I heard you like me

Chapter 245 Never Breaking My Word

Chapter 245 Never Breaking My Word
She froze again, motionless.

It's his voice!That's right!It's his voice!Although it was hoarse and dry, she knew it was his voice!
Can mirages still have sound?She really didn't understand it!
But why can I still feel his fingers caressing her face?

"Liu kite? Are you hungry?"

Is this really talking to her?Not a hallucination?She still couldn't believe it, and didn't dare to open her eyes. She only stretched out her trembling hand and slowly rubbed it back, finally touching a solid person!Touch his cloth!Although it is covered with sand grains, it really exists!Not a mirage!
She mustered up the courage to turn her head back, and when she saw it, it was his tired and vicissitudes face as she had seen before!His skin lost its original luster!Lips are chapped and bloodstained!His eyes, his prettiest pair of eyes, were also bloodshot and faded...

He seemed to understand her thoughts, and smiled at her gently, "It's me, Liuzheng, you read that right, we are together."

She burst into tears in an instant, as he said, no matter how difficult the time was, he would be by her side, and she was in his arms.

What he said has never been broken, since the day she met him.And what kind of a miracle is it to be able to have this moment?
No words, just want to cry.

Turning around and hugging him, she was exhausted to the point of extreme physical exertion, and her crying was just sobbing, but tears welled up in his eyes as he hugged her.

Weeping and embracing each other like this for a long time, he stroked her hair gently, "Stop crying, save some strength and go home."

"Yeah." She nodded on his shoulder.

She didn't ask him why he appeared here, she could imagine how much hardship he went through before he came to her, she wanted to scold him, she wanted to question why he came, she didn't want him to come, but, Facing his unrecognizable face, he couldn't say anything, only tears kept streaming.

"Don't cry, I'm here, don't be afraid." His lips fell on her forehead, which also hurt her.

But her tears welled up more and more, but she was indeed not afraid, she was not afraid of anything, as long as she was with him, what was there to be afraid of?The worst ending is probably that the two will spend their whole lives in this desert. Although it is short, they are together...

Leaning on him, the whole body relaxed, the camel shook, and was so tired that it wanted to fall asleep again.

He took the pouch from his backpack, broke off a small piece and fed it to her.

She closed her eyes, opened her mouth subconsciously, the sac was already very hard, she chewed and swallowed with difficulty.

After doing this several times, he put the water bottle to her lips, "Drink some water."

She has always trusted him, and with him, he is omnipotent, so he feeds her, and she eats, never thinking about where the food comes from in this desert, and how much is there, but at this moment, The moistness of the water reminded her that desert water is more precious than life!
She took a small sip, relieved the feeling of choking in her throat when she swallowed the bag, and immediately closed her mouth tightly, shaking her head, "Have you eaten? How much water is there?"

"I have eaten and drank water, don't worry, drink it." In fact, since he entered the desert, he has never touched food, let alone water.In this way, it has been almost two days and one night. He knows that his body is theoretically weak, but probably because of her, there is a strong force supporting him.Uncle Tian said that in the desert without eating or drinking, he could survive for three days at most, and ordinary people would not be able to survive two days. He did not classify himself as an ordinary person, and he could live with willpower.

She doesn't believe it...

"Let me see how much bread and water there are!" She resolutely refused to eat any more, and wanted to get off the camel to check the backpack.

He finally couldn't hold her back and jumped off the camel.

The moment his feet landed on the ground, he was dizzy and almost fainted. He tried his best not to let her see it, then turned around and hugged her, opened the backpack for her to check, she found that there were some cakes, but only water. One jug is full and the other jug ​​is empty!

He smiled, "I drank all the water in this pot, don't you believe it?"

She was always skeptical.

"You eat pie with me." She sat down, "Let's take a break."

In desperation, he had no choice but to listen to her. Like him, she pinched a small piece of cake and wanted to break it off, but she was so tired that she didn't even have the strength to break it off...

After finally breaking off a piece, he stretched out his arms limply and fed it to his mouth, forcing him to open his lips and eat it.

He couldn't refuse, so he obediently ate the cake she fed. After eating about half a sheet, she put the water bottle to his mouth, "Drink! If you don't drink, I won't eat!"

"I'll do it myself," he said.He raised the water bottle and pretended to drink water, but in fact he just wet his lips.

"Drink some more." She looked at him sullenly.

He shook his head, "Liuzheng, one sip is enough for me, there is still a long way to go, only this bottle of water, we have to save it. Now it's your turn to eat."

