The head of urban peach blossom

Chapter 429 Pirate Bar

Chapter 429 Pirate Bar
This is a port city located in the Caribbean Sea.

It is said to be a city, but it is actually not that big.It used to be a town, but after entering the age of great voyages, it became a place where adventurers, pirates, and businessmen mixed together. It was once glorious, but slowly developed and became a small town.

But now it is not the most important waterway, and it is not suitable for giant ships to dock, and it is no longer the grand occasion of the past.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that there are still many ancient buildings here, full of strong medieval style, which amazes many people who come here for the first time, as if traveling through time.

Including Alice, as soon as they got off the boat, they looked around happily and excitedly, and asked Hua Xiaolou to take pictures for her.

It was also the first time for Hua Xiaolou to come here.

Although he has seen many ancient buildings from all over the world, he is still deeply moved by the strong style of the age of great navigation in this small town.

This could not help but remind him of some classic blockbusters he had seen before, and coming here seemed to be in that environment.

"Xiaolou, you have a long history in China. There should be many similar ancient cities, right?"

"An ancient city?"

Hearing this, Hua Xiaolou couldn't help but smile wryly.

When it comes to history, culture, and inheritance, no country in the world dares to challenge China.In the east, Huaxia is the dominant force, leading the trend for thousands of years. It was once known as the kingdom of heaven, and all nations come to court.

Speaking of the coming of all nations to the DPRK, some people may think it is too exaggerated. How many countries are there in the whole world?

But in ancient times, there were so many countries that no one could count them all.Especially outside the customs, a small tribe with hundreds of people can also be a country.

At that time, China was regarded as a highly developed and highly civilized ancient country in the world.Today, entering the era of internationalization, many ancient heritages have begun to disappear.

For example, the ancient city.

As far as ancient cities are concerned, there are really too many in China. Those that are hundreds of years old are nothing, and ancient cities that are thousands of years old are everywhere.However, no city can truly be authentic.

Walking into any ancient city, you can see high-rise buildings, and the ancient buildings have almost disappeared or were artificially built.

It is simply impossible to find a truly ancient city that has been preserved on a large scale.Even a small ancient town is basically commercialized.

So seeing these well-preserved buildings in front of him, Hua Xiaolou naturally could only smile wryly.

"There are indeed many ancient cities in China, but there are not many of them that are as authentic as this one. You know, while the economy is developing, some relevant transformations must be carried out..."

"All right!"

Alice nodded understandingly.

Then he turned his head and asked Henry: "What are we going to do next?"

"Hehe, when we get here, Her Royal Highness can take a tour of this ancient city. However, we have to dress up and not be too conspicuous. Next, of course, we will find a boat to go to sea..."

Not long after, the whole group changed their outfits and looked like locals.Moreover, Alice also deliberately put on makeup so as not to be recognized by others.

"Is there any fun here?"

After wandering around for a while, Alice couldn't help asking.

Henry smiled and said: "Ha, the most distinctive thing here is of course the Pirate Bar, where there are fine wines from all over the world...In the bar, you can feel the medieval style..."

"That's right, we used to like to have a drink or two when we came here. The important thing is that there are adventurers or pirates from all directions, and we can hear a lot of news from them."

"Great, then let's go inquire and see if there is any news about Death's Coffin."

It can be seen that Alice is a little excited, and she can't wait to see it right away.

In her capacity, it was naturally impossible for her to go into a place like a bar.But now, there is a chance to fly, and from what Henry said, such a bar must be quite distinctive.

"Princess, this, this is not safe, is it?"

The following guards grimaced and whispered.

"Don't call me a princess, um, just call me Miss Liz..."


"This is an order, I don't want others to know my identity."

At Alice's insistence, the group finally came to the bar.

"Sure enough!"

Seeing the decoration style of the bar, Hua Xiaolou sighed.

It seems that the bar should have seen some years.From the outside, it looks like the bow of a ship.After entering, the waiters inside are all dressed in medieval costumes.

Including the costumes of many drinkers, there is also a strong retro style.

The tables and chairs, bar counters, small ornaments, etc. in the store are all full of characteristics, and there is no modern style at all.

There is also a stage in the bar, on which two men and two women, dressed in pirate costumes, are singing and dancing wildly, making the atmosphere of the whole bar even wilder.

Seeing Hua Xiaolou and his group come in, a waiter came over, ushered them to two tables and sat down, and asked them what wine they wanted to drink.

"I'm free!"

Alice didn't come to drink, she just wanted to feel the atmosphere.

Of course, Hua Xiaolou had the same idea, so in the end Henry made the decision and ordered a type of rum that pirates prefer to drink.

The guards didn't dare to drink strong alcohol, but just ordered a few bottles of beer to pretend.

It's not that Alice doesn't allow them to drink, it's mainly because of their responsibilities, and they are afraid of any accidents.

After a few sips of wine, the music in the bar changed to a more rhythmic one. Even Alice couldn't help shaking her beautiful legs with the music.

"Beautiful Miss Liz, would you like to dance with me?"

Seeing that many people stood up and swayed to the music, Hua Xiaolou couldn't help but smiled and reached out to Alice.


Alice giggled, as if she had returned to her girlhood, stood up excitedly, followed Hua Xiaolou to the middle and started carnival...

Seeing this, the four guards had no choice but to follow and spread out, trying not to let others get close to the princess.

"Growing up, I've never been happier than I am now!"

Alice said excitedly while jumping.

"What did you say?"

The music was too loud, Hua Xiaolou couldn't hear it clearly.

"I say……"

Alice had no choice but to lean over, and said in Hua Xiaolou's ear almost cheek to cheek: "I've never been so happy as now."

"Ha, of course, you..."

Hua Xiaolou smiled, and turned her face around, but she was too close, and her lips accidentally touched Alice's flushed face.

The warm feeling and the charming fragrance of Alice's hair made Hua Xiaolou's heart flutter.Just don't do it, don't stop, and take another sip...

"Hey, you, you seem to be taking advantage of me..."

Alice bit her lip and drank shyly.

"Hahaha, I didn't do it on purpose, it's just that the atmosphere here is too warm, I can't help it..."

The demeanor of the two fell into the eyes of several guards, and they quickly turned their heads away, pretending that they didn't see anything...

(End of this chapter)

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