I heard you like me

Chapter 290 Expressing His Position 1

Chapter 290 Expressing His Position 1
Cheng Zhouyu just felt very depressed, and it became very difficult to breathe. My mother had mentioned the tuition fee for countless times, "Mom, I know, you can't be ungrateful, so I treat Manman as a My family, being a younger sister, and her family's affairs, as long as they are useful to me, I will go there, and if she wants to get married, I will pay a dowry like my younger sister, but this does not mean that I will use marriage to pay back."

"I knew it, you were fascinated by the vixen in the big city! You even forgot about being a man! What's wrong with Manman? Filial piety, sensible, virtuous, you say the sun is square, she will never say it is round , for you, a girl opened a small restaurant in Beijing. She was busy until three or four in the morning and was bullied by hooligans. All the money she earned was left to me for your future! You little vixen! So what about the money? Can it come into your hands? It’s not enough for her to spend herself! Can her parents give it to you? Holding you by the nose and calling you like a pet, it hurts my eyes! I told you You, we Manman can also make a lot of money! You are also diligent and thrifty in managing the house! There is only one you in my heart!"

The more Zhou Ruoyun spoke, the louder his voice was, he guessed that he could hear clearly outside.

At first, Cheng Zhouyu was a little afraid that Peng Man would hear it, but then he thought, well, he just wanted to tell her, so why not take this opportunity to speak clearly without facing Peng Man's eyes .

"Mom." He corrected his voice, "Don't call her a vixen. I like her. I have been thinking about her in the United States for more than a year. Manman is just a sister to me. I will not marry Manman, no matter what. No matter what, and, Mom, it's wrong for Manman to deposit money with you, you should return it to her."

He knew that someone outside the door must be eavesdropping, so he opened the door after he finished speaking, and sure enough, those eyes that were full of tears were unable to dodge, and bumped into him, the tears hanging in the eye sockets were like this fall down.

He couldn't face a crying woman, which made him panic and made him feel an inexplicable sense of guilt, and there was an invisible pressure pressing down like a mountain, which made people overwhelmed. In this house, there are always The air is thin and depressing.

He didn't speak any more, just sullenly, and rushed out of the house.

In the season when the leaves are all over the ground, the night is dry and cold. I walk shapelessly in the dark. The dry sycamore leaves and ginkgo leaves under my feet are trampled. All the particles were inhaled, choking so much that the leaves of the lungs hurt, and I couldn't help coughing violently.

At 10:30 in the cold night on the street, there are only cars coming and going, and there are few crazy people like him.

Walking aimlessly, I don't know how long I've been walking, and I don't know where I'm going. The cold wind is blowing into my clothes. The cold always wakes me up. The more awake I am, the more painful the lungs will be. Clearly, the scene when she was off work appeared in front of her eyes, her contemptuous eyes, the exaggeratedly dressed man, the luxury car that was so bright that her eyes hurt, and that delicate figure in a camel coat.

In a trance, he blinked his eyes, was it a hallucination?The one shaking in front of him, isn't she?It was still the camel coat, with his hands in the coat pockets, his head down, kicking and kicking, kicking the stones under his feet.

He smiled wryly, it must be an illusion, at this time, would she be walking on the street like an idiot like him?

He shook his head, as if he wanted to shake her shadow out of his mind, so that the illusion would be driven away.

However, the shadow was still swaying in the distance, his heart was shaken, and he took a closer look, it turned out that it was not an illusion, it was really her...

His heart was like a little beast, roaring to rush out, even wanting to push him forward, but he couldn't move forward, he stood there holding his breath, pressing his chest, fearing that the little beast would burst come out.

The dark night is like a huge curtain, and she is a dynamic and jumping stroke in the curtain. The light and shadow come in a rhythm, silently, stepping on the tip of his heart step by step, the colorful light in that place is her projection.

What I said to my mother before still echoed in my ears: I like her, and I have been thinking about her for more than a year in the United States.

He likes her, or loves her, it's just that he likes her and loves her, what will happen in the future, who is in her heart, he doesn't know, but he knows, he likes her, just watching her approach like this , that light, that shadow, that night and the world are full in his heart.

He raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and finally walked towards her.

She kicked the stones under her feet earnestly, not knowing that someone had taken her as a target, until she had an extra pair of shoes in front of her eyes and a person in front of her, and she could no longer bow her head and walk forward.

Looking up, what she saw was such a face, which made her take a few steps back in shock, and caught a glimpse of the gentle smile on his face in panic, a bit like the night when she stood with him in the rough house and watched the lights of Wanjia. The appearance is gentle, but also lonely, and a little lonely.

"You man! You're so boring!" The only thing that can cover up panic is anger. This is what she is good at, but she is not good at it. She is good at getting angry, but not good at covering it up.

