His careful liver is milky and cute

Chapter 363 Inexplicably Become Famous 3

Chapter 363 Inexplicably Become Famous 3
After Mao Mao finished speaking, without waiting for Lu Yiqian's answer, he turned his head to ask Brother Haohao, who had a bad complexion, and pulled him to ask, "Does Brother Haohao think the same way?"

After asking, seeing the boy's silence, the little girl worried again: "Are you angry with me? I swear I will never participate again."

Lu Yiqian on the side also helped to speak, saying that Ah Zhe should not blame Youyou, I believe this matter will fade away in a short time, and it will not have much impact.

He said that like any cosplay or entertainment industry, new things may be hot for a while, but once another hot thing happens, the previous ones will immediately go cold.

At the same time, Jiang Enwei, who was hiding outside the door, also took the initiative to admit her mistake, saying that it was her own fault, and she dragged Mao Mao to the competition. She did not expect such a big disturbance.

"If I knew that I would encounter some kind of stalker who would secretly take pictures of Maomao every day, I wouldn't let her participate if I killed her." Jiang Enwei blamed herself more and more.

When the little girl saw her, she hurried to pull her, and comforted her by telling her not to be so exaggerated, and pretended to be about to cry, brother Haohao didn't really blame them.

After a pause, she continued: "Besides, as Xiaoqian said, this matter will pass quickly, at most a week or a month."

After the words were finished, the surrounding area was still dead silent. Because of Yan Haozhe's silence, everyone's atmosphere gradually became a little tense.

In order to ease the atmosphere, the girl pretended to be relaxed and smiled: "Okay, isn't it just a few photos of life that were secretly taken? Actually, it's nothing, I think..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yan Haozhe's stern words. He said, "Nothing? You think it's nothing? Maomao, you are really naive."

He said that it is better to be naive sometimes, and he also hopes that she can remain so naive, but sometimes it is stupid to be too naive, you know?
Unexpectedly, Yan Haozhe would speak so seriously, Xiaomao'er was slightly taken aback, and wanted to ask him why he said that, but before he could ask, he had already answered.

According to the boy, what the person who built the website did was not for any commercial purpose, but a very personal and perverted hobby.

It must be someone who has studied photography. Every photo has been post-processed, and the processing is very serious, and the angle and light are just right.

If it is purely for commercial purposes, you only need to pick out a few photos that are eye-catching, and there is no need to process so many photos.

Seeing that the little girl opened her mouth and wanted to ask something, Yan Haozhe ignored it, walked back to the computer, and moved the mouse beside the screen casually.

He asked them to look at the comments under the photos, saying that the latest ones had thousands of comments, which might be hard to spot, but the first few would be clear.

Saying so, Yan Haozhe quickly swipe the mouse to select the first uploaded photo, and there are only dozens of comments below it.

This photo was secretly taken when Hu Youyou was sleeping in the classroom. From the point of view, the location of the candid photo should be the front door of the classroom.

Only a 200mm long-lens SLR is needed to easily take such a group of photos, which look like close-up shots.

As for brother Haohao's so-called comment, when Mao Mao was still wondering, Lu Yiqian had already noticed it, and in an instant, his brows were tightly frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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