I heard you like me

Chapter 244 It's Her

Chapter 244 It's Her
Where should she go?
Now she doesn't even know if she is still in the accident, maybe she was swept away by quicksand and wind to other places, maybe she is still where she is, but the car and other people are gone.

She suddenly realized that in this desert, she was almost like a blind person.

She thought about what to do for a long time, and she also thought about the position of the sun. She remembered that she turned her back to the sun when she set off, and later, she started to face the sun. Now it is morning, and she just needs to walk in the direction of the sun to go back way.

Although the physical pain has reached its limit, she still has the last strength, and she decides to walk back, towards the direction of the sun.

She also knows that if she just walks in this general direction, there will be a big error, but she hopes to walk back to a place where there are people, even if it is not Shan County, as long as she can walk to the edge of the desert.

However, she still overestimated herself and thought of the desert too simply.

Without food and water supplies, she soon became exhausted and staggered forward until she fell unsteadily in the sand.

When she finally felt that even standing up was an effort, she gave up on the idea.

The only thing in her whole body that still has a little light is the brain. The brain is consuming the last energy to run, telling herself that she can't go on like this, and she can't walk this far without supplies, let alone, she She is still not 100% sure that her direction is correct. More importantly, she really can't lift up her whole body. Even if she wants to walk, she will be powerless. If she forces herself, it will only accelerate the consumption of her body's energy. At the same time, it is also accelerating the loss of life.

She thought that someone should know that something happened to their rescue team, so new rescuers will come to rescue them. All they need is time. Maybe, she should save her energy and strength to wait for the rescuers to find out. she.

She only hoped that the rescuers would arrive soon so that she could celebrate his birthday in time. If there was any further delay, maybe he would know about her distress, so how worried would he be?Will he run to her desperately?According to his temper, he will definitely, but she doesn't want him to come!Do not come!
She sat quietly in the sand, eagerly looking at the sky, longing to see the helicopter flying by, until later, even sitting became a burden, and she lay down, curled up in the sand.

Watching the sun go from east to west, she felt that she was going to become a human being, and finally the sun set, and the night fell again, and the cold invaded, and she felt that she was going to be frozen into ice again.

She has already survived a dark night, and this is the second time, when she is conscious, she feels the cold more deeply than the night before.

She was prepared, knowing that it was extremely cold in the desert at night, so she wore a down jacket when she set off. However, obviously, this down jacket was not enough to resist the cold.

She was gradually frozen to the wood, and she felt that she would really be frozen to death like this.

She was not reconciled, and when she was almost unconscious, she pinched her thighs and rubbed her hands hard, but even if she was overdrawn, she couldn't feel the strength even if she tried her best. She knew that she was too weak...

She barely supported herself and walked back a few steps, just to prevent herself from being frozen, to stop when she had no strength, to conserve her strength, and so on and on. Can't get up either.

So tired, so cold, so confused...

She really wanted, really wanted to fall asleep like this, but she couldn't, there was still a voice in her vague consciousness saying: Don't fall asleep, you really will never wake up after falling asleep!Must not sleep!

The sweet and fishy smell came into her mouth more and more, she knew that she was really sucking her own blood...

Opposing the clamoring blood-sucking desire was another voice, telling her, stop!stop!Stop biting yourself!

She gradually stopped, maybe because she was nourished a little bit, and she became a little rational, maybe it was because she didn't want to suck herself up in a subconscious, so save it for a while...

Every second of time is like suffering, and sometimes she really feels too much pain, it is better to die than to be exhausted in such despair!However, thinking of that person, that face, those eyes, and her home in Beijing, she could only persevere, continue to struggle with herself, and continue to convince herself that she must live!Once she died, how sad the living would be...

However, no matter how firm her belief was, she couldn't survive the weakness and overdraft of her body. She passed out again in the desert at night in the midst of hunger and cold. She didn't know when she passed out. All she knew was that there was a moon tonight She once saw it move from one sky to the other sky little by little. When she was looking forward to its final sinking and the first white streak in the other sky, she felt relieved. coma again...

Ning Zhiqian had already walked in the desert for a day and a night, half a day driving, half a day plus a night riding a camel.

According to the instructions in the map and his own calculations, he had already passed the accident site, and he even found the parts of the vehicle involved in the accident, but there was no whereabouts of Ruan Liuzheng around.

Before he set off, an armed policeman had been rescued, and he was asked about the specific circumstances of the incident, and he was also there, so he calculated the wind force, speed and distance based on what the armed policeman said about Uncle Wada, and estimated that Ruan Liuzheng In which direction it might be rolled.

