Chapter 593 Talking about Theory

At this time, Osmanthus fragrans also wants to bloom, anyway, the worst ending is death.

Ever since she met Ling Chenyi and knew that he was the eldest son, Osmanthus felt that the possibility of death in her life had been greatly increased.

Ling Chenyi's posture today also made Osmanthus understand that if she couldn't explain the matter of the black block clearly, her ending would definitely not be much better.

Since it's all a bad thing, it's better to say all the things that I'm depressed these days.

In this way, even if he was really going to be killed, he wouldn't be so aggrieved anyway.

"I got the compliment from the master, so now should I explain this black piece to my master?" Ling Chenyi's reaction was very calm, and he put the black piece in his hand on the table, only to find that the palm of his hand was completely black. .

Osmanthus fragrans didn't answer in a hurry, instead she took out her handkerchief, turned around and went to the basin next to the door to soak it, then handed it to Ling Chenyi, then walked back to the position just now, blessed her body again, and replied : "Burn a fire, keep warm, and protect the trees to the greatest extent."

"Can this thing be burned?" Ling Chenyi wiped his hands with a handkerchief, but was very interested in what Osmanthus fragrans said.

"It can, not only can, but it is also more resistant to burning than wood, but it needs to use wood as a primer when it is ignited."

"Then, what do you mean by protecting trees?" Ling Chenyi asked again.

The literal meaning of protecting trees is naturally very simple, but in such a dynasty, the importance of trees to people was limited to burning fire.

Fortunately, Osmanthus fragrans was already mentally prepared, and Lang Lang replied: "Ten-year-old trees, but if a ten-year-old tree is used to light a fire, if it is used sparingly, it may not be able to support a family for a long time. Ten years can be exchanged for a few short days, or even shorter time, Shizi, I believe you don't need a girl to settle this account for you, you should have a score in your heart!"

Following Osmanthus fragrans' words, Ling Chenyi blinked his eyes lightly and nodded, expressing his agreement.

"Especially in a place like Antao Town, where the winter is severe, if you don't burn a fire to keep warm, people will freeze to death. Therefore, the consumption of wood will increase."

"Well, that's right." Ling Chenyi agreed again.

Seeing that Ling Chenyi seemed to be calm and interested in what she said, Osmanthus felt a little more relaxed.

Taking a deep breath in her heart, Osmanthus fragrans continued: "It takes a long time for a tree to grow. If you just ask for it blindly, then one day the resources will be exhausted. Maybe it will not be the people of my generation who see the depletion, but It must be our children and grandchildren. So, for the survival of future generations, it is necessary to use other things instead of burning trees."

"Continue." Ling Chenyi took advantage of Osmanthus fragrans to take a breath, and said these two words lightly.


Osmanthus fragrans heart skipped a beat, and suddenly realized that she seemed a little carried away just now.

The theory of sustainable development, it took people many years to sum it up, but now I just say it like this, if Ling Chenyi doesn't understand it, then I will shoot myself in the foot , Are you looking for trouble?
Thinking of this, Osmanthus fragrans knelt down towards the ground, kowtowed her head to Ling Chenyi, and said nervously: "My lord, please forgive me, it was all nonsense just now, I hope my lord will not blame you!"

(End of this chapter)

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