I heard you like me

Chapter 291 Expressing His Position 2

Chapter 291 Expressing His Position 2
She felt that she had grown up, her patience was much better, and she could still eat it in the face of a person who made her sick...

As everyone knows, she is not the only one who is enduring?
How could the two women of the Cheng family feel at ease when he rushed out like this?Peng Man came out behind him.

He was walking in front of him in a daze, and Peng Man followed him at a suitable distance, not daring to call him, and not daring to lose him.

When he met Ding Yiyuan, she also saw it from a distance, and she wanted to peep, so she hid herself and watched him go up, blocked Ding Yiyuan's way, and they walked into the restaurant one after the other.

They sat by the big glass window when they ate, and she was hidden outside, so that they could see everything they did.

Seeing him busily cooking hot pot by himself, he put everything into a bowl and brought it to her for her to eat.

Seeing him smiling at her, that kind of smile was very strange, he would also smile at himself, but there was no such brilliance in his eyes, as if, at that moment when his eyes looked at Ding Yiyuan, it felt like the whole world was here.

Peng Man felt like a needle was stuck in her heart, she didn't know why it happened.

Her Brother Yu, the beloved Brother Yu whom she adores, is serving another woman to eat wholeheartedly, but here she is reluctant.If she were to sit in Ding Yiyuan's position, she would definitely be reluctant to let Brother Yu do this, because she must be busy serving him.

And in fact she did.

Evening is the most profitable time in her restaurant, but since he came back, she left the business in the restaurant to the people at the bottom early, and ran back to cook for him. It was not dawn early in the morning, so she got up to cook for him breakfast.He didn't eat, and she didn't eat and waited for him.When he came, she handed him chopsticks and a bowl, wishing to feed him.

Even so, he still looked unhappy, frowning, not at all like the him in front of Ding Yiyuan at this moment.

She doesn't like Brother Yu at the moment, and she doesn't like Ding Yiyuan even more. How arrogant and indulgent a woman must be to let a man surround her like this?

In her opinion, a man is proud and dignified. A young lady who treats a man like a babysitter because of her beauty and money is insulting her Brother Yu. She is very angry and complains.Her Brother Yu is the pride of the whole town, he is the number one scholar. Brother Yu's hands are used to operate on patients with a scalpel, not to serve people with hot pot.

But what's the use of being angry again?

She didn't even dare to enter the store, so she could only stand in the cold wind, the wind of this season, the brains of the people who were blown were numb, and she was in pain, but she could only stand and couldn't get in. , also reluctant to leave.

The two people eating hot pot inside did not know that there was such a peeping person outside.

Ding Yiyuan grew up in a honey pot, and there is never a shortage of people around her to please her. People who ask her out for dinner have been around since she was in high school, but those people want romance, atmosphere, and ostentation, and they will not choose like this. A hot pot restaurant on the street.

But in fact, she is not so delicate.

She does have a bit of a big lady temper. If she listens to her mother and grows up in the direction of a little princess, she may be disgusted, but in fact, how can she be allowed to develop into a little princess after she studies medicine?Experiments, surgeries, surgeries, experiments, this kind of life is not bad if you can fill your stomach, but also pay attention to the romantic atmosphere?You know, it’s normal to be hungry, and it’s a pleasure to have a meal in the hospital cafeteria at noon. Most of the time, it’s in the operating room, either enduring it, or swallowing two mouthfuls from the nurse, choking her neck. To be honest, let alone not being full, I dare not even drink water.

So, ignoring the nasty disgusting thing in front of her, this meal is still very comfortable to eat, not to mention, she actually knows that there are often really delicious things in small restaurants.The food in this hot pot restaurant is very good.It's a pity that I can't ignore it.

He didn't eat much by himself, and helped her wash it all the time.

In other words, he was serving her.

But it was done very naturally, every move didn't look deliberate, and it didn't make people feel low-key.There was no flattery or flattery on that serious face, that is, he had never flattered or flattered her before, and it was a favor not to scold her or get angry at her.

She thinks that as a doctor, controlling her temper is a basic practice, especially at important points, and for her, the most important things in life are work and food.When you work, you hold a knife in your hand. If you can't control your emotions, what's the big deal?And eating is an energy supply, and the sky is falling and you have to eat well, otherwise how can you have the energy to work?
So let her control it now, even though this person is annoying to her, since she has sat down and her stomach is empty, she should eat well, for a person like her who is hungry every day, don't compete with eating.

Gradually filling his stomach, the speed of eating also slowed down. Fang felt that it was hot and spicy, so he waved to the waiter, "What do you want to drink?"

The waiter reported from liquor, to beer, to juice.

