Chapter 370 One Hammer

Hearing the voice from behind, Ji Chang and all the princes turned their heads to look along the voice, only then did they see Su Yuan standing at the corner of the high platform.

Although Ji Chang wanted to make things difficult for Su Yuan, the victory of the armored army just now made him forget about Su Yuan.

After all, he has already shocked all the princes in the world, so what kind of storm can a mere King Huaiyi cause?

After hearing Su Yuan's words at this time, everyone remembered that there was such a person on the high platform.

However, Ji Chang didn't believe what he just heard, and immediately asked, "What did you say?"

"I said I'm still on the training ground! Therefore, your armored army is not qualified to be called number one in the world."

After hearing what Su Yuan said word by word, Ji Chang was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing wildly: "Hahaha, do you mean to use these 100 people to defeat my armored army? It's so funny, hahaha—”

As if Ji Chang had heard the funniest joke in the world, he laughed so hard that his waist bent down like a shrimp, and tears came out of the corners of his eyes.

The princes of the two hundred towns of Xiqi even laughed along with Ji Chang, and the other princes also shook their heads and sighed. No one thought that Su Yuan was telling the truth.

In the midst of everyone's laughter, Su Yuan's cold voice was heard piercingly: "If you admit defeat, I can let you go."

After hearing this sentence, Ji Chang immediately stopped smiling, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, stared at Su Yuan coldly, and said: "Your tone reminds me of a person, a person I hate so much Because of this person, I will make you pay the price."

After saying that, Ji Chang's face immediately turned cold, and he said to Nangong Shi who was under the high platform: "General Nangong, kill these 100 people, and there will be no one left."


Nangong Shi immediately agreed, and glanced at the hundred witches in front of him, a look of disdain slipped across his face.

"Which general is willing to kill these 100 people?" Nangong Shi didn't even bother to do it himself, so he looked at the surrounding army.

Behind Nangong Shi, there are five thousand troops led by fifty princes and generals.

After hearing Nangong Shi's words, a general came out and said to Nangong Shi: "General Nangong, I will lead my 100 people to kill these blacksmiths."

Because the hundred witches all carried a big hammer behind their backs, the general called them blacksmiths.

Nangong Shi nodded and said, "Quick battle, there will be no one left."

"As ordered."

The general immediately sat down on his horse, led a hundred iron armored troops, and came out in front of the witches.

Although there were a hundred armored soldiers standing in front of them, the hundred witches still stood there with their heads held high, motionless, and even held the hammer behind their backs and did not take it off.

Seeing this, General Xiqi immediately turned his head and smiled at the hundred Iron Armored Army behind him, "Look at them, they are so frightened that they even forgot to take off their weapons."

The hundred Iron Armored Army burst into laughter immediately.

General Xiqi lazily raised the spear in his hand, pointing forward a little to Peng Yan, the black fat man, and said: "It is not easy for you to come to this battlefield, so I will give you a chance to attack me. After this opportunity , I will order the army to attack."

Hearing the general's words at this time, the fat black Peng Yan nodded and said, "Okay."

After all, the fat black Peng Yan slowly took the hammer from his back, held it in his hand, and walked up to General Xiqi's horse step by step.

General Xiqi was sitting on the horse, while the fat black Peng Yan was standing on the horse, so when he looked up at General Xiqi, he had to hold his head high.

Moreover, the fat black Peng Yan was holding an iron handle with a short handle, so even if he extended his arm, he couldn't hit General Xiqi.

General Xiqi shook his head and said, "You should be my opponent. I advise you to act quickly, so as not to stand here and be ashamed."

The fat black Peng Yan didn't change his expression at all because of General Xiqi's sarcasm. At this moment, he slowly raised the hammer and said, "Then I'm going to smash it."

General Xiqi said impatiently: "Smash it, smash it quickly."

The fat black Peng Yan nodded, slowly raised the hammer, and smashed the head of General Xiqi's horse.

General Xiqi was not mediocre either, he had already guessed the intention of the fat black Peng Yan.

As soon as he saw that the black fat man Peng Yan had hit the head of the war horse as he had guessed, he sneered, moved the spear forward in his hand, and immediately pointed it at the hammer.

From General Xiqi's point of view, after picking up the hammer with his spear, he took advantage of the situation and stabbed forward, killing the fat black Peng Yan immediately.

Only a "clang" was heard, and the hammer and spear collided above the horse's head.

Just when the two weapons collided, General Xiqi's face suddenly changed.

Because he felt that a huge force passed along the spear to his arms, causing his arms to go numb immediately, and he lost consciousness immediately.

As soon as his hands were loosened, General Xiqi couldn't grasp the spear at all, and saw that the spear was immediately smashed down by the hammer, and fell on the horse's head together.

I saw the hammer and the spear smashed into the horse's head together, and only heard a "poof", and immediately smashed a bloody hole in the horse's head.

A stream of blood spurted out, and the horse didn't even "neigh" at all, and immediately "plopped" to the ground, and General Xiqi was immediately thrown to the ground.

The blood spurted from the horse's head immediately splashed on General Xiqi's face. Through the blood all over his face, General Xiqi's own spear was bent and turned into the shape of a hammer head, and they were all inlaid on the horse's head. in the head.

It's just that at this moment, General Xiqi had no time to be frightened by the huge power, because his arms were numb, so he couldn't support his body when he landed, his face fell to the ground, and a large piece of his face was immediately torn off.

As he brushed forward, General Xiqi threw himself at the feet of the fat black Peng Yan.

General Xiqi was shocked. Although he wanted to get up, his arms were numb and he couldn't stand up at all. He could only open his mouth and shouted forward and backward: "Come and save me."

It's just that his face was on the ground, and when he opened his mouth, the mouth was immediately filled with dirt, and the words he spoke were also vague.

In desperation, General Xiqi hastily put his shoulders against the ground, turned over suddenly, lay on his back on the ground, and shouted again like a butchered pig: "Come and save me——"

But when he raised his head, he also saw the fat black Peng Yan standing in front of him, and the even darker, even blood-stained hammer in the hands of the fat black Peng Yan, which was already raised high.


General Xiqi hadn't finished his next sentence when the hammer fell and hit General Xiqi on the head.

The hammer was almost the same size as the head, and when the hammer fell, it immediately smashed the whole head into a flat plate.

The fat black Peng Yan raised his foot and kicked General Xiqi's body out.

I saw that General Xiqi's body was torn apart immediately, the smashed head was still stuck under the hammer, and the headless body was kicked up.

It's just that when it just died, the headless corpse still had a sliver of consciousness, so the empty, headless corpse raised its hands, danced and fled forward.

Seeing such a strange scene, everyone turned pale, and the entire battlefield immediately fell into deathly silence.

(End of this chapter)

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