Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 505 Immortal Realm

Chapter 505 Immortal Realm
If this is the legendary fairy land, then there is not much difference between this place and Changbai Mountain except that there is no sunlight.But the darkness here is really too depressing, depressing to the point of despair, if you get lost here, or get lost with your companions, the consequences are unimaginable.

Chen Zhi and Fat Wei had their own searchlights on their work clothes, and everyone else turned on the flashlight. This flashlight was made in Germany and consumes a lot of power, but the light is very strong and has a long range.

In order to prevent people from falling behind, Chen Zhi asked everyone to line up in an arrow shape, and shine the flashlights in their hands all the way forward to form a whole luminous surface. If anyone falls behind or has an accident, they can be found immediately.

In this way, they walked all the way down the mountain, and soon, they entered the complete darkness, the sky and the earth, and there was endless darkness in all directions, only the flashlight beams could be seen flickering, and they were reflected by the beams in the darkness. scary face.

The darkness gives people a kind of unknown fear, and people have many terrifying illusions ahead. The guys of the Tang family are very nervous at this moment. They are close together, advancing hard in the darkness, for fear that they will be left behind by the team.

They soon discovered that the plants on this mountain grew very densely, and many of them were rare species that were hard to see in the real world. The ice and snow are blocked, and the ice skates are hung all over.

There was not a living creature to be seen in the entire forest, no mountain deer, no hares, nothing, the surrounding was quiet, depressing and scary.Later, they saw the bones of animals buried in the thick fallen leaves. They didn't know how long they had been dead. Even reptiles and ants could not be seen on the bones. There was no life, as if everything had died.

We walked all the way down. The soil in the mountains here is very humid, and the temperature is very low. The ground is covered with slippery frost. In addition to the lack of light and the fear of the dark, many teammates slipped and fell into the ground. In the fallen leaf layer, it is very difficult for the team to walk.

But there are a lot of rocks on this mountain. When their flashlight beams shone on the rocks, they found that the surface of the rocks was shining brightly, and some rocks even revealed five-color luster, which was very gorgeous.Chen Zhi touched the texture of these rocks. These are some fine gem raw ores, which are very rare in the modern world. It seems that the gem resources on this mountain are actually very rich, and they have never been mined.

It took them more than three hours to finally walk down the mountain and reach the wheat field in front of the village.

It wasn't until they got close to this wheat field that they saw the real appearance of this place. It turned out that there were some special plants planted in the wheat field here.

The leaves of this plant are very large, and the rhizomes are tall. From a distance, it looks like a large corn stalk. The number is very small, and there are only four or five plants of this plant in a wheat field.

The whole body of this plant emits a little green luster, like a flying firefly, but after walking in, it turns out that the corolla at the top of the plant is light green, and the little fluorescent lights are emitted from there.But these plants have turned yellow and withered, and the corollas are also shriveled and invisible.

However, judging from the farming conditions here, it can be seen that the villagers are very careful in planting these plants. On the corolla of each plant, a delicate small shed is made to protect the corolla from wind and rain. The soil under the ground is very finely turned, and the traces of the wheat fields are also very standard, which shows that these plants have a high status in the hearts of the villagers.

"What the hell is this? Why do you make them look like grandpas?",
Fat Wei saw these big plants and said with a smile,

But Da Guo stopped immediately after seeing these plants, observed for a long time, and said to Chen Zhi with great interest.

"Brother Xiaozhi, these big corn stalks look so familiar to me?
Brother Bin and I have seen a lot of pictures uploaded by the ancestors of the Tang family. They are all hand-painted paintings. The paintings on them are about the mystery village that is presented to the Tai Sui of the Tang family every 100 years.

I always feel that the pictures of Tai Sui are somewhat similar to the big corn stalk in front of me, but not very similar. The Tai Sui in the pictures is much more beautiful. Is it the reason why it is withered now? "

"Tai Sui?",
Da Guo's words immediately aroused Chen Zhi's interest. Chen Zhi once heard Ning Bin mention the magical medicinal material "Tai Sui".

The earliest record begins with Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica". It is said that it takes a hundred years for Taisui to bloom and bear fruit, and only ten plants can get one fruit. After taking it, it can prevent all harm, prolong life, and cure incurable diseases in the world. If you can see the true face, you will be very lucky.

"If you are too old, you will know by looking at it",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he walked into the wheat field and took a look around with a flashlight. After confirming that there was no danger, he asked the team to follow him and hide in the wheat field. into the withered plant.

This kind of spell is an illusion that can temporarily restore the most prosperous appearance of plants, "Rejuvenation Reincarnation Curse".Chen Zhi used it once in the back mountain of Xiqi King City to win Ji Ying a smile, this is the second time.

When Chen Zhi's air flow transported into the withered stems and leaves in front, in an instant, the whole huge plant suddenly came alive, and clusters of green and colorful lights radiated from the middle, and all the big withered leaves slowly turned green , all stretched and recovered, each piece stood upright.The corolla suddenly showed vitality, revealing the light red flower heart, blooming in full bloom, the color is very fresh and tender, surrounded by the whole big leaves, the corolla gradually blooms and falls, and finally forms a light red fruit, and that fruit unexpectedly It is in the shape of a baby, curled up with its head in its arms, heavy and charming, and the glistening aura emanates from the center of the fruit, it is simply gorgeous and fantastic beyond description.

"Damn! Damn! This is the legendary ginseng fruit, right? In Journey to the West, the one that Zhu Bajie ate several times?",
Fat Wei saw this gorgeous plant in full bloom like fireworks, he was so excited that his jaw almost dropped,

"What ginseng fruit? You really haven't seen the world, this is called Tai Sui...",
Da Guo also became excited when he saw this grand occasion, and said in amazement to the beautiful scenery ahead.

Everyone was shocked by this scene, and they all gathered around, marveling at this Tai Sui plant.

Chen Zhi walked closer and carefully observed the structure of this Tai Sui plant. This is indeed an extraordinary and rare plant. Although Chen Zhi doesn't know much about botany, judging from the growth of this plant , the roots and leaves of this Tai Sui plant have a very long lifespan. It is a plant that can grow for hundreds or even thousands of years, and it contains thousands of spiritual powers, which is very rare.

When everyone was attracted by this plant, a gust of wind suddenly blew by. When Chen Zhi smelled the smell in the wind, he was startled, and immediately used the air flow to withdraw the illusion. It was dark again.

"What's wrong……",
Everyone turned their heads and looked at Chen Zhi with strange eyes.

At this time, I saw Chen Zhi's face was solemn, his eyes were peeping into the darkness, and he said softly to Fat Wei,

"Fatty, do you still remember this smell?"

"Remember at that time",
I saw Fat Wei's eyes rolling around, looking left and right vigilantly and said,

"This is the smell from the corpses of those gods pretending to be dead, the fragrance of bones..."

(End of this chapter)

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