.It was precisely because Dashun suddenly became "stingy" and annoyed Goryeo that he slowly fell to the Liao Kingdom and changed the suzerain state.

Ever since, the missions of various countries who did not receive generous rewards also learned to behave. They would never bring a lot of people to Dashun. Instead, they brought a lot of gold and silver treasures to buy treasures and goods.

Just after Lu Chengqi received the Uighur envoy, Gao Hao hurried in again and said: "Your Majesty, the envoy of He Zhengdan from the Liao Kingdom, Yeluren asks to see you first."

Lu Chengqi was taken aback, and said, "Has the Liao Kingdom Mission arrived in Chang'an City?"

Gao Hao smiled wryly and said, "Return to Your Majesty, it has been quite a few days. But Your Majesty has been busy receiving missions from other countries, and has never been free to call."

Lu Chengqi thought about it for a while, and it was the same. These days, he hardly had a moment of free time.Either reviewing memorials, or receiving foreign missions in this Chongde Hall.Lu Chengqi knew that Yeluren was not kind when he came first, so he really wanted to avoid him.But once I even received the envoy He Zhengdan from Korea, it seemed a little unreasonable not to receive him from the Liao Kingdom.In this way, wouldn't it just confirm my guilty conscience!

Thinking of this, Lu Chengqi said: "Since he's here, it's not easy to drive him back. Pass on my will and announce his audience!"

Gao Hao waved his whisk and bowed out of the Chongde Hall. Not long after, a burly figure about half a century old stepped into the Chongde Hall with his head held high.When he walked up to him, Lu Chengqi could see clearly that this person was wearing traditional Khitan costumes, but all kinds of accessories looked extremely extraordinary, he must be a Khitan nobleman without a doubt.

The man knelt down on one knee and said: "He Zhengdan, the envoy of the Liao Kingdom, the great king of Nanyuan, Yu Yueyeluren, has met the Emperor of Dashun Kingdom. The emperor of Liao Kingdom asked me to ask, I wonder if your majesty is safe?"

Lu Chengqi said lightly: "There is no need to be too polite, get up. I have always been in good health, and I am sorry for your emperor's concern. I heard that your emperor has not been doing well these days. How is your health?"

Yeluren could hold his breath first, stood up, faced Lu Chengqi's pun, and said calmly: "My Majesty of the Liao Kingdom, the dragon body is fine, please take care of your Majesty."

Lu Chengqi was a little amused, Yelu Hongji experienced this civil strife, and it was kind of him not to have a violent massacre, except for being overly frightened, his anger was rising, and his health was so good!Of course, Lu Chengqi would not say these words, but asked routinely: "I don't know how to meet you in Yue, so what happened?"

Yeluren first took advantage of this gap, and then sized up the little emperor in front of him.I saw that the little emperor was not short in stature, about five feet five inches tall.His face is pale and red, and although his figure is a bit thin, it is not that sickly thin, more like a literati.A handsome face, piercing eyes, seems to have infinite energy.Yeluren knew first that the rumors were not credible, what kind of tuberculosis is this little emperor, he is clearly a young man who is still growing!

Observing this, Yeluren couldn't help cursing the spies planted in Dashun in his heart, for being able to mistake such important information.

"Your Majesty, an incident happened in my Liao Kingdom one month ago. Yelu Chongyuan, the emperor's uncle who was proclaimed by our emperor, openly rebelled. Although he was defeated by our Majesty, Yelu Chongyuan still fled to the desert. ..." Yeluren said word by word first, while observing Lu Chengqi's face, as if he wanted to find a clue in his face.

Lu Chengqi is worthy of being someone who has watched all kinds of bloody movies and TV dramas. He calmly pretended to be surprised: "Rebellion? I hate others to rebel the most. Then the emperor of your country, are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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