Chapter 245
Back in the classroom, Lin Mengmeng was visibly restless and absent-minded about everything she did.

In English dictation, she made a mess of mistakes. In the end, she gave up completely and wrote a few letters according to the syllables indiscriminately.

It seems that she, the newly promoted class representative, is about to take the lead and be punished for copying the text. Ding Ding will be very disappointed...

However, these issues are not as important as one thing.

That is He Youyi.

He caught a cold.

In the world, the person who is least likely to catch a cold catches a cold without warning.

She recalled that last night, his quilt was indeed not covered very well, but he was always like this and never got sick.

If he doesn't answer her call, it is very likely that he turned his phone to silent in order to have a good rest after asking for leave!

Alas, get out of class is over, Lin Mengmeng let out a long and listless breath.Her heart has already flown out of school.The thought of staying here for a whole day before she could go home made her feel uncomfortable.

The owner is sick, she is a pet, but she doesn't take care of her, she is really dereliction of duty!
If I hadn't played that prank in the morning, asked him exactly what was wrong, helped me take his temperature, and cooked a bowl of clear porridge, there would still be time, but I didn't know anything, so I just walked away like this!

Lin Mengmeng despises what she has done, and feels extremely guilty.

Lu Bin sensed her depression and asked, "What's the matter, Mengmeng, why didn't He Youyi come today?"

With a sad face, Lin Mengmeng replied in a muffled voice, "He has a bad cold, and he has already asked Teacher Chen for leave."

"Huh? That athlete can also catch a cold? I thought his physique would not catch the cold. It seems that no matter how good he is, he is still just a person from the earth."

Lin Mengmeng gave him a contemptuous look.Nonsense, of course He Youyi is from Earth!It's a juncture, and you still make such a joke!

Xu felt Lin Mengmeng's dissatisfaction, and Lu Bin quickly said solemnly: "Then what should I do? Is it serious? Do I need to go to the hospital? I can help."

"No need for now. His phone can't get through, and he should still be sleeping at home."

"Don't be so worried, don't worry, why is your body so good, so what if you catch a cold? It will get better soon."

"But I'm just worried..."

Trouble is always one after another.

With He Youyi absent, when the teacher asked questions, she probably didn't know what to ask and made all sorts of embarrassments.

It is also the same when doing questions. Whenever I encounter something I don’t understand, I habitually look to the side, but there is nothing there.

Even for lunch, there is no need to cook for him in advance.Lin Mengmeng was used to running errands for him, but when she was suddenly idle, she felt awkward.

After school, he had to go home alone, and he didn't have to carry his bag...

Hey, master, are you okay?

At noon, although Lin Mengmeng was still running on the playground according to the "Cheetah Project", she still had He Youyi in her heart.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

She quickly stopped and picked up the phone impatiently: "Hello?"

"Hello. Cough cough. Why are you calling me? Cough cough."

Hearing He Youyi's thick nasal voice, Lin Mengmeng's heart was about to break, and she almost cried.

"You're not feeling well, why don't you tell me? Even asking for sick leave, I can do it for you."

"I want to say, ahem, aren't you here?"

Lin Mengmeng began to feel guilty again. "So do you feel better now? Do you have a fever? Have you taken any medicine? Do you need to go to the hospital? I can come back now."

(End of this chapter)

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