Chapter 121
Lu Chengqi got off the dragon chariot, supported Wang Shao with both hands, and said, "Thank you, General Wang!"

Wang Shao looked excited, and said loudly: "It is the duty of the general to share the worries of His Majesty!"

Lu Chengqi said: "If Dashun's generals are all like generals, why should I worry about Khitan invading the border? If civil servants don't love money, and generals don't hesitate to die, then the world will be peaceful!"

Wang Shao didn't know what to say, and stood there in a daze.Fortunately, at this time, one of the six ranks of officials held a "lubu" (that is, a good news) and declared: "Please move to the Taimiao, Your Majesty, to present the prisoners!"

At this time, a soldier of the Forbidden Army tied Yelu Nelugu with white silk and pressed him in front of Lu Chengqi.Lu Chengqi looked curiously at this Khitan man whose clothes and hairstyle were completely different from those of the Central Plains people, and thought: "The Khitan people are indeed stronger, but they have well-developed limbs and a simple mind, so they can't be considered great heroes!"

I saw that Yelu Neilugu's mouth was not clean, and he kept cursing loudly, but unfortunately he spoke Khitan dialect, none of the civil and military officials present could understand it.Lu Chengqi saw his excited expression, felt it was funny, and asked: "What is this barbarian talking about, I want to know a thing or two..."

Wang Shaona didn't dare to answer, he already knew that Yelu Nerugu couldn't get ivory out of his mouth, so naturally he had nothing good to say.After hearing this, Du Yuhou, an infantry soldier in the Forbidden Army, quietly called for the military documents and translated them for Lu Chengqi.

The military clerk stammered tremblingly, "Your Majesty... this barbarian... is scolding you... and our army, he is not... a hero, he only knows how to sneak attack... He said, if... if it is upright A fight...he might not lose..."

Lu Chengqi said disdainfully: "Soldiers are deceitful. Even if I have never been in battle, I understand this truth. If all these barbarians are such idiots, why should I be afraid?"

Wang Shao frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the Khitan people should not be underestimated. The last general saw a Khitan hero, and he almost turned the situation around by himself."

Lu Chengqi became interested and asked, "Oh, then do you know what the other party's name is?"

"The last general once sent someone to ask, he replied loudly that he is the captain of the Khitan Imperial Tent Guard, Xiao Feng."

When Lu Chengqi heard the name "Xiao Feng", he was taken aback: "Xiao Feng?" In his mind, he couldn't help but think of the hero with unrivaled martial arts and heroism in Master Jin Yong's "Dragon Ba Bu".

Wang Shao was surprised and said, "Your Majesty also knows about this person?"

Lu Chengqi coughed in embarrassment, covered it up a bit, and said, "The Supervision Department has secretly reported that this man is very good at arching horses. I seem to have some impressions. Hearing what the general said, he is indeed a heroic man, and he should not be underestimated. I also know that. , The world is full of talented people, and the world's heroes must not be underestimated."

Seeing that Lu Chengqi knew his mistakes and could correct them, Wang Shao also heaved a sigh of relief.He was afraid that Lu Chengqi would get carried away with his complacency, forget about the military power gap between Dashun and Liao, and launch an attack rashly, which would probably lead to the destruction of the country and the lives of the people.The same is true of the Song Dynasty in official history.If it weren't for the dizzy Song Huizong who insisted on uniting with Jin to destroy Liao, how could it lead to the change of Jingkang? The opening chapter of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" preaches: "Soldiers are important affairs of the country, the place of death and life, and the way of survival. Observe and treat.Closely linking war with the fate of the country and the life and death of the people not only points out the important position and role of war in state affairs, but also clearly points out that the political purpose of war is to ensure the survival and development of the country.This pushed war to the forefront of national affairs.Unfortunately, not every ruler understands this truth.

Lu Chengqi saw that it was getting late, so he boarded the dragon chariot again, led by the leader, and the sixth-rank Beijing official was leading the way with a lubu in his hand, and headed for the Taimiao.After reading the prayer drafted by the Ministry of Rites in the Taimiao Temple, Lu Chengqi almost fell asleep after listening to it. These things are really too incomprehensible, and it would be great if he could understand one-third of them.

After reading the prayers in the Taimiao, we went to Taishe, the Earth Temple.To do so is to offer prisoners to the ancestors, the gods of the land.After completing this set of complicated etiquette similar to ancestor worship, they went to the place where the prisoner sacrifice was held-Xuande Gate, and Lu Chengqi appeared on the Xuande Tower to accept the prisoner sacrifice from the imperial army.I saw many soldiers and guards lined up in all the passages of Xuande Building, and all the troops and officials were dressed in common clothes (that is, official uniforms worn at ordinary times and on general ceremonial occasions), and lined up in front of Xuande Building.

And two powerful imperial guards escorted Yelu Nerugu to wait on the west side of the Imperial Street.After waiting for all the officials to pay homage to the emperor, Tongshi Sheren (official name, in charge of presenting memorials, conveying the emperor's will, etc.) led Yelu Nerugu to the position of presenting prisoners. Beijing officials read Lubu in public.

This Lubu was drafted in the names of Di Qing, the professor and vice-principal of the Royal Military Academy, Qin Yikang, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Wang Shao, the commander-in-chief of this battle. At the beginning of the article, it declared the justice of the northern attack on Youzhou, in order to save the The border people of Dashun.Then, the process of this battle and the results of the battle were announced.Finally, there is the list of captives. There are more than twenty people in total, all of whom are Khitan officials such as commanders of thousands and commanders of thousands.Yelu Nerugu's name is among the top.

After Lubu was read out, Tong Shisheren knelt down to accept Lubu and handed it to Qin Yikang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War.At this time, Zhou Yanhua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, stepped forward and knelt down to explain the disposal of these Khitan prisoners.

Lu Cheng used his unique gold-plated horn and announced loudly: "These Khitan people are all rich, and they can't just be killed like this. I know that soon, the Khitan people will send envoys to redeem these people. I have spent money to fight this battle, so I should get some benefits. I heard that the Khitan people's rule is that the captives are the ones who are the masters, and if they want to redeem them, they must be exchanged with money. It is necessary for those arrogant Khitan people to bleed for a while, my people, don’t you think so?”

The common people watching the excitement on both sides of the Royal Street suddenly said: "Yes!"

Lu Chengqi smiled and said: "I won't do business at a loss. This time, these Khitan people will have to bleed a lot! Zhou Qing, let's settle the matter like this. For the time being, these people will be escorted back to the prison of the Ministry of Justice, so that we can entertain them. Those Khitan soldiers, If they are imprisoned, their labor will be useful someday, and it will save a lot of money!"

Zhou Yanhua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, received the order and went down to do business.A massive prisoner offering ceremony was officially over.

Looking at the people in Chang'an City who hadn't left for a long time, Lu Chengqi knew that this time he had slapped his reputation hard and established his image of being wise and mighty.His previous image of being fatuous and ignorant has long since disappeared with the victory of this battle.

Following an emperor who can win battles, life is always up to the task, at least life protection is a little more, isn't it?Walking on the road, seeing "foreigners", I can puff up my chest, and even if I feel upset, I can say: "Huh, our Han people in Dashun are not vegetarians! When the Holy One is angry, a million troops will come, and we will be here." Turn your small country into ashes! Bah, what a thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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