He is not completely sure that his calculation is correct, but now he can only look for it according to the calculation.

In this way, I don’t know how long he walked. In short, the sun rose from the horizon to mid-air, and he hadn’t had enough grains of rice for forty hours without a drop of water.

Today's desert is not as windy as yesterday, it is relatively gentle, and the sun is shining brightly. He felt that Venus was appearing in front of his eyes, so he grabbed the rope in his hand and tried his best to support it.

With a flash of his eyes, he saw that buried under a small sand dune not far away was the sleeve of a down jacket that looked familiar to him...

Excited, all tiredness and hunger disappeared, and he walked towards the camel a few steps and stopped at a small sand dune.

He jumped off the camel, peeled off the sand covering it, and gradually revealed a familiar reminder, a familiar profile...

"It's her! It's really her!" He roared hoarsely and excitedly. He even hugged the camel's neck and rubbed against it vigorously, "It's her! She's still alive! Really!"

The camel just turned its head to one side and ignored it.

After the excitement, he wanted to open the backpack on the camel with trembling hands. He wanted to calm down and calm down, but he couldn't!Can't do it at all!His hands were shaking as he held the water.

In addition to heartache, I can only rejoice that God's care for me has allowed him to find her!This is a one in a thousand chance?In order to thank this opportunity, he is willing to exchange the good luck of the rest of his life and even the next life!

Let her lean on his lap, hold the water bottle and feed her water.

He was very careful, but some spilled from her mouth, he stopped, every drop of water was extremely precious, and there were only two jugs of old-fashioned military water bottles in the backpack.

As she was dying, perhaps feeling the moisture, she frowned, closed her eyes, and licked her lips in a daze.

Seeing this, he was overjoyed, and the mouth of the kettle was brought back to her mouth, and he slowly filled it with water.

She was still in a coma, just sucking water out of instinct, like a dry plant standing in a cracked dry land, feeling the taste of being moistened quickly, he fed slowly, just to match the speed of her swallowing, gradually , Actually drank more than half of the pot.

After drinking the water, she fell asleep again.

He tried to touch her forehead and found it was surprisingly hot.Trapped for two nights and one day, it's sick...

Fortunately, Uncle Tian had everything in his backpack, including medicines. He picked out a few pills, fed them into her mouth one by one, and swallowed them with water.

She was too thirsty, so after a while, she began to drink water from the jug again, and he let her drink, since she had a fever, she had to drink more water until she drank up the jug of water.

He shook the empty water bottle, feeling a lot more comforted, he can still drink water and take medicine, the situation is not the worst, when she wakes up and feed her some food, he can recover some strength.

There was a handful of light sticks in the backpack, he found them out, wrapped several around her wrists, and kept one around his own.Then he picked her up and wanted to put her on the camel's back, but when he stood up suddenly, his eyes went dark and he fell down first.

Hugging her tightly, not letting her fall, he knelt down on his knees, closed his eyes, and it took a long time to drive away the dizziness.

After confirming that he could stabilize himself, he slowly got up again.

After putting her on the camel's back, he sat on it himself, sat behind her, let her lean on him, and started to walk back slowly.

The medicine he took had gradually taken effect. He could feel her face was a little moist against his neck, and when he touched it, he was indeed sweating a little, and his body temperature had dropped a lot.

Ruan Liuzheng also gradually became conscious. He felt that his body was ups and downs, and he didn't know where he was, but his body felt better.

Youyou wakes up, seeing the blue sky in front of her eyes, there is something solid behind her, leaning on something, there is still a familiar rough feeling rubbing against her cheeks.

Her whole body stiffened suddenly, she couldn't believe it, and didn't dare to look any more.

Closing her eyes, she was still ups and downs like in the clouds, and the warmth behind her was still there, she rubbed lightly, her cheeks were pricked painfully and itchy...

She suddenly opened her eyes, and from bottom to top, she saw the outline of his chin, a nose as high as a sand dune, and his beautiful eyes, long eyelashes, and a blue beard sticking out around his chin Damn, it was this thing that stabbed her just now...

So, is she seeing a mirage?

She lamented in her heart and shed tears.

She met the legendary spectacle, and she missed him so much...

Her light rubbing startled him, he lowered his head, found the tears on her face, and stretched out his hand to wipe her lightly, unable to restrain his surprise, but afraid of scaring her, he only suppressed a soft sound, "Are you awake? "

(End of this chapter)

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