wolf road

Chapter 49 The Wolf Enterprise

Chapter 49 The Wolf Enterprise (5)
How can I break through the pressure and gain a foothold in Mercedes-Benz?Regarding this, Zhang Fan said frankly: Maybe the more calm the person is on the outside, the more power he has accumulated in his heart.Zhang Fan said that in the past two years, he constantly competed with himself, often drawing over and over again in a corner of the office alone, and deliberating on his design again and again.Finally, he had more and more opportunities to participate in design, and successfully won a job as a lifelong designer of Mercedes-Benz for himself.

In fact, bearing the burden of humiliation has a purpose, which is often for the benefit of the collective.King Goujian of Yue endured humiliation in order to revive the country of Yue, so that the country would not be wiped out. Now, in order to eliminate a criminal gang, many police officers have been undercover in the gang all year round, living a life of ignorance. It is to endure humiliation for the benefit of the collective, and only in this way is it worthy of our praise.On the contrary, those who bear the humiliation and bear the burden of life for their own benefit, can only be nailed to the pillar of shame by us in the end.

In an enterprise, there are the most employees and the fewest bosses.Employees are like the earth that carries the company. The boss can hire employees or fire them. This is the power of the boss.But the land has its own atmosphere and its own laws. If people coax the land, the land will coax people's belly.Therefore, the boss must understand what the employees care about, what the employees' positions and principles are, in order to do a good job in corporate management.

As employees, although the number is the largest in the enterprise, each individual is weak. Learning to preserve oneself and then seeking development is the survival philosophy of employees.Being an employee is to lay the foundation for being a boss in the future. Use this platform to learn skills, so you must adhere to the principle of social integrity, bear the burden of humiliation, and keep your duty as an employee.

The second principle of wolf nature: common development
The greatest mission of employees is to make the company see that employees are part of the overall enterprise.At the same time, it also allows the company to see that an employee always regards the company as a whole rather than a single one, which is one of the most important principles of the Wolf Clan.

The current company believes that the cultivation of talents is a long-term and difficult process. The company uses its unique management methods to create the best development environment and development space for employees, encourage and help employees to continuously reform and innovate, reward challenges and surpass themselves The performance of the company stimulates the common development of employees and the company's career.However, a good company does not necessarily only need to have a good development space and environment. The most important thing is to allow the company and employees to develop together.

In business, career management has always been regarded as a matter for individual employees. However, with the clarification of the concept that human capital is the most important capital of an enterprise, people have found that strengthening the career management of employees is consistent with the company's goals. Effective management tools to achieve organizational goals.The so-called career management refers to the behavioral process provided by the organization to help employees who are engaged in a certain type of occupation in the organization.Career management is one of the important contents of enterprise human resource management, which includes the following aspects:

([-]) Community of interests: the joint point of enterprises and employees
If the realization of organizational goals is consistent with strengthening the career management of employees, how to reflect the consistency between them?Or where is the combination of the two?
In fact, the existence and development of an enterprise or an organization cannot exist without the hard work of its employees; the development of an employee cannot exist without the organization.Therefore, the organization and employees are interdependent, and both are for the sake of good development, which is the consistency of goals.For example, big companies such as Lenovo, Founder, and Tongfang all announced in the media how many millionaires they will create within a few years.In fact, this is a goal of enterprise development, and it just caters to the expectations of employees in terms of benefits.

Yes, this is also one of the effective incentives to attract outstanding talents to work for the development of the enterprise.Because without the efforts of these people, it is impossible for the company to develop well; without a good corporate environment, it is even less likely for these talents to become millionaires.Therefore, the enterprise and employees are consistent in the pursuit of interests, which is also the organic combination of professional management.No wonder some companies are working hard to advocate and build a community of interests between the company and its employees.This community of interests enables employees to become real masters of the enterprise, enables talents to receive due respect, and enables knowledge to create wealth.In other words, the development of an enterprise is based on personal development, and an enterprise is a place where people realize their dreams in life.

([-]) Community of interests: the joint point of enterprises and employees
For the enterprise's community of interests, this is based on mutual selection, mutual recognition and mutual acceptance between the enterprise and employees.With the gradual formation and implementation of the market-oriented employment mechanism of independent job selection and two-way selection, any enterprise will conduct necessary organizational analysis, job analysis, and personnel analysis before recruiting, selecting, and hiring the talents it needs. It is possible to recruit the most suitable talents for the enterprise.

