Chapter 169 Make trouble
Quietly, a new round of public opinion wars started.First, the "Shushe Bao" began to bombard the "Shizheng Bao", saying that they disregarded the principles of a gentleman and favored a person who is trying to gain fame.

Of course "Current Affairs Daily" is not convinced, everyone is a literati writing articles, so why is your character outstanding, and mine is not?Immediately write back to scold.For a while, the two newspaper offices, run by literati and using calligraphy and ink as weapons, started another round of verbal battles.Quoting classics and swearing at people without dirty words.If you have less knowledge, I am afraid that you will not understand what you are talking about.

These literati, with the help of Yushitai, searched Huang Xishi's poems, and found many "examples" of the so-called rebellion by deducting words and sentences. The poem "Huzhou Ren" was considered by "Shushe Bao" as an insult to the former emperor; "If you don't read the law, you will have no skill", which comes from Huang Xishi's poem "Persuading Reading", and "Shushe Bao" thought it was an allusion to the former emperor's law enforcement. Not strict; "The East China Sea knows that the waves are salty, so we should teach the tidal flats to be bitter." This comes from Huang Xishi's poem "Guan Donghai". , no less than ten places, all taken out of context, insulting the Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Of course, "Current Affairs Daily" quit, scolded "Shushe Daily" for being unreasonable, and at the same time gave reasons for refuting it, excerpted the full text of Huang Xishi's poems in the newspaper, satirized "Shushe Daily" for taking out of context, and slandered the important officials in the court.

The illiterate ordinary people watched the excitement; those who didn't read much couldn't understand what they were arguing about, but they just thought it was awesome.In restaurants and teahouses, people who read newspapers have a good daily income.It's all because the people in Chang'an City came to see the excitement.Some people with a little bit of knowledge even put on an air of analyzing Shangyi, as if they were making a big deal out of it.These ordinary people, as if they were watching a drama, came to follow the plot every day to see where it happened.What's more, the story of the court has already begun to be compiled, and it is performed in the washhouse.

And the main force in the scolding war racked their brains one after another, writing and editing articles, trying their best to refute their opponents.It's a pity that the affairs of the imperial court are unpredictable, how can they guess it?They were not in the court, even if they were officials, they would not be able to explain what happened in it.

People who have been in the officialdom for several years will not go to this muddy water, after all, the officialdom is a very complicated existence.Maybe you go along with this person's wishes and go against that person's feelings.If you don't have enough skills and few connections, you can only protect yourself wisely.Over time, this ambiguous attitude has been regarded as the philosophy of life for people in the officialdom.Later, for some reason, it became associated with the golden mean, ruining the most noble moral standard in the past thousand years.Sad, lamentable!

And these civil servants believed in the idea of ​​"half of the Analects of Confucius governing the world", and promoted Confucianism to a very high position, and the descendants of Confucius, the Confucius family became the first family.

The consequence of advocating Confucianism is that these literati all have an inexplicable self-confidence, thinking that their ability is the best in the world, and no one will accept it.What's more terrible is that Confucianism is just a worldview, not a methodology, and everyone has their own truths.Some people understand the truth, while others understand the principles that seem to be true and false.Unexpectedly, these people are still unwilling to be mediocre, and they have written books and biographies to promote their own ideas.In the Dashun Dynasty alone, from the founding of the country to the Hongxiang period, Confucian schools of thought came out one after another, such as Zhou Dunyi’s Lian Xue, Shao Yong’s Xiang Mathematics, Zhang Zai’s Guan Xue, Cheng Hao’s, and Cheng Yi’s. Luoxue, Shuoxue of the Sima family, etc., showed a situation where everyone said what each person said, and no one was convinced by the other.

It is precisely because of this contradiction that there will be no less debates among scholars.Everyone thinks that what they understand is the true Confucian principles, so naturally they can't listen to other theories.Believers of all schools are scholars, so how can there be fewer disputes among scholars?The appearance of the newspaper was just a coincidence, which provided them with a place to argue.

And on the second day, "Shushe Bao" began to exert its strength, inviting colleagues from the same sect to start a debate with the scholars of "Shizheng Daily" in front of the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, and the officials of the Ministry of Rites would comment on who won and who lost.

As soon as this move came out, "Shizheng Bao" was not to be outdone, and also issued a war letter to "Shushe Bao".

After Lu Chengqi received the dark report from the Supervision Department, he spread out the newspaper and read it. He was startled and said to himself, "Is this a coincidence, or was someone deliberately provoking it?"

But no matter what, the development of the situation must be stopped. Even if the mastermind behind the scenes cannot be caught, the situation cannot be allowed to continue like this.Lu Chengqi finally showed his domineering side, and immediately ordered the inspectors to recover the newspapers they distributed, and they were not allowed to leave Chang'an City.At the same time, the two newspaper offices were closed to arrest the writers.At the same time, the inspectors were on guard at the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, and when they saw anyone spreading rumors, they were arrested and sent to prison.

At this time, the state apparatus began to exert its strength.On the second day, many scholars came to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, and before they had time to start a debate, they were pushed to the ground by the inspectors.

A scholar with a "strong character" said angrily: "You lackeys, if you can seal the mouth of the other, how can you seal the mouth of the world?" The rest of the people shouted, and the scene was chaotic.

How many years has there been such a disturbance in Chang'an City?The common people can't remember clearly, the last time was during the first emperor's time, it was caused by a rage, and the whole city was panicked.Now once Lu Chengqi shows off his power, his appearance will change immediately.It is said that the power of the sky is unpredictable, but after holding back for so long, Lu Chengqi finally showed his fangs.

It's a pity that Lu Chengqi's actions are still too slow. Some newspapers have already flowed out of Chang'an City, and even some printing workshops outside the city are still publishing them secretly. This is also unexpected by Lu Chengqi.

One day later, the entire territory of Dashun was discussing this topic. Could it be that the Holy One was so angry that the scholars who caused trouble in front of the yamen of the Ministry of Rites were all arrested, and they might still suffer from physical pain and so on.

The rumors spread more and more distorted, and there was even a saying that Lu Chengqi was dissatisfied with scholars and wanted to suppress the status of scholars.For a moment, all the scholars in Dashun were panicked, half-believing in such rumors.After all, Lu Chengqi vigorously promoted the status of warriors, businessmen, craftsmen, etc. Scholars have long felt a sense of insecurity.Now that something like this has happened, which scholar does not have a thorn in his heart?No wonder the rumors have taken off.

All of a sudden, the grass and trees in Chang'an City were full of soldiers, and all the scholars and scholars did not dare to be too presumptuous.Previously, Lu Chengqi ordered not to use speech as a crime, and no one mentioned it again.After all, there are two official words, if you violate the majesty of the heavenly family and punish it as a crime, how can you argue?
(End of this chapter)

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