back to ancient times to be emperor

Chapter 170 Refuting rumors

Chapter 170 Refuting rumors
Rumors are getting more and more fermented, and there are rumors that the current emperor no longer trusts scholars and suppresses their status... There are more than one million scholars in the world, and some scholars who don't know the truth start to complain.What's more, he almost didn't jump into the river to show his ambition.

These chaos were delivered to Lu Chengqi through the secret report of the supervisory department at the first time. Lu Chengqi patted his head and thought to himself: "Why did you forget this matter, the best weapon in your hand is But I forgot to use it, who can be blamed?"

He hurriedly summoned Liu Geng, a member of the cabinet, to implement the plan.After Liu Geng received the oral instruction from Xiaohuangmen, he didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to the Chuigong Hall to meet Lu Chengqi.

When Lu Chengqi saw his face, he immediately said, "Liu Qing, please hurry up and draft an article according to my opinion, send it to the Dashun People's Daily, let them publish it, and say it will be the front page of the next issue."

Liu Geng didn't dare to ask more questions, and quietly waited for Lu Chengqi's next words. "...This article is mainly to clarify the facts. It explains the arrest of the scholar who made trouble in front of the yamen of the Ministry of Rites the day before yesterday. I have no intention of suppressing scholars. On the contrary, I encourage wealthy gentry to open elementary schools so that more people can read. These troublesome scholars are only arrested and questioned for violating the "Da Shun Law", not suppressing scholars. After ten days of detention in accordance with the law, they will naturally be released..."

While Lu Chengqi said, Liu Geng remembered it carefully.As the emperor's secretary, he already knew that "Dashun Minbao" was founded by Lu Chengqi.And this newspaper is too authoritative, as long as he drafts an article, send it to the newspaper office.On the second day, it can be seen on the headlines.With the influence of "Dashun Minbao", it will definitely not take a few days to clarify these rumors.

Lu Chengqi continued to speak eloquently: "...What I said is that speech is not a crime, and it will still be effective in the future. But this is not a crime for speech, and it is not a basis for people in the world to make trouble. You can make speeches, but you can't gather crowds to make trouble. In the future, there will be such a situation again, all the state capitals must be suppressed quickly. Scholars, just talk, why bother? It is against the way of a gentleman! At the same time, I want to warn those who have ulterior motives. After being caught by me, they will He will be sentenced to death for inciting treason!"

When Lu Chengqi uttered the last sentence, he was already full of murderous intent, gnashing his teeth.The sonorous sound made Liu Geng's heart tighten, and he said quickly: "Observe the order!"

After leaving the Chui Gong Palace, Liu Geng was especially terrified.Lu Chengqi's murderous aura was like a huge boulder, which made Liu Geng unable to breathe.Liu Geng had no doubt that Lu Chengqi's anger to kill was fake.Any emperor would think of killing people when his rule was shaken.

"Oh, I just don't know how many heads fell to the ground this time..." Thinking of this, Liu Geng shuddered. In this sunny day, he actually shuddered!One can imagine how scared he was.

As Liu Geng, who has won the Jinshi Yike Liujia, it is easy to write an article.According to Lu Chengqi's intention, he quickly drew it up.This article refuted the rumors with righteous words, and at the same time, it strongly supported Lu Chengqi's administrative intentions and appeased the scholars of the world.More importantly, this article is not a citation, but a straightforward language that can be understood by anyone who can read.

When Liu Geng arrived at the Piandian, after finishing writing the article, he was about to send it to the Chuigong Hall, but was stopped by the servant.It turned out that it was Lu Chengqi who was summoning Xu Jingchun, the director of the Supervision Department, and the servant asked Liu Geng to wait for a while.

Hearing this, Liu Geng felt a "thump" in his heart, and said to himself: "This time, the little emperor is really serious. I don't know who is so bold as to touch the bottom line of the little emperor? People from the Tian family, Which one is easy to provoke? If you don't move, you will be fine, and if you move, you will be thundered. With the flip of your palm, anyone will be turned into ashes! Alas, these people are really too bold..."

In the Chuigong Hall, Lu Chengqi's face was as usual, quietly listening to Xu Jingchun's report.I only heard Xu Jingchun say: "...the inspectors found out that the person who wrote the manuscript of "Shushe Bao" was a newcomer. I followed the clues and found the Tongwenguan..."

As soon as the words "Tongwenguan" came out, Xu Jingchun raised his eyes to look at Lu Chengqi, but seeing that he didn't express anything, he hurriedly continued: "...I'm sure, this time, it was caused by the Korean mission. It’s just why they did this, the ministers are incompetent, and they still can’t find out the intention of the Goryeo Mission. Whether there is someone behind the push, and the clues have been broken, so they can’t find out..."

Lu Chengqi's face was calm, but at this moment, there was a storm in his heart: "The Korean mission? What did Cui Jie'an do? It can't be that simple. The people sent by the Korean country haven't returned yet. They haven't been able to answer my request. .How dare you provoke me so much? There must be someone planning behind it, who is this person, and what purpose does he want to achieve?"

Lu Chengqi thought over and over again, but Xu Jingchun was terrified.In this hot weather, he actually broke out in cold sweat.He thought to himself: "Could it be that the little emperor is dissatisfied? But nothing can be found out. Those people are really too cunning, and they are too good at hiding themselves. But how can you say such things to the little emperor, Isn't it an admission that the Supervision Department is incompetent!"

Just when Xu Jingchun was feeling infinitely sad, Lu Chengqi suddenly asked, "Who is the biggest beneficiary in this incident?"

Xu Jingchun was taken aback for a moment, his mind was spinning unhappily, and he didn't react for a while.After thinking for a while, Xu Jingchun shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, the biggest beneficiaries of this matter will not be the Kingdom of Korea, nor the Kingdom of Liao. Inciting scholars to make trouble is just to criticize the new law. From this point of view, it should have moved the interests of some people. It's just that I'm stupid, and I haven't thought of who is so bold..."

Lu Chengqi nodded, and said: "Xu Qing, you have a good idea and have made a lot of progress! I think so too. My new law has indeed touched the interests of many people, especially in the fields of official salt and coin casting. On the matter. I have a hunch that if we start from these two aspects, we can definitely find out! Xu Qing, after you go back, start a secret investigation immediately. Fushen, where are you now! Remember, you can't scare the snakes. The enemies this time are no small matter. They are powerful and are not under the supervision department. Remember, even if you can't find out, you can't scare the snakes. I'm afraid that when the time comes, these people Don’t worry, things will only get worse.”

Xu Jingchun said solemnly: "The minister accepts the decree!"

Lu Chengqi waved his hand and said, "You go to work, I'm waiting for your good news..."

After Xu Jingchun walked out of the Chui Gong Hall cautiously, he saw Liu Geng who was begging to see him.The two made eye contact, but did not speak.But both of them saw something from each other, that is, the little emperor was serious this time.

(End of this chapter)

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