Chapter 371 The Peak Showdown
Under everyone's gaze, the fat black Peng Yan slowly raised the hammer.

With the lifting of the hammer, the bloody and bloody broken bones and flesh under the hammer fell down with a rustle.

When the hammer was fully lifted, it was still covered with flesh and blood under the hammer.

The fat black Peng Yan swung the hammer downward, and the sticky flesh and blood fell to the ground with a "slap".

And in this lump of flesh and blood, there is still a round eyeball.

The flesh and blood fell to the ground, but the eyeball bounced off the ground, jumped forward, and "gulugulu" rolled in front of the hundred armored soldiers.

The eyeballs stopped slowly, and the black pupils were still full of fear, looking at the hundred armored soldiers.

Although there was only one eyeball, the hundred Iron Armored Army had already recognized that the owner of this eyeball belonged to their general.

At this moment, being stared at by this eyeball, the faces of the hundred Iron Armored Army turned from red to white, from white to blue, and finally with the loss of a trace of blood on their faces, the fear in their hearts also reached its peak.


One of the Iron Armored Army screamed, and immediately turned around and fled on horseback. Following the escape of this Iron Armored Army, the hundred Iron Armored Army broke up, bypassing the Nangong Shi army behind them, and escaped from the training ground.

And the contemptuous look on Nangong Shi's face had long since disappeared, and he was already standing there blankly.

At this time on the high platform, Ji Chang couldn't help but change his face.

However, after all, it was only a general who died in a town. Ji Chang didn't panic too much, but said coldly: "Blood debt is paid with blood."

Hearing Ji Chang's words, Nangong Shi immediately woke up from the shock, glanced to the left and right, and said, "Army of Thousands, kill these 100 people."

Hearing this, immediately ten generals came out with one hundred soldiers each, and surrounded the hundred witches.

Seeing this, all the princes around hurriedly turned their heads to look at Su Yuan.

After all, although the fat black Peng Yan was brave just now, his victory was due to his surprise, but now Nangong Shi used ten times his strength to encircle and kill him. There should be no suspense about the outcome.

However, Su Yuan still stood there, the expression on his face didn't change a bit, as if he didn't see his subordinates falling into the siege at all.

Seeing Su Yuan's calmness, Ji Chang immediately felt a little uneasy.

At this moment, Su Yuan took a slow step forward and said, "Ten people will fight."

Seeing Su Yuan open his mouth, Ji Chang's uneasiness disappeared immediately, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Ji Chang was stunned when he heard Su Yuan order ten people to fight.

Even if the whole army goes to battle, it is only a hundred people, and there is no chance of winning against an army of a thousand people.

How could there be only ten players in the battle?
Just when Ji Chang thought he heard it wrong, he saw the black fat man Peng Yan put the hammer in his hand on his back, embraced Su Yuan with both hands, and said, "Understood."

After finishing speaking, the black fat man Peng Yan turned his head and pointed at ten people casually, and said, "Ten of you go to battle."

The ten people who were pointed by the black fat man Peng Yan immediately walked out, and at the same time took off the hammer from behind, held it in their hands, and stood in front of the army of thousands of people.

Except for these ten people, the rest of the Wu clan still stood there with empty hands, not even taking off the hammer behind them.

Seeing this, Nangong Shi was immediately enraged.

Such contempt is simply the greatest insult to him.

"Kill me!" Nangong Shi shouted immediately.

Hearing Nangong Shi's order, the thousand army led by ten generals immediately attacked the Wu clan from three directions.

At this time, the princes did not believe at all that there were really only ten people from the Wu Clan fighting.

What Su Yuan said just now was probably just a strategy to lure the enemy.

But at this moment, ninety Wu Clans actually stood there motionless, while the ten Wu Clans in front rushed over with hammers in their hands, and each of them rushed towards a centurion.

"Could it be that he wants to use one person against a hundred people?"

Even at this time, everyone couldn't believe their guesses.

One against a hundred, this is courting death.

And at this moment, a witch clan rushed in front of a hundred-member team, before he could get close, he raised the hammer in his hand, flew out, and hit the front-most hundred-member general.

When the general was rushing forward, he suddenly saw a black hammer flying towards him.

The general was startled, and immediately remembered what happened when the hammer bent the spear just now.

At that moment, he didn't dare to use his spear to block it at all. He immediately grabbed a shield from the horse's back, grabbed it with both arms, and blocked it in front of him.

At this time, the hammer flew over and smashed into the shield.

He only heard a "pop", and saw that the shield was smashed through like a thin piece of paper.

And after smashing through the shield, the speed of the hammer did not slow down at all, and continued to fly forward.

The general who was hiding behind the shield had no idea that the shield in his hand was so fragile. At this moment, he didn't even think about it, so he was hit on the head by the hammer, and fell off the horse with a "plop".

According to the rules, if the main general is killed, the entire army will withdraw from the training ground.

However, these hundred Iron Armored Army did not expect that their general died so quickly, so they still continued to rush forward.

And this witch clan also ran forward, when the general landed on the horse, he also rushed to the horse, grabbed the hammer from the ground, and immediately rushed into the hundred armored army.

I saw that the hammer was raised high, and every time it fell, an armored soldier would be smashed on the horse.

In just a moment, more than a dozen armored soldiers were smashed to death under the hammer.

Seeing this, the remaining Iron Armored Army shouted loudly: "We quit, we quit."

With that said, the Iron Armored Army immediately turned around and fled.

Just as this group of Iron Armored Army fled, the remaining nine Wu Clans also rushed to the generals in front of them.

As long as the hammer fell, none of the remaining nine generals could block a move. In the blink of an eye, all nine generals were killed, and the remaining army immediately retreated and fled.

An army of a thousand people was unexpectedly killed by ten people.

Seeing this, everyone on the training ground was dumbfounded.

If Peng Yan's victory just now was a fluke, then this time's victory is a manifestation of strength.

With one against a hundred, they still won so heartily.

For a while, the tall image established by the Iron Armored Army just now collapsed, and it turned out that the Iron Armored Army was nothing more than that.

Seeing this, Ji Chang immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

At this time, not only the title of the number one army in the world was involved, but also Xiqi's prestige was involved.

Thinking of this, Ji Chang gritted his teeth, and said slowly: "My Xiqi army will never take advantage of you. Since you have a hundred people, then I will only send out a hundred people."

Hearing Ji Chang's words, all the princes were startled.

Just now, thousands of Iron Armored Army were defeated, how could a hundred people win.

At this moment, I heard Ji Chang say slowly: "Xiqi Chain Horse, let's fight!"

This chain war horse is exactly the essence of the essence that killed Wei Zhonghou just now.

No wonder Ji Chang would be so confident.

Now the battle between the chain war horses and the Huaiyi tribe can be regarded as the pinnacle duel between the two most powerful armies in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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