Chapter 120 Triumph
It has been more than twenty days since the Dragon Boat Festival, and there is no major event in the Dashun court.There are twelve ministers in the cabinet who are trying their best to handle government affairs, and there are six departments outside to assist the government. Lu Chengqi is happy to relax and only cares about important matters.

The new Chidao recorded in Dashun Minbao did not attract much attention.In recent days, the emergence of many new things has made the people of the Dashun Dynasty have developed extremely strong nerves. They have become accustomed to such things, and they are no strangers to them. Who knows if this is someone who is quite Things made by the little emperor on a whim?It's just to add some after-dinner conversation. What people are most concerned about is that the Forbidden Army who attacked Youzhou in the north will return to Beijing soon.

This is a big event!Since Wenzong, the Dashun Dynasty has lost more than it lost in the military, and even if it wins, it is only a small victory.How could it be like this time, beheading more than [-] people and taking more than [-] prisoners, it was simply a huge victory for the outside world!

Of course, there are also people who are worried that the Khitan people have suffered a big loss this time, and they are likely to raise their swords again and sharpen their swords.Some people think that there is nothing to fear, since Dashun can defeat the Khitans once, he will definitely be able to defeat the Khitans a second time.

And as early as five days ago, Cui Jie'an, the envoy of Goryeo Kingdom, came to the capital of Dashun, Chang'an city again.Cui Jie'an repeatedly asked to see Lu Chengqi, but was declined politely, saying that he was busy with government affairs and had no time to summon him.Lu Chengqi let the Koryo diplomatic mission stay at Tongwen Hall in Anzhou Lane, which made Koryo ambassador Cui Jiean very disturbed.In the past, when Koryo Kingdom came to the court, it was either in Zhanyun Pavilion or in Huaiyuan Station. Where did you live in Tongwen Pavilion?

These posthouses are famous. Cui Jie'an has a deep understanding of the Central Plains culture, so he naturally knows the connotation inside.Generally speaking, hostile countries are assigned to Duting North Station or Duting West Station; When the neutral country comes to the DPRK, it is here in Tongwen Hall.

What message does this vaguely convey?Cui Jie'an didn't dare to think about it, he had already guessed that Dashun was not without capable people, and he knew all about the tricks of the Goryeo envoy.Otherwise, how could Dashun, who valued the most etiquette, arrange the Korean embassy in such a way?

Every time he thinks about the depths, Cui Jiean feels a little uneasy.For Dashun, a behemoth, the Goryeo Kingdom was really intimidated, and couldn't bring up the slightest thought of confrontation.Now that Dashun's attitude is so ambiguous, how will Korea deal with itself?Cui Jie'an has already begun to suspect that the strategic decision to switch suzerain was a mistake. He thought that Dashun was just an old tiger that lost its teeth, but unexpectedly it was just a male lion that hadn't woken up yet!

While Cui Jie'an was restless in the Tongwen Hall, a fast horse galloped into the city, and the City Defense Department did not dare to stop it.All because a small flag was planted on it, and the letter "Pegasus Express" was written.

It turned out that this was the good news of the imperial army's triumphant return. After learning about it, Lu Chengqi was quite excited.According to the etiquette, he summoned Feng Chengping, the Minister of Rites, to prepare for the embargo.

I have been busy preparing for a whole day, and I will not be ready until noon the next day.This was all because the Dashun Dynasty hadn't fought such a big victory for a long time, and had almost forgotten about the prisoner offering ceremony.Feng Chengping, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, also checked the etiquette before he understood how to do it.

First of all, one day in advance, a royal seat guard should be set up on the Daqing Hall, and the emperor will pronounce the sentence on the captives.Secondly, on the day of presenting the prisoners, they must line up on both sides of the Royal Street, the horse army and the infantry of the Imperial Army to demonstrate the military prestige.

