back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 245 Logistic Matters

Chapter 245 Logistic Matters
While thinking about it, at some point, the soldiers who followed behind ran up and said: "Commander, the governor of Dongping Mansion sent someone to send food and grass, please commander to deliver it."

Lu Chenhuan, whose train of thought was interrupted, turned the horse's head, causing the big black horse, which was enjoying a drink, to feel uneasy for a while, its four hooves trampled in the water, and the splash of water almost wetted the armor of the soldiers.If it wasn't for the soldiers who hid quickly, they would definitely get wet all over.

Frowning, Lu Chenhuan grabbed the reins, not letting his mount run wild, and then said flatly: "Understood..."

Lu Chenhuan, who had seen so many officials in Beijing, and met a top-notch Taiyuan governor, was already a little desperate for these civil officials.If it is just a routine to prepare food and grass, that would be fine.What I am most afraid of is that the Governor of Dongping Mansion, like Liang Zhongwen, the Governor of Taiyuan Mansion, has hidden selfish intentions and wants to have something to do with this Fatty Lu who does not want to offend the civil servants.

The soldier suddenly said again: "The Governor of Dongping Mansion also said..."

Lu Chenhuan was about to turn around, when he heard the words, he restrained the big black horse and said, "What did you say?"

The soldiers were obedient, and after a long while, they said: "...the yamen servant who came to deliver the letter said that the Governor does not want us to enter Dongping Mansion, saying that we will easily disturb the people..." I thought Lu Chenhuan would be furious, but Fatty Lu, who had never thought about it, didn't say anything, but nodded to show that he understood.

It is impossible for Lu Chenhuan, who has memorized the "three major disciplines and eight points of attention" for a long time, to make such a mistake.Fatty Lu, who aspires to be the highest-ranking military general, has engraved military discipline in his bones.

Compassion does not command soldiers, if even the general takes the lead in violating military discipline, will the soldiers below take military discipline seriously?Besides, when Lu Chengqi set up the Military Law Department, he specifically issued a decree that as long as he was in the army, no matter how high his rank was, as long as he violated military discipline, once it was verified, the Military Law Department could act according to military discipline.

Since Dashun established the dynasty, he has always been extremely jealous of generals, and Lu Chenhuan is no stranger to it. After such an imperial edict is issued, it is just one more commandment.

Riding back to the station, the forbidden army has spontaneously set up camp on a small high ground three or four miles away from the water.Looking at the dragon flag, Lu Chenhuan actually wanted to complain. At this time, he didn't even hang the coach's flag, but asked to hang the dragon flag. Is it really effective?

He entered the camp non-stop, ordered nearly 5000 auxiliary soldiers, and then set off to Dongping Mansion not far away to move food.In fact, the food and grass of the forbidden army can last for a month at this moment, but Lu Chengqi has an imperial decree that once the forbidden army arrives at the state capital, the local state government must provide food and grass.The logistics support of nearly 5 people is still difficult to guarantee. The Forbidden Army is the most elite army in Dashun, and the supply has always been of the highest standard. The state capitals along the road dare not slack off, let alone the state capitals where they are stationed?
Ever since, the Governor of Dongping Mansion had received the imperial edict read out by the servant, and he had already prepared the food and grass and piled it in Dongping Mansion, waiting for Lu Chenhuan to receive it.

In ancient times, it was very cumbersome to provide logistics for a team of more than 5 horses.During the Wenzong period, because of the expedition to the north, there was an imperial decree that the daily ration of the forbidden army was two liters per person, the frontier army had one liter and five rations, and the Xiang army had one liter and three rations.

Moreover, military rations are not just one type of food, but a mixed supply of multiple types of food.Among them, the rice is calculated according to the full catty, how many liters, how many dendrobium, how many buckets, how many stones, it is clear, and no amount will be deducted.The rest, such as millet, is calculated as six-tenths, that is, one hundred catties of millet, which is only counted as sixty catties equivalent to rice.Barley is discounted at [-]/[-], wheat is discounted at [-]/[-], mustard wheat is discounted at [-]/[-], soybeans are discounted at [-]/[-], and the rest of small beans, beans, hemp, and millet are discounted at [-]/[-] discounted.This logistics supply model had already been established during Wenzong's period.

Because Dashun began to implement three meals a day, and most of the forbidden soldiers were strong people, so the rations were much larger than those of the frontier and Xiang troops.In addition, Wenzong also stipulated that when receiving food every month, the soldiers in the west of the city went to the east of the city to get it, and the soldiers in the east of the city went to the west of the city to get it, and they had to carry the food by themselves.

As for the military horse, it is even more incredible.Military horses are war horses, which are different from rough horses. They need to be fed with concentrated feed, that is, horse beans, to ensure the explosive power and endurance of war horses.According to Dashun regulations, the ration of concentrated feed for a military horse is three liters of horse beans a day, combined with roughage, concentrated feed, and green fodder (fresh grass).These are all done by the auxiliary soldiers who are responsible for feeding the horses. The general soldiers are only responsible for fighting on horseback, and the division of labor is very clear.

The feeding of military horses is the most difficult logistical support.Because the Central Plains dynasties have always been dominated by farming, there is very little grassland, and the grass is not fertile enough to allow the army horses to grow fat.So beans must be fed to allow the horse to absorb more nutrients.In this way, the auxiliary soldiers who feed the horses have more things to do.First of all, feed them in troughs, otherwise the thin horses will be squeezed out by the strong horses, and they will not be able to eat too much; they must be fed regularly and quantitatively, fed less frequently, coarse materials are carefully cultivated, rough first and then refined, and adequate drinking water, etc. foot.

And why are the nomads on the grassland so troublesome?As long as there is grass, their horses will naturally have enough to eat, and they will find water bubbles to drink by themselves. How can it be so troublesome for the Han people to raise horses!
In addition to food for people and horses, logistics also includes various ropes, tents and other trivial items, there are so many.In ancient times, when the Central Plains launched a war, it was often fought against the national power of a country.In the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han conquered the Xiongnu and squandered all the wealth accumulated by the two emperors, Wen and Jing, which shows the destruction of the farming economy by war.This is also the reason why "divided for a long time must unite, and united for a long time must divide". After fighting for a long time, people's minds are settled. Whoever becomes the emperor has nothing to do with the common people?But for two or three hundred years, the war continued again.

Lu Chenhuan didn't think so far, just thinking about how to get into the water pond was enough for him to have a headache, how could he have the leisure to think about these issues?

The Forbidden Army's garrison is not far from Dongping Mansion, and they arrived in a short while.After showing Lu Chenhuan's soldier talisman to the city guards, he put it in the urn.As soon as he entered Dongping's mansion, he saw a dozen or so yamen servants and hundreds of servants who had piled up grain in the urn city, waiting for Fatty Lu to come over.

Generally speaking, every state capital will prepare a granary for emergency use. Although there is no name for Changping granary, this habit has continued. Perhaps it is also because the Han people are not optimistic about the future. It is safe to have food in hand.Therefore, Lu Chengqi's imperial decree did not cause much trouble to the state capitals along the way. It is enough to move the grain from the "Yuancang Field" in the state capital to use it. After the autumn harvest this year, the wealthy gentry will donate some to fill the granary both can.

(End of this chapter)

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