Liangfu space has a little field

Chapter 125 Candied haws, heartbeat!

Chapter 125 Candied haws, heartbeat!
The corner of Xiaomi's mouth twitched, good guy, you really don't treat yourself as an outsider, cousin?Then she called it from the position of sister-in-law?No, it's not suitable, is it?

Today’s Xiaomi is wearing the same blue dress, because she doesn’t like the cumbersome buns of ancient times, even the simplest ones are complicated for her, so she is still used to modern hairstyles, fortunately she has not time-traveled In the complex big family, in this family, the discipline of her mother and aunt is no matter how comfortable she is. The simple Baotou, which is both beautiful and generous, has always been one of Xiaomi's favorite hairstyles. Even Chen's I was also full of praise for this hairstyle, and naturally, Xiaomi tied it up generously.

As the living conditions get better and better, the quality of Xiaomi's clothes is naturally high. In addition to wearing silk and satin when going out, she still prefers cotton clothes on weekdays, which are close-fitting and comfortable.The Chen family who loves her always shows some simple decorations on the hem and sleeves, which is not so monotonous.

Just like her now, she wears a simple and elegant turquoise dress with four-leaf clover embroidery, a tall Baotou, and calm eyes like water. Fresh temperament, given time, this unique charm will be infinitely magnified and unique!
"Don't be naughty, didn't I just say, call you Brother Mingyang?" Fortunately, Qin came out of the siege in time and knocked Mingyang: "Can't stop your mouth after eating? Hurry up!"

"Auntie, I really mean it. The rice cooked by the girl Xiaomi is really delicious. The cooks in our family can't cook this taste at all. If not... I really want to take her back!"

"You have a good idea, our Xiaomi doesn't go anywhere, so stop making such crooked ideas!"

Xiaomi pursed her lips and smiled warmly: "It's rare that brother Mingyang likes it so much. In this way, there will be the last free delivery this morning, which is also delicious. If you like it, why not go with us later!"

"Really?" Xiaomi nodded: "Of course it is true."

"Then... how about noon, what is lunch?" This... please, isn't this a little too impatient?
"Uh, I haven't figured it out yet?"

"Why didn't you think about it? Look, don't you want to buy vegetables? Since you want to buy vegetables, you must know what to do?"

Xiaomi scratched her head in embarrassment: "Uh, actually, I usually do what I have to do, unless I want to do something on a whim. Under normal circumstances, I don't have so many requests. Maybe I just cook a few side dishes at noon today?" Even if she I have a rough plan in my heart, so I can't tell him. Today, I have to sell a novelty ticket anyway!

Ming Yang glanced at Xiaomi with some disappointment, "Forget it, whatever you do, it's delicious anyway." After finishing the sentence, he didn't forget to mutter, "This girl, how did she grow her brain? Why are there so many strange things? What about weird ideas?"

In fact, why did he want to know?Heizi, Mi Xiaoyong, Yun Xiang, Mi Yuanfeng and Li Yuan, who wouldn't want to open it to see what parts are inside?
After a beautiful breakfast, Xiaomi packed up and went to the Sunshine Shop with Yun Xiang. Ming Yang still wanted to talk to Qin Shi, so he planned to go later.

On the way, Yun Xiang hesitated a few times, even someone as tall as Xiaomi noticed his discomfort: "Brother Yun Xiang, are you feeling unwell?"

"No, no, no, that, Xiaomi?" Yun Xiang finally made up his mind, and looked at Xiaomi: "I see that Mr. Ming speaks without restraint, you'd better stay away from him."

"Hehe..." Hearing this, Xiaomi couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckling: "Brother Yunxiang is worrying too much, he is probably the kind of person who likes to make jokes, I don't have any evil intentions in looking at him, don't worry , I am a girl, what contact can I have with him?"

"Just because you look at it doesn't mean that he is that kind of person. Sometimes, you must not be fooled by a person's appearance. What he shows may not be what he really is."

"Oh? Just like you, brother Yunxiang?" Xiaomi's casual words made Yunxiang's heart jump instantly: "You..."

"Haha, I'm just kidding, don't worry, I'm not a child anymore, I still have this cognitive ability, don't always treat me like a child!"

The heart that was instantly raised by Xiaomi's words returned to its place with a 'slap' after hearing these words, but Yun Xiang's heartbeat couldn't be suppressed no matter what. He was almost scared to death by her, and thought she knew his identity, but unexpectedly, it was just a little joke.When did his emotions be affected by a female doll?

