The head of urban peach blossom

Chapter 342 One Moment of Romance!

Chapter 342 A Moment of Romance!
Successfully solved the old opponent He Zheng, obtained spiritual stones and other cultivation resources, and had some intimate interactions with Miss Shen... This trip, Hua Xiaolou can be said to have come to a successful conclusion.

However, he had promised Ah Fang before that he would restore a normal order to the nearby villages.So, I went back again, and based on the information provided by Ah Fang and the villagers, I cleared up some of the guys who caused disasters in the village.

This move made the villagers very grateful.Perhaps, in the future, they can finally live a normal life.

"Hmph, after doing so many good deeds, I ended up taking the No. 11 bus."

Along the way, Miss Shen complained from time to time.

The two are located in the deep wilderness, there is no suitable means of transportation at all, and they can only rely on the most primitive legs.

However, it's rare to be so leisurely, accompanied by a beautiful woman, Hua Xiaolou doesn't think it's hard work.Instead, it felt like a rare opportunity.

When I came here, I had many things in my heart, and I still had enemies to face.Now, feel relaxed and stress-free...

"I said, Miss Shen, don't be a good boy when you get a cheap one. Now, would you like to exchange your bag for a luxury car?"

"Don't change!"

Upon hearing this, Miss Shen immediately put on the appearance of a miser, and subconsciously squeezed the small cloth bag at her waist.

In fact, this cloth bag was used by Hua Xiaolou before.

However, now that a bigger one was found on He Zheng, the smaller one was naturally confiscated by Miss Shen.

Along the way, Shen Bingbing took it out to play with whenever she had something to do, her little face flushed with excitement.After all, this is equivalent to a large carry-on backpack, quite a magical thing.

"Coo, coo..."

As he was walking, Hua Xiaolou suddenly heard two strange noises, which made him subconsciously glance at Shen Bingbing.

"Look at what?"

Shen Bingbing blushed, rubbed her belly and said, "Isn't Miss Ben hungry? Take a rest, I want to eat something."

At the mention of eating, Hua Xiaolou's heart moved, and he said with a smile, "What's the point of eating all those raw and cold snacks? Why don't we eat barbecue?"


Shen Bingbing was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily, "Are you okay? This is a barren mountain, where is the barbecue stall?"

"Hey, who said you want a barbecue stand? Can't we just bake it ourselves?"

"Oh? Bake it yourself? Yes, yes!"

As expected of a foodie, the corners of Miss Shen's mouth were slightly drooling when she thought of the delightful taste of barbecue.

"But what shall we bake?"

"Look, there is a river over there. There are probably fish. Let's go and have a look. If it doesn't work, go and catch hares."


Shen Bingbing turned into a cute girl in a blink of an eye, bouncing and running towards the river.Looking at the happy back, Hua Xiaolou swallowed secretly, full of happiness.

If you think about it carefully, your own destiny is really amazing.

In the past, I thought that after retiring, I would live my life in obscurity.Who knows, but inexplicably became the head of peach blossoms.

Then, the beauties came to the door one by one... Daji, Diaochan, Nalan Qianxue, Liu Yiyi, Tang Xiaowan, Shen Bingbing, each one of them can be called stunning in the world.

Sometimes, Hua Xiaolou feels that she is too greedy?

But looking back, how many are these?In ancient times, it was a fart.In ancient times, which one of the masters of any big family didn't have a group of wives and concubines?
The emperor is even more terrible, thousands of... one person monopolizes the huge harem.

In comparison, is he worse than them?

No matter how awesome the emperor is, he is just a mortal.What kind of real dragon emperor is nothing more than a false name, isn't he born, old, sick and dying like ordinary people?
Let's take a look at Liu Yiyi's parents, Sister Long, Diaochan, and Daji.

Anyway, I will also be an immortal cultivator in the future, and even the head of a sect inherited from ancient times. Speaking of which, is this considered greedy?

If he allowed these beauties to marry others, he would be really stupid... Take Shen Bingbing as an example, on the surface he was fierce with him, and was noisy all day long.

However, Hua Xiaolou is very clear that the relationship between the two has long been ambiguous.Otherwise, try another man to kiss her forcibly?

It is estimated that it can directly kick the opponent's balls...

"Haha, there are really fish!"

As soon as she ran over, Shen Bingbing found two fat fish swimming in the water.

"That's good!"

Hua Xiaolou quickened his pace and ran over, observed for a while, then picked up a stone and started to smash it...

"Boom, boom, boom!"

With a few dull sounds, several golden fish floated to the surface of the water with their white bellies turned and went down the river.

Shen Bingbing cheered, didn't care about anything, and just jumped into the water to fish...

After she threw the fish ashore, she remembered something, and couldn't help but ask, "Hey, I'm afraid it won't taste good just roasting it like this? It doesn't taste like anything."

"Don't worry, I'm prepared! Now, let's go gather firewood."

Soon after, the two set up firewood and started a live barbecue by the river.

Seeing Hua Xiaolou's skillful movements, and digging out a few sealed jars containing seasonings from her bag, Shen Bingbing couldn't help being surprised: "You still have the nerve to say that I'm a foodie, but you actually carry seasonings with you?"

"So, you still lack experience..."

Hua Xiaolou sighed and said, "In the past, my team members and I traveled around for many years, and we rarely had a full meal. Therefore, we often had to do it ourselves.

When it is latent, it can only be eaten raw.Only when you confirm that there is no danger can you enjoy the taste of barbecue.Firstly, adjust your mood, secondly, maintain your physical strength..."

"All right!"

Smelling the smell of barbecue that began to waft, Shen Bingbing shrugged her nose cutely, and said coquettishly, "Give me one, I want to roast it myself."

"Here, remember to turn it over constantly. The fish meat is relatively tender, and it will burn if you are not careful."

"Know it……"

Under Hua Xiaolou's guidance, Shen Bingbing finally succeeded in roasting a delicious, charred grilled fish.

Her stomach was already hungry, and now that it was delicious, she couldn't wait to start eating. As a result, she was scalded...

Later, I finally learned how to be clever. I slowly tore it off with my fingers, put it in my mouth, and sucked my fingers from time to time. This picture is very charming, and Hua Xiaolou looks a little stupid.

While Shen Bingbing was concentrating on the delicious food, he pretended to be casual and sat beside her.Then, when she stretched her greasy fingers to her mouth again, she grabbed it and put it in her mouth...

"Hey, you, you pervert..."

"Hey, I see that your food tastes delicious, so I just want to taste if there is any special taste in this finger..."

"Hmph, shameless!"

Although she was yelling and cursing, but judging from her expression, Miss Shen was not really angry, she tore off a piece and handed it to Hua Xiaolou's mouth and said, "Here, how about trying the fish that Miss Ben baked with her own hands. "

"Yeah, delicious, continue..."

The scene at this moment is very warm and romantic.

No city noise, no gloomy smog.There is only the sound of gurgling water and the breeze blowing against our faces.

And, a pair of joking people...

(End of this chapter)

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