Chapter 594 Don't mention it again

"It's okay, you continue to talk, sir, I still want to hear it." Ling Chenyi's voice was a little half-smile, and Osmanthus fragrans heart trembled.

According to what I just said, if Osmanthus fragrans is going to talk about it later, it is to promote the use of coal, but when thinking about the meaning coal represents in the Ming and Luo Dynasties, Osmanthus fragrans knows that if it wants to promote it, it will encounter a lot of resistance. Maybe it will be used by those who want to.

The impact that will be involved at that time may not be as simple as the death of Osmanthus fragrans alone, or the death of the whole family.

"My lord, forgive me, Minnv took it seriously just now. In fact, Minnv just wanted to use coal as a greenhouse for heating in winter, and she didn't dare to have other extravagant ideas."

Seeing the huge contrast in Osmanthus's attitude, Ling Chenyi raised the corner of his mouth, "Get up!"

Osmanthus fragrans responded, but she lowered her head and stood there in a well-behaved manner, which was completely different from the one she was talking about just now.

The smile on the corner of Ling Chenyi's mouth slowly faded away, the usual frost appeared on his face again, and his voice became colder, so cold that the sweet-scented osmanthus radiated a chill from the bottom of his heart.

"You said what happened today, and I listened to it. After you finished speaking, it was over. After I finished listening, I pretended that I hadn't heard of it. I don't want to make more troubles, understand?"

"Minister understands!" Osmanthus fragrans hurriedly responded.

After hearing what Ling Chenyi said, Osmanthus immediately understood that her worry just now was absolutely necessary.

And I'm very glad that I stopped the car in time, otherwise the consequences would be so bad!
At this moment, Mei Hua's voice came from behind the door curtain, "Master, breakfast is ready, shall we start now?"

"En." With Ling Chenyi's sound, the door curtain was lifted, and Mei Hua walked in with two plates.

A dish that the Osmanthus family often eats for breakfast, one plate is stir-fried vegetables, and then a bowl of egg custard is served, followed by a pot of rice porridge and a plate of mixed noodles.

"Come and eat together!" Ling Chenyi told Lao Lu and the others, Lao Lu and the others were obviously taken aback, shaking their heads subconsciously, but then they heard Ling Chenyi say: "I'm not in the mansion now, so I don't need so many rules, come and eat once! Besides, there are so many things, it seems that they are not just for the grandfather to eat."

As soon as she said this, Mei Hua's face turned red, just now she was habitually serving up all the food, and she really ignored the fact that everyone couldn't sit at the same table with Shi Ziye.

The sweet-scented osmanthus family ate breakfast in the hut, and the task of accompanying the son to eat naturally fell on the six men in black.

After breakfast, Osmanthus asked Chu Yannian to rent an oxcart. She asked Meihua to accompany her, first went to the cellar to have a look, and then told Chu Yannian to pay attention to safety, then joined Chu Yannian and headed towards the town rush to.

Just before coming out, Osmanthus fragrans had already seen it, Liu Dahai added all the money he gave to him, it was more than 100 taels, and he took all of Osmanthus fragrans, because the small money might not be enough for the things I want to buy today.

"Osmanthus fragrans, do you really want the son and the others to live in our house for so long?" Chu Yannian couldn't help asking in the bullock cart.

"Yeah, Osmanthus fragrans, I always feel that the elder son's visit to our house this time is different from the last time, as if he is hiding from something." Mei Hua also frowned, obviously she didn't really want the elder son to live in her house.

(End of this chapter)

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