"It's good that you know, this free delivery, how many days do you plan to carry on? If this continues, it will be too much trouble!"

"Yeah, fortunately, I didn't say how many days it will be held. Well, today is the last day. As for the [-]% discount, it will be held for two more days, and then normal business can resume."

"That's fine. If this continues, not only we can't stand it, but other stores will also be affected. So far, no one has come to trouble us because they don't know our details. Once they find out That's why, I'm afraid they won't just let it go." The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and he doesn't believe that those old fritters will be so peaceful and let their business in full swing.

What competition has Xiaomi not seen in modern times?Naturally, he was well aware of the cruel duel between colleagues, so he nodded with a dark face: "Brother Yunxiang, don't worry, I know the darkness in this."

When she arrived at the restaurant, Xiaomi poured out a few big bags of hawthorns from the space while no one was paying attention. She also took out a lot of bamboo sticks that Daniel and the others helped to peel, as well as the canned fruits she had saved in the previous space, and the How many bags of rock candy, after reading these, even without explaining, you know what she is going to do, right?
That’s right, it’s candied haws. Unlike the previous candied haws, her candied haws are an upgraded version. Although they are not uncommon in modern times, such a rich and sufficient amount of candied haws is absolutely unique in ancient times.

Grapes, bananas, cherries, lychees, longan, pineapples, kiwis, cantaloupe, water chestnuts, yams and other rare fruits in ancient times have always been treasures enjoyed by nobles, but here, Xiaomi generalizes them and gives them away for free It's not that she is generous to let everyone taste it, it's because she just wants to tell others that her shop is extraordinary, and she doesn't only know how to cook, these snacks are still easy to come by!

Once people who know the goods see these fruits, they will know that their Sunshine Store is not small. She doesn't want to be so ostentatious, but a gentleman can never guard against a villain. The effect she needs!

The method of candied haws is very simple, boiling sugar is the key, but before that, all the materials need to be strung together. First, fresh, plump, uniform-sized hawthorns should be selected, washed, roots and stalks removed, and the hawthorns cut in half. Use a knife to dig out the core, and add your favorite fillings such as bean paste and mung bean paste.Then close the two petals, string them together with bamboo sticks, and sandwich some other fruits in the middle.

After handing over the precautions to Wen Shi and Han Yan, Xiaomi began to boil sugar.

Pour the sugar and water into the pot according to the ratio of 2:1, boil it over high heat for about 20 minutes, and stir it during the period. Note that after 20 minutes, there is very little water, and the boiling is very strong, and the sugar has already appeared small and dense. Foamy, like a pale golden beer.You can use chopsticks to dip in the syrup. If you can pull out the silk slightly, it means that it is ready.If the time is too long, the color will turn brown, and if the silk can be pulled out obviously, it means that the sugar has been burnt, and the original sweetness will be lost.Remember, try not to blow the wind when boiling the soup, so as to make the sugar bright.

The next step is to dip in sugar, tilt the pot so that all the hawthorns can be dipped in sugar.Gently rotate the skewered hawthorn on the foam that has boiled hot sugar, and wrap it with a thin layer.The dipping in sugar may seem simple, but it requires skill.If the sugar is too thick, and you can't bite the fruit, it will be a failure.The sugar should be dipped in a thin and even layer to be considered a success.

Then there is cooling: put the hawthorn skewers dipped in sugar on the water plate to cool for 3-[-] minutes.The so-called water board refers to a smooth wooden board that has been soaked in clean water for a long time, and the temperature is low. At the same time, the wood has water absorption, which can help the candied haws to cool and shape.

This time, Zhang Wang and Li Zhao also came to help. There are many people and strength, and the division of labor is clear. In less than two hours, everything was done. Then, everyone began to neatly stack the finished candied haws in a specific wooden box. The four Wang Lizhao moved towards the First Avenue, and just like that, their last free delivery event began!

In order to create an atmosphere, Xiaomi also taught them one of the most classic songs "Candied Haws".

"It is said that the ice gourd is sour, and it is wrapped in sweet

It is said that the ice gourd is sweet, but the sweetness is wrapped in sour

Candied haws are beautiful, worn on bamboo sticks, symbolizing happiness and reunion
Connecting happiness and reunion together..."

When the familiar singing voice was floating on the first street, Xiaomi didn't know that a disaster was waiting for her...

(End of this chapter)

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