Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 504 Entering the Mysterious Village

Chapter 504 Entering the Mysterious Village ([-])
It is not the first time for Chen Zhi to fall from such a high place, but this time he was pulled down by the swirl at the entrance, making people defenseless, and the ground here is frozen hard, like a steel plate Similarly, it was no joke when people fell on it. Chen Zhi and Fat Wei both crawled on the ground and slowed down for a long time before getting up.

The first thing Chen Zhi did after getting up was to observe the surrounding environment. He quickly discovered that the space here was very strange, surrounded by a dense darkness, and there was no light at all, only the entrance where they fell had light. The light comes from above the brass staircase, and it looks like the lights in a stage play are focused.

Chen Zhi touched the snow on the ground, it was cold and prickly, but the snow was very pure and unpolluted. Judging from the color of the ground, it was not much different from the Changbai Mountain above.

The wind here is very gentle, and there is a hint of sweetness in the air, which makes people feel refreshed. This kind of high-quality air is hard to find in the real world.

Fat Wei also got up from the ground, he kept complaining that the entrance was too deceitful, how could he pull people out abruptly, causing his tailbone to be broken, and then lamented that he was really old, If it had been five or six years ago when he was the most imposing, he wouldn't have fallen like this even if he was a few meters taller....

In Chen Zhi's ears, Fat Wei talked about Yong Yong in detail, and he walked a large circle around the bright area, and made a rough estimate of the terrain here. They should be on a big mountain, and this is the hillside. In the surrounding darkness, I can see sparse trees in a trance, and in front of me is a mountain road leading directly to the bottom of the mountain, but it is pitch black and I can't see clearly.

Chen Zhi took out the folding telescope in the treasure bag. Although this telescope produced by Indians is a simple equipment, it is made of pure titanium steel. It is very light and handy. It can change multiple functions. It is a real high-quality far-infrared telescope. Visibility is excellent in the dark.

Chen Zhi went to the hillside, put the binoculars on his eyes and looked forward, and he had a panoramic view of everything in the darkness ahead.

It turns out that this is also a part of Changbai Mountain, but here is a huge valley, hidden in the depths of Changbai Mountain like a huge bowl.

The entrance above the valley was completely blocked by the seal, which concealed the place as a whole, and it was completely invisible to the naked eye from the outside. It was thought that this place was a white snow field, but in fact there was a hole in the sky below.

There are also waterfalls, sky, rivers and mountains in this valley. Even in the dark, the original beautiful scenery can be seen, but for some reason, the place is lifeless, so that everything is immersed in the darkness and fell asleep. .

"Oh my god! This is a paradise!"

Fat Wei also stood by Chen Zhi's side at some point, holding a telescope and pointing in another direction, yelling and shouting.

"Look at the middle of the two mountains in front of you, there is a village with wheat fields around it. I guess that is the mysterious village we are looking for...".

Hearing what Fat Wei said, Chen Zhi hurriedly looked in that direction.

Sure enough, there was a huge village building at the foot of a mountain. There seemed to be many residents living in that village. The houses were densely packed one after another, but they could not be seen clearly in the dark, and no one moved around. sign.

There are some criss-crossing wheat fields around the village. Those wheat fields are very special, glowing faintly in the dark. The number of wheat fields is very small. From a distance, they look like pieces of square light strips. They are very beautiful. There is a kind of fairyland on earth, pastoral Leisurely feeling.

But that area is still pitch-black, if not in the far-infrared telescope, it can't be seen clearly at all.

"The village we are looking for should be there. It seems that we have come to the right place, but here... why is it so dark?",
Chen Zhi put down the binoculars and said thoughtfully.

"Okay, it's easy to find the right place. Now let's quickly think about how to contact the higher-ups and ask them to put a rope down. Don't be stupid like the two of us and smash shit."

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he went to the bottom of the brass stairs and looked up. He saw that the black smoke above was still spinning rapidly. If anyone put a foot in at this time, they would be pulled down immediately. Then fell heavily to the ground.

But in this world, any network is out of order, even their headsets can't be connected, and they can't get in touch with the above at all. Only Chen Zhi's airflow can reach it, but it can't send complicated messages.

"That's too late……",
Chen Zhi looked up at the swirling black smoke above and said,

"Just let them wrestle!".

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he worked the qi in his body, sensed the air flow he had left in Ji Ying's hand above, and quickly touched it.

Sure enough, not long after, I saw the black smoke above tremble suddenly. Ji Ying was the first to be pulled off from above, but she turned over in mid-air after weightlessness, and her feet landed firmly on the ground .

Then a crash was heard,

"Crack~~~~, Crack~~~~, Crack~~~~",
"Ouch~~, Ouch~~, Ouch~~~",
Da Guo, Lao Somersault, and the Tang family's guys fell from the top one after another like pigs falling to death, and fell heavily to the ground, some even stacked on top of each other.

Chen Zhi and Fat Wei quickly dragged the fallen people to the outer circle to prevent the falling people from crushing the people below. "

Not long after that, everyone fell down, and everyone was lying on the ground screaming, the scene was actually a bit funny.

Among all the people, the old somersault fell the hardest. After all, he was old and his bones were brittle. He almost couldn't get up from the fall. Everyone just yelled on the ground for a while, Then they supported each other and got up.

Now, the whole team has entered this hidden valley.

After Da Guo assembled the team, he studied the route with Chen Zhi, Lao Somersault, and Pang Wei.

The terrain in the mountain is clear under the telescope. There is only one way down the mountain, and it leads directly to the village.This is definitely the legendary "Heavenly Immortal Realm", but they don't know anything about this land, and accidents are likely to happen, so they can't take the enemy lightly.

After researching, everyone decided to get the team together and go straight down the mountain road to the mysterious village.Because it is too dark here, it is most taboo to divide troops when operating in the dark. We must gather our forces together and form a fist to face the danger ahead at any time.

After determining the route down the mountain, Da Guo divided the team into two rows, with Da Guo and Pang Wei leading the way. After Ji Ying stopped, everyone picked up their submachine guns, walked lightly, and sneaked towards the village ahead.

 I'm sorry everyone, I'm done updating today. It's New Year's Day, and I always have to go back to see my family.Let's update it today!normal tomorrow


(End of this chapter)

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