"I'll eat it myself too." Ruan Liuzheng bit the leftover pancake hard, but didn't dare to finish it, and put it away after eating half of it.

He handed her the water, but she shook her head and refused to drink again.

"You have to drink, and you have to take medicine!" He gave her the pills and asked her to swallow them with water.

But she swallowed all the pills in one gulp, "Okay!" But she refused to drink water no matter what.

He didn't force her. After all, she drank a big pot today and can last for a while, but her character is so stubborn, and she is only thinking of him. I'm afraid it will be difficult to force her to drink water. He thought for a while and said, " Liuzheng, we are like this, you let me, I let you, no, two people are thinking about each other, it is very likely that we are both thirsty to death and haven’t drunk this water, let’s be selfish once, it is selfish for each other.”

Ruan Liuzheng didn't understand, "What kind of selfishness?"

He took out another kettle from his backpack and poured the water into it, "One pot of water, we are half of each other, no one should give way, no one needs to think about each other, Liuzheng, only the two of us keep our own Only with strong physical strength can we get out of the predicament together, what do you think?"

Ruan Liuzheng watched the water in the kettle being poured into his kettle, and believed him, thinking that even if he insisted on giving her his water to drink, she just refused to drink it!Therefore, this method reassures her and is reasonable in her opinion.

He solemnly put the water bottle around her neck, and pointed to the remaining four bags, "For the remaining bags, we are two for each of us, okay?"

She nodded and agreed to this plan, as long as he didn't save the plan of sacrificing himself to fulfill her, she would agree.

She suddenly remembered something, snatched his kettle to look at it, and compared it with the water in her own kettle, it was really about the same amount of water, so she finally felt relieved.

He laughed, "Don't worry about me? Could it be that I can lie to you?"

She pursed her lips, trying to laugh, but didn't.

"Have you rested yet? Let's go back a while while it's still light." He put the lid on the kettle for her.

"Yeah!" In this kind of place, with such a physical condition, how could he rest well?However, she strongly wants to leave, even if she has only one breath left, she will insist on leaving!

"Let's go!" He stood up, feeling dizzy again, pretending to hold the camel, but actually using this force to stabilize himself.

After the darkness in front of him dissipated, he said to her, "Come on, go up."

He picked her up, sent her to the camel, and when he climbed up by himself, he felt dizzy again as soon as he climbed up.

Hold the hump with both hands to stabilize, and then slowly sit still, circle her, and go forward again.

"Liuzheng." He heard his hoarse voice, "Don't you ask me how I found you?"

Ruan Liuzheng leaned in his arms, heaving with the bumps of the camel, drowsy, "Well, I know, you have suffered a lot, you idiot! Have you ever thought that what you did was wrong? Irrational? It was pure luck that you found me. The biggest possibility... is that you can neither find me nor be swallowed up by this desert... If... If you really have something, where do you put your parents-in-law? land?"

These words were what she wanted to say a long time ago, but she didn't say them all the time. Now that she mentions them again, she feels that he is really childish and impulsive to the extreme!
To be honest, she would rather die alone in the desert than bring him in!She couldn't bear to hurt him even a little bit!I can't bear it...

He rested his chin on her shoulder, and smiled mistyly, "Liuzheng, you are right, it is wrong for most people to go into the desert alone, but who decides the standard of right and wrong? Or, even if I am really wrong, who can guarantee that a person will never make a wrong decision in his life? Even if it is wrong, I think, let me make another choice, I will still do it..."

"You..." She was speechless, and tears welled up again.

"Okay, let's not have such meaningless discussions anymore, just talk about how I got in." He told about how he met Uncle Tian and how Uncle Tian taught him a lot of knowledge, and at the same time took out the unique pair of clothes in the world. "Listen, Liuzheng, I will teach you how to look at this picture, how to identify the direction, and how to calculate the way back from the angle."

He thought that she is also a top student in science, and what he can master is not difficult for her.

So he began to explain in combination with the pictures. He never drank water, and he was so thirsty that he couldn't even make a sound. At the same time, the dry and hard sac that he had eaten before began to haunt his stomach. , the delicate stomach that hasn't been filled with anything for a long time, is suddenly tossed by such a hard guy, and is already protesting with severe pain.

She listened in a daze, but didn't listen much. She only noticed that his voice was extremely hoarse, and stopped him out of distress, "Stop talking, stop talking! Drink some water."

"Okay," he said, taking the jug off himself and drinking while she watched.

After drinking, he carried the water bottle on his back, continued to hug her, and tried to reach out to her, "Come on, let's continue."

(End of this chapter)

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