Chapter 491
Lu Chengqi knew that the Liao Kingdom was in chaos now, so he couldn't care less about it.The instigator was himself, and Lu Chengqi did not expect to send an envoy.

At this moment, a tenth-rank official from the Ministry of Rites hurried in outside the door, saw Feng Chengping and said, "Feng Shangshu, the envoy from the Liao Kingdom is already on their way to Chang'an!"

Lu Chengqi and Feng Chengping looked at each other, and Feng Chengping quickly said, "When did it happen?"

"I received a letter from the post station today..." After finishing speaking, he handed the letter in his hand to Feng Chengping.Feng Chengping opened it and saw that the envoy from the Liao Kingdom had already entered the Dashun territory five days ago.He dismissed the tenth rank official and handed the letter to Lu Chengqi to read.

"Why isn't Yeluliang the one who came this time? Mr. Yeluren, who is it?" Lu Chengqi frowned, staring at the name on the envelope, searching hard for the memory of Mr. Yeluren in his memory.

But Feng Chengping remembered something, and said: "Your Majesty, this Yelu Ren is the son of Yelu Guiyin, King Yan of the Liao Kingdom and the Prime Minister of the Nanfu. He has been appointed as the Privy Envoy of the Nanyuan before, and he is called the Great King of the Nanyuan. From the post station, he said, For some reason, this person was promoted to Yu Yue..."

Lu Chengqi knew about Yu Yue.Yu Yue is equivalent to the false officials like Taishi, Taifu and Taibao of the Dashun Dynasty, but his high honor and unusual ratio of official functions, ranking above all officials, is a kind of recognition by the emperor of the Liao Kingdom for the most meritorious ministers.If one traces the origin of Yuyue, it is that the Liao Kingdom is bigger than the chief assistant of the Yuefu, and has no specific position.

"Feng Shangshu, you said that the Liao Kingdom sent this Yu Yue here, what's the intention?" Lu Chengqi actually knew it well, but he was just asking why he knew it.

Not long ago, Feng Shengzhou's Pegasus Emergency Report came to the news, presumably Feng Chengping would not know the news.

Sure enough, Feng Chengping was also confused for a while: "It must be that the Liao Kingdom wants to be equal to me, Dashun?"

Lu Chengqi was a little amused: "I, Dashun, have never been equal to the Liao Kingdom? Could it be that I, Dashun, can't bully the Liao Kingdom? Not necessarily, but I see that the Khitan people want to surpass our Dashun Han people!"

Feng Chengping hastily explained: "Your Majesty, I don't mean that. Previously, Dashun and Liao Kingdom had a hostile relationship. The Liao Kingdom's trip must be to make peace with Dashun. Please tell us about the border dispute. ..."

Lu Chengqi sighed and said, "Impossible..."

Feng Chengping was taken aback, and said: "Dare to ask Your Majesty, why?"

"Last month, I secretly summoned the privy envoys to exchange the military talisman. The secret command of the forbidden army was to lead thousands of miles to deliver the decree to Fengsheng Prefecture, to rush hundreds of miles to the foot of Prince's Mountain, and in front of the Luanhe Palace, more than [-] Khitan soldiers were killed..." Lu Chengqi slowed down When he said these words slowly, Feng Chengping was terrified to death.

"Your Majesty...Your Majesty...why do you use swords?" Feng Chengping was ashamed. In his mind, the Khitan people were so powerful, how could the weak Han people be their opponents?

When Lu Chengqi talked about the cause and effect, Feng Chengping still felt a little unbelievable: "Your Majesty, if the turmoil in the Liao Kingdom is quelled and a large-scale army is launched to attack, what will happen?"

"Soldiers come to block you, water comes to cover you, what is there to be afraid of!" Lu Chengqi said lightly, "Not to mention the Khitan people, even I will not believe in a treaty. It is just a balance between maintaining the status quo and a compromise between the two sides. Shun Liao is a world feud, how can we quell swords and swords? Feng Shangshu, put away your fluke. Both I and Yelu Hongji know that between Shun Liao, you will die or I will die. There is no second There are two ways to go. Huahua Central Plains, whether it is the Khitan people, or the previous Xiongnu, Turks, which one is not eyeing? Such wolf ambition, how can a paper treaty be able to restrain them? I decided to take the opportunity to attack, but for the sake of Let the Khitan people themselves continue to strife for a while longer. In this way, I will be more calm and confident in counterattacking the Liao Kingdom!"

Hearing this, Feng Chengping couldn't hold his tongue anymore: "Your Majesty, you can't do it, it's not a blessing for all people to be so aggressive!"

Lu Chengqi smiled and said: "I have my own plan! Feng Shangshu, what you should care about is not this, but how to arrange these envoys. By the way, the Korean envoys, just like last time, arrange them in Tongwenguan!"

Feng Chengping said cautiously: "Your Majesty, this...isn't that good?"

"What's wrong?" Lu Chengqi asked in surprise.

Feng Chengping said: "In the final analysis, Koryo is still a small country that inherits our Central Plains culture. It was just a dizziness before that it made such a thing that hurts relatives and makes enemies happy. The King of Koryo also handed over the letter of credence, stating that As a last resort, why don't your Majesty be considerate? If I, Dashun, treat Gao Li like this again, I'm afraid Gao Li will be farther and farther away from me, Dashun!"

Lu Chengqi was very funny, Feng Chengping and other pedantic scholars had exactly the same thoughts as the mainstream thoughts in the court, so he couldn't help retorting: "Could it be that if we don't treat it like this, Goryeo won't drift away from me! Look at them, switch to The suzerain country wants to raise troops to invade Yuguan! If I want to be considerate of him, why don’t he, Wang Hui, come to be considerate and considerate of me! Don’t try to persuade me, this is not my race, and his heart must be different. Goryeo is a white-eyed wolf who can’t get enough , I will no longer treat Koryo the same way as the Taizu ancestors did when they were emperors, and treat them like other small countries, it is already an exception..."

Feng Chengping received benefits from Goryeo. Although he vomited it out and handed it over to the national treasury during the last official rectification campaign, he still couldn't help but say a few good words for Goryeo: "Your Majesty, this time and that moment. I know I was wrong, the envoy here is not Cui Jie'an, but Lin Zhe. Why don't you try harder, maybe Goryeo will vote for me, Dashun again..."

"Feng Shangshu, are you fanciful? Even if Goryeo wants to admit his mistakes and return to the Dashun Kingdom, I will not agree. Such a duplicitous country is worth fighting for? Giving him the status of equal treatment with other countries is the utmost benevolence. Stop making fantasies and plotting other things. If it wasn't for the great enemy of the Liao Kingdom, I would have mobilized my troops to conquer such a shameless small country!" Lu Chengqi said bitterly, although he knew that Gaoli Bangzi was not a good thing, but they never A knife was stabbed in the back fiercely, and Lu Chengqi still broods on it to this day.

Hearing this, Feng Chengping knew that it was over for Gao Li this time.It's so messed up, just stepping on the sore spot of the little emperor, how to make the little emperor let go of his guard?
Lu Chengqi paused, then continued: "Since so many countries have come to celebrate this year, the congratulatory gifts should also be increased. Every country is treated equally, and no more than [-] coins. Just like last year, the extra money used, You, Feng Shangshu, filled the gap yourself."

After Lu Chengqi left these words, he walked out of the yamen of the Ministry of Rites with a flick of his sleeves.Only Feng Chengping, who smiled wryly, was left behind, and said in his heart: "This Minister of Rites is really hard to be!"

(End of this chapter)

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