After the chores are ready, there is no need to publish them in "Dashun Minbao". The people in Chang'an City have already spread word of mouth that the imperial army who attacked Youzhou in the north will return to Beijing. Line up at the city gate early in the morning, competing to watch the excitement.

Fortunately, there are imperial guards maintaining order, restraining the residents, not allowed to climb up to watch, and not allowed to dress indistinctly.Men should wear clothes and belts; women should wear skirts, carry children on their backs, and are not allowed to run around.The gate of the building is closed one day first, and the city defense department strictly checks the comings and goings, and no one of unknown origin is allowed to disrupt the ceremony of presenting prisoners.

The third division of the Palace of the Forbidden Army distributed and controlled 200 soldiers and [-] officers and soldiers, who were distributed in the alleys to maintain order.When it was five o'clock that day, the city defense department on the ground began to drive out the miscellaneous people along the door, waiting for the arrival of the guard of honor.

It was not until noon that the imperial dragon chariot slowly drove out from Xuande Gate, and the lead master led the imperial horse and pulled the dragon chariot out slowly.Followed by civil and military officials, went to Mingde Gate, the main gate of Chang'an City, to meet the imperial army who returned in triumph.

And from the moment Yujia left the Xuande Gate, a fast horse galloped out from the spacious Chang'an City Avenue, rushed to the imperial army stationed outside the city, and told Wang Shao that His Majesty was ready to come to greet him. They have returned triumphantly.

These forbidden troops had actually returned to Chang'an City a long time ago.Wang Shao wasn't stupid either, he knew how to notify Lu Chengqi in advance and ask him to hold a prisoner offering ceremony to boost morale and win the hearts of the people.So as soon as he approached Chang'an City, Wang Shao walked very slowly, and last night he camped five miles away from Chang'an City, waiting for Lu Chengqi's imperial edict to summon him.

Early in the morning, the imperial army had already loaded and unloaded their tents and was ready to return to Chang'an City to enjoy the enthusiasm that people treat heroes.However, the Ministry of Rituals was too slow to complete the prisoner presentation ceremony until noon, making the more than [-] imperial guards wait a little bit worrying about gains and losses.

Hearing the imperial decree to call, Wang Shao quickly ordered that the imperial army advance at full speed, fearing that Lu Chengqi would arrive at Mingde Gate, but they hadn't arrived yet.In that case, it would be a big embarrassment.

Fortunately, the forbidden army had handed over most of the Khitan captives to guard in the forbidden army headquarters, and only selected more than a thousand good-looking Khitans to offer prisoners.Otherwise, with the bandy legs of the Khitan people, they would not be able to run fast.

Lu Chengqi was quite uneasy. This was different from the Cuju field and the speeches in the Royal University. He could be calm and composed.This is a grand event to declare his martial arts. The history books will definitely record a heavy stroke for this event. His performance can be described as attracting everyone's attention. Under such circumstances, it is normal to feel uneasy.

The dragon chariot walked through the imperial street, and when he saw the people of Chang'an City shouting long live, Lu Chengqi suddenly felt calm.Following the example of the leaders of the later generations, Lu Chengqi stood up from the dragon chariot and waved towards them, which made the anxiously waiting people burst out with the warmest cheers.

Lu Chengqi said in his heart: "No wonder the leaders like to use this trick. It really is the only magic weapon to win people's hearts! Although this prisoner presenting ceremony is complicated and cost a lot, it is worth the money to get such an effect!"

It took about half an hour to walk along the ten-mile long street in Chang'an City before reaching Mingde Gate.And the victorious Forbidden Army had already lined up, waiting for the holy driver outside the gate of Mingde.

Previously, the general's armor was distinctive, his horse was as fine as a dragon, and he was the first to ride.All the civil and military officials around sighed: "Sure enough, you are a dragon and a phoenix among people!"

Seeing the dragon chariot coming, Wang Shao hurriedly got off his horse, led by his own soldiers, ran to the front of the dragon chariot, bowed and worshiped: "The last general will see your majesty, long live your majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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