Chapter 244
Chen Xun, the supervisor of Qin Tianjian, has his troubles, but it is not half as good as Lu Chenhuan, who is leading the forbidden army.

After four days of marching, Lu Chenhuan finally led nearly [-] forbidden troops, and finally arrived at Dongping Mansion on Shandong Road.

Standing in the huge water pool with endless reeds, Lu Chenhuan felt for the first time that he was determined but powerless.This water park with a radius of hundreds of miles is like a moat embedded in the surrounding majestic mountains, which makes people daunting.

There are flocks of wild ducks on the smoky water; endless dangers seem to be hidden in the reeds.

According to the Supervision Department's report, there are no less than a thousand people hidden in the eight hundred li water park, the four main peaks of Liangshan, Qinglong, Fenghuang, and Guishan, and the mountains of Hutou, Xueshan, Haoshan, and Xiaohuangshan. water thief.

This number is only an estimate, and the Supervision Department itself can't be sure.According to past merchants, porters, and surrounding farmers, water thieves here only target wealthy businessmen, and generally do not rob other people.

Think about it too, except for wealthy businessmen, how much money can ordinary farmers get?
Gradually, the notoriety of Shuibo Liangshan has spread far and wide. Rich businessmen have heard that there are so-called water thieves who "rob the rich and help the poor" in this Shuibo Liangshan. How dare they walk this waterway?All of them were diverted to other river courses, and they would rather travel hundreds of miles than take these risks.

Gradually, after the number of rich merchants dwindled, water thieves lost their "big business" and began to take up the idea of ​​ordinary merchants.For a while, Liangshan, the water park, became synonymous with water thieves, and its notoriety spread far and wide.

The nearby farmers, hunters, and fishermen didn't feel much about them.Most of these people are busy with two meals a day, and they can hardly support a family by themselves, so how can they have any spare money!Although the people in Chang'an City and Jingzhao Mansion are used to three meals a day.But most of the people in Dashun still had a hard time.There are two meals a day, and they are already very satisfied.

The water thief automatically ignored these bitter people, so the spy from the Supervision Department, disguised as a fisherman, sneaked into the water thief's water village and found out a thing or two.Water thieves do not reject fishermen, and sometimes they even buy fish with money, although the price is generally lower than the market price, and they are suspected of buying fish by force.Therefore, ordinary poor people keep a respectful distance from these fierce water thieves.

Lu Chenhuan rode a big black horse and walked around the water for a while, frowning tightly.It's not that he has never seen a river or a lake, but this is the first time he has seen such a large lake.

You know, compared to famous lakes such as Dongting Lake and Taihu Lake, this lake is much larger, at least twice the size of Taihu Lake!
In fact, in the past, there was no such a big lake in Dongping Mansion.Yes, there are only steep mountains and patches of fertile fields.In the late period of the former dynasty, the Yellow River burst in Huazhou, and the river flowed for hundreds of miles eastward. The accumulated water surrounded the mountains of Liangshan, forming a huge lake.During the fifth year of Tianyuan in Dashun, the Yellow River burst again in Huazhou due to continuous torrential rain.The surging water of the Yellow River passed through Chanzhou, Puzhou, Caozhou, and Yuncheng, and then poured into Liangshan Water Park again, making the area of ​​the water park continue to expand.

It can be said that the breach of the Yellow River is the main reason for the formation of the Liangshan River.Lu Chengqi had read "Water Margin", and thought the author was exaggerating. How could there be such a big lake in Shandong Province before rebirth!Fortunately, Lu Chengqi thought it was just a small lake and a small water thief, but it would be calmed down sooner or later.

This is all because the flow of the Yellow River decreased later and gradually returned to the river channel. Without the injection of river water, no matter how large the water pool is, it will gradually become land.So that later, before Lu Chengqi was reborn, there was only one Dongping Lake left.

Looking at the small fishing boats that appeared and disappeared in the distance, Lu Chenhuan felt depressed.He had also heard of the name of Liang Shan Shui Po.But being famous is not as good as meeting, and I was really scared when I saw it.

As a landlubber, Lu Chenhuan naturally had an instinctive fear of the water.On the contrary, the big black horse was so excited that he ran to the water pool without obeying his orders, and drank the clear water.

Lu Chenhuan looked at the steep mountains around him, ignored the horse, and thought to himself: "If I am a water thief, I will definitely gain a foothold on those mountains, and a gate will be erected at the foot of the mountain, condescending, There are hundreds of bows, who can attack it? No matter how bad it is, with so many reeds, if you dig into the reeds, let alone a hundred people, even ten thousand people, you will not be able to find them!"

Thinking of this, Lu Chenhuan was even more melancholy.

There are only more than 4 forbidden troops under his command, only more than [-] soldiers, and the rest are auxiliary soldiers.Regardless of the soldiers or the auxiliary soldiers, most of them are good men from the Qin land, how can they know the nature of water?Even if you have a boat in your hand, you won’t be able to use it!
In ancient times, warships did not rely on wind power, but on sculls or wheeled boats, using manpower to control the movement of the ship, quickly approaching enemy ships, and engaging in hand-to-hand combat.

Not to mention these Qin soldiers, even ordinary Shandong men may not be able to use the boat.So, Lu Chenhuan's worry, if you are in the water, let alone 4 or 5 people, even 20, [-] is not enough to fill the pool!If you don't know how to use water and conduct water battles, isn't that making use of your weaknesses and avoiding your strengths!

Even if Lu Chenhuan has never read military books, he still knows this truth.What's more, Lu Chenhuan has read a lot of military books, and knows that in war, he must give full play to his greatest advantages, so as to reduce casualties and achieve the greatest results.

The book of war can teach you how to judge the situation, but it will not teach you how to make an army command with ease, and how to emphasize military discipline.Therefore, general ancient generals did not lead many troops.If there are too many, military orders will not be smooth, and it will be a waste of time to start a war.It is all due to the problems of ancient communication technology, basically relying on shouting, relying on people to communicate, and the middle and low-level officers lack effective training. In real battles, they almost all rely on instinct.If you fight against the wind, it’s okay, just go up and hack in a swarm; if you fight against the wind, the defeated soldiers can disperse themselves!

If the military discipline is strict and well-trained, the decision will be ordered and prohibited, and will not be greedy for merit, nor will it retreat.It is often possible to closely follow the low-level officers, and the low-level officers follow the middle-level officers, and issue military orders layer by layer, so that an army of tens of thousands of people can be effectively connected in series.

Don't look at Lu Chenhuan's ability to lead an army of nearly 5 people, which seems to be much inferior to the battles with hundreds of thousands or even millions of people in history. In fact, the generals beside him do not know how much they envy him.Since the founding of Dashun, there are only a handful of soldiers who have led more than 5 soldiers.Fatty Lu didn't know what kind of good luck he had to get such a "beautiful job".

But now facing the misty mountains and rivers, Lu Chenhuan is bitter except for a wry smile.Previously, he also thought that it was a beautiful accident, but unexpectedly at this moment, riding a tiger is hard to get off.Previously, the conquest of the Wang family went smoothly, but in the end, there were a lot of troubles.If there is no achievement this time, I am afraid that his name of Lu Chenhuan's incompetence will be engraved in the history...

(End of this chapter)

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