The head of urban peach blossom

Chapter 430 3 Swordsmen

Chapter 430 The Three Musketeers

After dancing a song, Hua Xiaolou accompanied Alice to sit back at the table, admiring the hot girls on the stage.

The hot girls seemed to be electrified, and their whole bodies were trembling so shockingly.And the men in the audience were howling like crazy...

Although their dancing postures are also full of temptation, they have a wild beauty.Coupled with dynamic music, it is simply exciting.

Even Alice was fascinated by it.

"Ha, it's not easy to feel the unique atmosphere here in other places."

Henry smiled while drinking, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

"That's's a pity that we are all old, and we can't get back to the past." Batu said with emotion.


At this moment, there was a loud noise in the bar.

Alice was startled, and hurriedly looked sideways, only to find that there were two men fighting, one of whom fell to the ground and smashed a bar table.

The strange thing is that with such a big commotion, the guests in the bar, no matter if they were men or women, did not appear to be in a commotion.


Seeing this, Alice was a little surprised.

"It's okay, this kind of scene happens often, and people are used to it." Henry couldn't help explaining with a smile.

"This fully shows that the people here still maintain the tough style of the past..." Hua Xiaolou said with some emotion: "Just like the rivers and lakes in our ancient China, we are happy to enmity, and we will strike at any disagreement..."

This made Alice amused.

The two men fought for a while, both of them were bruised and swollen, and then they sat down to drink together again, which made people very speechless.

Not long after, there was another quarrel at the bar.

Because the music is loud, I can't hear the loud content clearly.Batu looked over subconsciously, and his expression suddenly became agitated.

"Hey, Henry, you, look, is that drunk old guy Harry?"


Hearing this name, Henry froze for a moment, and looked towards the bar with a little excitement.

There, an old man was arguing with the bartender by banging on the table.

"Young man, you are so disingenuous, why only give me half a glass of wine? If I drink one glass, don't I have to pay for two glasses?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you obviously drank half a glass..."

"When did I drink it? Huh? Why don't I know?"

When the commotion was raging, someone slapped it hard on the bar again... When the palm was lifted, a big bill was revealed.

"Hey, buddy, give him three more drinks, I'm treatin'!"


"Who wants to buy me a drink? Do I have no money? Do I have no money to drink? Tell you, I don't have no money to drink, but I am condemning your bar's actions..."

Unexpectedly, the old man was quite stubborn, chattering and yelling non-stop.

"Harry, I haven't seen you in 20 years, and you are still so annoying..."


Hearing the person call out his name and say something like this, Harry tried his best to open his eyes wide, and then burst into tears like a child——

"Batu, you old bastard, I didn't expect to see you here..."

"You guy, look, Henry is here too..."

"Henry? My God, our Three Musketeers are finally gathered..."

Soon, Batu brought Harry to the wine table.When old friends meet, they are so excited, and the three hug each other, crying and laughing, just like a couple... No, three good friends, they are so red-faced.

Of course, at the same time, I was also moved by their decades-old deep friendship.

"Hey, who is this handsome guy and beautiful woman? Is it your daughter and son-in-law? Ha, a guy from the East, my name is Harry, and the three of us were the most powerful Three Musketeers back then. We explored together, drank together, and picked up girls together... "

His call not only embarrassed Henry and Batu, but also made Hua Xiaolou and Alice quite speechless.

"Speaking of which, the three of us were really born and died..." Henry sighed, "In the blink of an eye, everyone is getting old..."

"Tch, that's because you are old, I don't accept old age!"

Harry looked very proud: "You two old guys are free now, hiding at home and becoming some kind of researcher, and I, Harry, am still wandering..."


The last sentence made Hua Xiaolou involuntarily spit... This old man's words are really funny.

"Little guy, don't you believe it? Huh, I just returned from the sea last month. Do you know that there are several hot girls pestering me..."

Before Harry finished speaking, Batu couldn't help asking: "Harry, tell us, how old are the hot girls you're talking about?"

"This... age is not a problem..."

"Since it's not a problem, you might as well reveal it to satisfy our curiosity." Henry looked at Harry with a half-smile.

"Cough, about four...50 years old..."

Watching the three of them compete with each other, Hua Xiaolou smiled at Alice.

Of course, this is not ridicule. In fact, they can see that the three old people are reminiscing about the glory days of the past and reminiscing about the youthful wandering.

It is a kind of friendship precipitation that has been born and died.

"By the way, why do you suddenly think of coming here? You can't make a special trip to see me, right?"

Although Harry is not from here, it is not too far from this small town, about a day's journey away.Batu and Henry are both from country Y, and it has been more than twenty years since the last meeting of the three of them.

"This one……"

Henry looked around subconsciously, then took out a piece of paper and handed it to Harry.

This piece of paper is exactly the ancient map copied by Henry.

Harry didn't pay much attention to it at first, he glanced at it casually, and then his face became serious: "Where... where did you get this? Where's the original picture?"

"It's inconvenient to take out the original picture right now, so you can take a look first."

"All right!"

Harry cheered up, took a closer look, and his expression became a little excited: "That's why you came here?"

"That's right!" Henry nodded.


Harry let out a long breath, and continued: "Speaking of which, we also tried to find some legendary treasures back then, and this Death's Chest is one of them..."

"Then have you found anything?" Alice couldn't help asking curiously.

"Hehe, it's not that easy."

Harry smiled bitterly and shook his head: "But no matter what, we still firmly believe that these legendary treasures exist, and we have been looking for them tirelessly.

Of course, it's not just us, there are many people looking for it, adventurers, pirates, including the armies of many countries at that time also quietly sent people to look for it.

Over the years, some things have really been found, but most of them still exist in legends..."

Having said that, Harry looked at the map carefully again, frowned and said, "This shouldn't be a complete map, what about the other parts?"

"There are no other parts, we only have this picture."


(End of this chapter)

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