The magical doctor mother raises the cute baby

Chapter 106 Rib Soup and Steamed Buns

Chapter 106 Rib Soup and Steamed Buns

It was mid-afternoon at this time, the sun was hanging high in the sky, and the scorching sun was baking the earth.

Walking outside is like walking in a steamer, the heat makes people dizzy.

Le Yiren looked at Le Tongtong's small face, there were beads of sweat rolling down his face, and he was listless.

Seeing this, Le Yiren pulled Le Tongtong and turned around to enter the shop, "Tongtong is here to watch the uncles paint the walls, okay? It's too hot outside, mother is going to buy some meat, and I'll be back in a while, okay?"

Le Tongtong looked at Le Yiren, then at A Sheng and A Ming who were standing on the high shelf and painting the wall, and nodded.

Le Yiren brought a small wooden pier from the back, let Le Tongtong sit in the middle of the shop, and told Asheng and Amin to watch Le Tongtong and not let him run out, then hurried out of the shop, facing the opposite side to the vegetable market.

There are very few people in the vegetable market, and there are very few stalls.

Finding a butcher shop, Le Yiren ordered two catties of pork belly and two catties of pork ribs.

In the middle of the afternoon, both the chicken sellers and the fish sellers had already closed their stalls and returned home. Le Yiren walked around and left the vegetable market without seeing anything he needed.

Back in the shop, Le Yiren saw Le Tongtong still sitting there obediently, saw her come in, and smiled sweetly at her, "Mother."

Le Yiren walked over with a smile, rubbed Le Tongtong's head, and then looked up at A Sheng and A Ming.

The two of them were facing Qiang who was painting intently. In front of them, half of the wall was already emerald green, which made people feel in a good mood.

After watching for a while, Le Yiren led Le Tongtong to the back.

Let Le Tongtong enter the house to play with the baby, and Le Yiren began to clean up and clean the vegetables he brought.

In this kind of weather, these vegetables must be eaten as soon as they are picked, otherwise, they will become shriveled and even rotten due to the loss of moisture in a few days.

It just so happened that tonight she was going to invite people from Zhang Jimuhang to dinner, and she should be able to eat more than half of it.

Wash all kinds of vegetables, then cut what should be cut, and what should be cooked should be cooked.

After tidying up all the green vegetables, Le Yiren cut the pork belly into small pieces, put them in boiling water and passed the water once, and then passed the ribs over the water.

Le Yiren found out the casserole that he bought for soup, put the spare ribs in it, added water, put chopped green onions and ginger in it, covered it, and put it on the matching stove superior.

This stove burns carbon, you only need to put enough coal in it, and you don’t need to manage it any more, it’s very convenient.

After the pork rib soup was cooked, Le Yiren started kneading the noodles. There were many people eating at night, so he simply steamed some steamed buns to make them feel full.

Le Yiren made three types of noodles for steaming steamed buns.

The first type is pure white noodles, and bean paste will be put in it later to make bean paste buns.

The second one is mixed with cornmeal, which not only tastes chewy, but also has a good taste.

The third is to add sorghum noodles.

These days, there are really not many people who can eat white noodles all at once. Even in the town, she can handle guests like this.

It was already an hour later that the three pots of steamed buns were steamed.

The whole kitchen is surrounded by aromas, not only the aroma of pork rib soup, but also the unique aroma of steamed buns.

Just by smelling it, Le Yiren felt his mouth salivating.

(End of this chapter)

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