The Cheng Zhouyu who loved to quarrel with her disappeared, and now he just smiled when he looked at her, "Coincidentally, I also take a walk."

She snorted and snorted, "Who's taking a walk? I'm hungry, I came out to eat!"

There was a row of restaurants on the side of the road. They happened to be standing in front of a hot pot restaurant, and she went in without thinking.

It was also at this time that he remembered that he didn't seem to have had dinner, and he didn't feel hungry after walking all the way, but now he was a little hungry.

He smiled and went in too.

"Why are you following me?" She reprimanded dissatisfied.

"I'm hungry too." After speaking, as if he was afraid that she would turn around and leave, he grabbed her wrist.

I really like the feeling of fingertips on her wrist. She is tall and tall, but her bones are very slender, slightly fleshy, and her wrist is round, as soft as boneless, and as delicate as fat.

It's just that she must not know what he is thinking in his heart, and she must not let her know, otherwise he will have to go to work tomorrow with the eyes of a panda.

She felt that this man was disgusting and rascal. According to her first reaction, she wanted to have a fight with him, and she was absolutely out of his control. She also tried to pull out her hand, but of course she couldn't pull it out. The force was too strong, so she listened. With a loud crash, she knew she was in trouble because her elbow and back hit something.

She looked at the plate under her feet, and knew she had bumped into the waiter without looking back.

The waiter behind her kept apologizing. She admitted that she was perverse, but she was not overbearing to the point of being unreasonable. She knew it was her fault.

Frustrated, "I'm sorry, it was my fault."

The foreman also came, apologizing again, and rejoicing, "Fortunately, he didn't carry a hot pot." At the end, he wanted to say something nice to please the customer, "Please sit down, two, and have a hot meal of our hot pot. The anger is gone, the quarrel is over, and He Lele will go home!"

Does this make them a couple?She was speechless, and caught a glimpse of Cheng Zhouyu smiling there.

She stood still, and he pulled her to sit down, "Miss, if you smash up someone's shop, you'll give them some credit. If you want to be angry, let's go home and smash your own. Don't trouble others."

"..." What the hell is taking advantage of her?

The waiter smiled, "Girl, what a wonderful husband!"

She exploded immediately, "Who is that husband? Don't talk nonsense!"

The waiter comprehended while placing the plate, "Oh, is that still a boyfriend?"

"Who's boyfriend? You like you to take back and be your boyfriend!" She was furious, wondering why she was tricked by Cheng Zhouyu into sitting down?
The waiter looked confused, "I... I'm a man..."

"I'm sorry, she has a bad temper and has tired you, let's order." Cheng Zhouyu smiled apologetically, as if to say, my wife is making trouble for no reason, please forgive me...

Cooking hot pot in the cold weather is a pleasant thing. She sat still and watched him put the same dishes into the hot pot.Mandarin Duck Pot is a good thing. It brings together those who can eat spicy food and those who can’t. It makes people have to believe that sometimes the two most extreme things in the world can be brought together well.

In fact, the two of them don't have any taboos about spicy or not, they can eat it but they are not greedy, it's just that she has some habits, some ingredients such as fish must not be put into the spicy pot, otherwise she will feel that it is not fresh, and some For the ingredients, she must eat spicy pot.

He actually still remembered that he only used a small bowl to take out the cooked fish, put it in, and let her eat it with seafood sauce, and took out the rest of the spicy pot and put it in another serving.

He was so focused on doing this that he didn't say a word.

She didn't say anything, she sat opposite him and looked at him, the steaming mist from the hot pot obscured his face, and his face was always more beautiful in the hazy state.

Suddenly, he said, "Didn't you have dinner tonight?"

She was in a daze, and didn't think much, so she answered angrily, "How can there be food until that point in the meeting?" This is the truth, in fact, there is still food at home. , but she was in a bad mood today, and was annoyed by her mother's nagging. She couldn't escape hiding in the room, so she simply rushed out. The original intention was to get some air, and she didn't want to come to eat.

He smiled slightly and said nothing.

She felt that he was smiling strangely and stared at him, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing, then eat more now and share it." He brought two bowls to her, and prepared the sauce for her, one bowl each for seafood sauce and chili sauce.Of course he wouldn't tell her that the reason he laughed was because she didn't have dinner today, so she didn't go on a date with that hottie?
She is really hungry, even if she is angry with this person, she is not willing to treat her stomach badly, and since he is so hateful, it is not too much to kill him and eat more, but if it is for integrity , AA will be ready when the big deal is paid.

So, she put her head down and started eating, while he was still busy rinsing, and all the rinsing was delivered to her.

(End of this chapter)

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