She felt a little regretful. It would be great if I could have two bottles of beer while eating hot pot. Unfortunately, this is not possible. Their profession has already isolated them from alcohol. They are on standby 24 hours a day. Maybe there will be a call to call someone to the hospital in the next moment. , Do you go for surgery with a belch full of beer?
The juices are only watermelon juice and orange juice, she thought for a while, "Watermelon juice, ice."

At this time, I just wanted to cool off.

Unexpectedly, he heard it, and immediately stopped it, "Don't freeze it."

Hey, this person really shines when given a little sunshine, she had a meal with him in a pleasant manner, and then started to push her nose on her face?
"Ice!" She was decisive, her eyes widened.

"Do you want to have diarrhea if you eat hot and spicy food and drink ice immediately?" He didn't give her a good tone, "It's at room temperature!"

"..." Well, this is their normal state, and if they disagree with each other, they will quarrel.She is also a doctor, of course she knows not to drink ice immediately after eating spicy food, but theory is theory, how many people completely bind their lives in such a dogma?Then don’t eat the hot pot today, it’s so dirty, don’t even eat the rice, who knows how many pesticide residues are there, and the air filled with smog, how can you cover your nose and stop breathing?
She patted the table, "It's going to be iced! Can you control it? Who are you? What's your business?"

The waiter had a difficult time there, "What the hell are you two..."

"It's going to be ice!" She didn't want to back down even a step.

He didn't say anything more.

The waiter looked at the faces of the two and left quietly. When he came back, he brought watermelon juice, which was at room temperature without ice.

Ding Yiyuan became angry, "I said to add ice!"

The waiter looked at Cheng Zhouyu and persuaded, "Girl, it's so cold, it's better not to drink ice..."

"Thank you, it's all right." Cheng Zhouyu patted the waiter brother on the shoulder, signaling him to leave quickly, don't be a pond fish that gets hurt, all her anger is just because of him, it doesn't matter whether you add ice or not It's so important, but he doesn't allow her to add it.

"I'm full! Pay the bill!" She didn't get what she wanted, and the boss was not happy. He originally planned to buy it or AA, but now he got mad and decided to "humiliate" him with money! "How much?" She asked the waiter with a straight face.

As a man, shouldn't any man compete with her to place an order?I went out to eat together before, and he bought it all!

But, she was wrong, he just smiled and watched her pay the bill?
"Hey, are you a man? Do you really want me to pay?" She was speechless.

In the end, he actually said, "Isn't it the same if you buy and I buy?"

"..." This person is really cheap when he laughs!
The waiter also joined in the fun, and really regarded them as a couple, and kept trying to persuade them to make up, "Yes, yes, it's the same for anyone who buys it. Besides, isn't the wife in charge of the money at home now? The minister bought..."

She blurted out angrily, "Nonsense! When did he hand over his money to me? Give it all to his mother!"


After she finished speaking, she felt that the whole world was quiet, including herself, dumbfounded by her own echo, where was her brain?What was boiled in the hot pot just now is pig brain flower!Not her brain!
The person on the opposite side looked at her with a really annoying smile on her face!
She doesn't want to stay here for another second!
Just pay the bill!

She angrily and habitually went to get her bag, but...

She rushed out in a hurry without bringing anything...

He seemed to have discovered that she didn't bring any money, and he was just waiting for this moment!Smiling knowingly, "Let me do it."

How unreasonable!She stared, he really had seen that she didn't have a backpack a long time ago, and he deliberately waited to see her make a fool of himself!No wonder she was rushing to pay the bill without saying a word!This person is simply not a good person!She hates dealing with people with a lot of twists and turns!
She got up angrily and left.

He was in a hurry, took out some money from his wallet, and couldn't wait for the change, so he gave it to the waiter and chased him out.

After catching up with her outside, he still grabbed her wrist.

She was naturally furious, and shook her hard, "What the hell are you going to do? Is it interesting?"

He held on tightly, "I'll take my wife home, of course it's interesting."

"Cheng Zhouyu, show some face! It was just a slip of the tongue!" She thought for a while, and said flatly, "I have a boyfriend!"

"The one who picks you up from get off work today?"

"...Yes." She was still wrestling and struggling with him.

He let go of his hand suddenly, she lost her center of gravity for a moment, and fell backwards, he immediately took a step forward, supported her waist, took advantage of the momentum, and hugged her fully.

"You stinky rascal!" She put her arms on his chest and leaned back hard, trying to push him away.

"Stop messing around, don't blame me for kissing you on the road!" He grabbed her two hands and held them back, her chest was pressed against his chest by the handkerchief.

Even through the thick winter clothes, she still blushed, but she couldn't struggle anymore, no matter how aggressive she was, she was still a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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