Chapter 246 Buying fresh fish for the first time
If you can't go out, you have to go out, for the master, do what is worthwhile.Thinking of Aunt Du Hong's solemn entrustment before leaving the United States, Lin Mengmeng was heartbroken again. She had failed her aunt's trust.

"I took the medicine, the fever is not serious, but I am very dizzy and weak, it's okay, cough cough. Just sleep for a while."

"Don't be brave, don't you really need to go to the hospital? It's faster to get an injection."

"No, little things, don't need to be so exaggerated."

Hearing his certainty in his tone, Lin Mengmeng felt a little relieved.

"Then, you have a good rest. After school, I will go home as soon as possible. You don't have to think about anything. You can rest at ease and have everything by me."

He Youyi suddenly felt that although Lin Mengmeng was usually clumsy, she was quite reliable at critical times.

"Is there anything you want to eat?"

"I can't taste the taste in my mouth, and everything I eat is bland, so whatever you want."

Eat whatever you want?That's not okay!If you are sick, you have to make up for it.Lin Mengmeng planned to stew fish soup for He Youyi, and then cook a bowl of fragrant vegetable porridge with the fresh soup.

After school, Lin Mengmeng went to a nearby large supermarket to buy ingredients.

Although she has been to the supermarket many times before and bought fish, most of them are fresh food prepared in the deli area. She has never bought fresh fish, so she doesn't understand anything.

She pushed the cart and wandered around the aquatic area many times. Facing the dazzling array of fish in the tank, she really didn't know what to choose, and she didn't know how to tell the fish killer that she was so nervous.

Fortunately, Master Killer was not busy, and he was more enthusiastic. Seeing that she was uncertain about paying attention, he took the initiative to ask:
"Little sister, what kind of fish do you want to buy? Uncle will help you catch it."

What kind of fish does He Youyi like to eat?It seems that as long as it is fish, he is not picky.Steaming, frying, frying, any cooking method will do.

Lin Mengmeng said in embarrassment: "My friend has a bad cold, and I want to cook fish soup. I don't know what kind of fish is suitable, and I don't know how many catties I should buy."

She also has no idea about numbers like Jinliang.

The fish-killer asked, "How many of you eat?"

"Only two people."

"If you want to make soup, you don't need to buy too big fish, and you can't finish it. I suggest you just buy two crucian carps, take them back and cook for a while until the soup turns milky white, and then give it to the patient. Remember Just put more sliced ​​ginger, that stuff is cold."

Lin Mengmeng nodded, wrote it down, and hurriedly said, "Then please uncle kill two fresh crucian carp for me, thank you."

After successfully buying the fish, Lin Mengmeng bought various foods that "seemed to have nourishing effects" in the supermarket.Such as red dates, yams, fungus, wolfberry, barley, native eggs, white sesame... Of course, there are green onions and ginger slices.When passing by the fruit section, she stopped by and bought a few crispy pears that soothed her throat and cleared her phlegm.

She wanted to go home early, so she didn't even have time to buy her own food, so she ran to the cashier to pay.Anyway, during He Youyi's illness, he had to take care of him first, and then himself.

After wasting a lot of strength and carrying three or five bags of things, Lin Mengmeng rushed up to the "five hundred steps" at the fastest speed, and now she can walk like flying.

Turn the key and open the door, "Master! I'm back!!"

She threw away her shoes, put the bag on the ground, and ran into the house with bare feet, only to see a slim figure coming out of He Youyi's bedroom.

 By!Who is it?
(End of this chapter)

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