His careful liver is milky and cute

Chapter 362 Inexplicably Become Famous 2

Chapter 362 Inexplicably Become Famous 2
Knowing that this little silly cat went to a competition without telling him, and the result was known to everyone, Yan Haozhe was in a bad mood.

Very disgusted, it can be said that he is quite disgusted with the current situation, the boys look at Maomao when she sings, and think all kinds of wild things about her.

Except for a very small number of boys who are purely admiring, those who like to watch Cosplay are a bunch of college nerds who love, lust and fantasies, and grown-up perverted uncles.

And now things are getting worse and worse, there are even some fans who have sneaked into the school, secretly photographed Mao Mao, and posted her private photos on the Internet.

It was already the weekend when Yan Haozhe found out, in a pop-up window on the computer screen, he saw Xing Na Ge Bai by Maomao Cos, so he clicked in.

Similar to a blog's personal portal page, the star-studded title is "Cat's Exclusive Cabin", with a sweet background and a high click-through rate.

The blogger's personal profile is attached to the webpage, which says the blogger's first name is "Hu Youyou" and his nickname is "Maomao".

In the column of personal information, whether it is birthday constellation or height and weight, all of them match Hu Youyou's own information.

In addition, there are thousands of photos of the same girl, not only Xing Na Gebei played by Mao Mao, but also photos of her life in school.

What shocked Yan Haozhe was that next to each photo, there was information related to cats and cats, which was similar to the self-description of the photo.

For example, there is a photo of Mao Mao reading English books on the balcony of the dormitory in the morning, and it says: I get up to read before dawn, am I easy to learn?

There are also photos of long-distance running on the playground, with her ponytail hanging down, and after the run, she put her hands on her knees, half of her face is against the light, and sweat glistens.

The description reads: So tired!But I feel very happy. I ran [-] laps according to the teacher's request, and I feel very fulfilled. Haha, I smiled smugly.

Among the comments below, some people praised her, while others said she was just putting on a show. The same thing happened, everyone's tone was ridiculed.

Called into the room by Yan Haozhe, when Hu Youyou saw these photos and descriptions, his eyes widened, asking what are these?

"I've never made this website before," she said in amazement, "I didn't post these words, why..."

"Could this be the legendary 'second Hu Youyou'?" Lu Yiqian said while looking at the photo when he entered the room at some point.

"What's the 'second Hu Youyou'? The second me? What do you mean?" Mao Mao turned around and asked him, "Why can't I understand?"

Lu Yiqian explained that this Youyou is not that Youyou, it is a virtual character that only exists on the Internet, and someone deliberately pretended to be it.

He said that many celebrities will have such troubles. In addition to the real account, fanatic fans have derived their own virtual second person and third clone.

"They imagined themselves as idols, put themselves into the situation in the photo, imitated her in tone, and made the illusion that they were her."

After Lu Yiqian finished speaking, he explained the reasons for this phenomenon, saying that one was pure liking, and the other was for commercial purposes.

"Commercial nature?" Kitty was stunned for a while, then guessed, "Could it be that this blogger will advertise in it when there are more clicks? Or charge for it?"

(End of this chapter)

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