However, many people in the workplace will conduct a relatively objective self-analysis and self-positioning of their ideals, value pursuits, abilities, and experiences before switching jobs.Because only when the requirements of the employing company match the conditions of the applicants seeking the corresponding positions, can the two parties hit it off. This is the beginning of the enterprise's implementation of career management for employees.

([-]) Career management: reflect the company's concern for employees
When a job seeker comes to the company and becomes a formal member of the company, the organization should adopt a positive and accepting attitude and implement career management for employees.Career management, as a behavioral process to help organize employees, should be understood from three aspects:

1. Career management is the career development and assistance plan designed by the organization for its employees, which is different from the career plans made by individual employees.It starts from the perspective of the organization and regards employees as capital that can develop added value rather than fixed capital.Through the efforts of employees' career goals, the organization's sustainable development is sought. Therefore, career management has a certain degree of guidance and utilitarianism.

2. Career management must meet both individual and organizational needs.Career management strives to meet the career development needs of employees.Only after the organization fully understands the career development needs of employees can it formulate corresponding policies and measures to help employees further define their career plans and provide them with corresponding training opportunities.

In fact, only when an enterprise satisfies the occupational needs of its employees can it be possible to meet the internal value-added needs of the organization's own human resources.On the one hand, the improvement of the professional skills of all employees drives the improvement of the overall human resource level of the organization; on the other hand, the intentional guidance in career management can make employees who are in the same direction as the organization's goals stand out, and provide talents for the training of the organization's high-level management and technical personnel. reserve.

Improving the overall competitiveness of personnel and reserving talents is the need of the organization.The energy and financial investment in career management can be regarded as a long-term investment made by the organization to achieve the above goals.

3. The content of career management is very extensive, so as long as the organization helps employees' career activities, it can be included in career management.It mainly includes: for individual employees, such as various training, development consultation, psychological counseling, lectures, and providing convenience for employees to strengthen their skills and improve their academic ability; various personnel policies and measures for organizations, such as standardizing career appraisal system, establish and implement an effective internal promotion system, labor protection and social security system, etc.

([-]) Towards Excellence: Employees' Dedication to the Enterprise
The ultimate goal of career management is to help employees develop their careers so that the organization can continue to develop and achieve organizational goals.Therefore, career management is formulated: Only with the excellent development of the organization's employees can the organization's goals be realized.The excellence of employees depends on the career management implemented by the organization. In the effective career management provided by the organization, employees move towards excellence and dedicate their talents to the organization.As an individual employee, you should:
1. Continuously improve their business capabilities.The only certainty in the future is the uncertainty of the external environment.Whether it is an individual or an employer, in order to ensure their own market competitive position, they should strive to invest in building a learning organization.

2. Maintain a healthy and positive psychological quality.Open the biographies of celebrities, and you will understand an eternal life truth: mentality is everything.A positive and healthy attitude will lead you to excellence; a negative and decadent attitude will make you depressed.

3. The future world belongs to those who are constantly innovating.One of the scariest things in life is doing the wrong thing right.Just because you do one thing right in a given situation doesn't mean you can always do it.Remember: change leads to success, and generality leads to success.

4. Recognize organizational culture and value pursuit, and be highly loyal to organizational development goals.

In fact, as an enterprise organization, we should formulate modern human resource management policies and measures based on people-oriented thinking, respect employees' career development needs and help employees develop, and implement a career management plan that combines humanization and rationalization.In this way, employees can treat the affairs of the enterprise as their own affairs.

The third principle of wolf nature: self-knowledge
Employees must know how to focus on one point to make themselves a tiger in this field. Every employee should know what they can and cannot do.

As the saying goes: People are valuable with self-knowledge, how rare is a precious word.There is also an old saying that you know the face but not the heart.It is not easy for people to understand people, even the ancients said: The difficulty of knowing people is the disease of Yao and Shun.Therefore, everyone thinks that they know themselves best, but many facts show that people often don't know themselves the least.Ma Di confidently recommended himself to guard the street pavilion, but lost his head, which shows that knowing himself is difficult.

In ancient my country, Confucius asked his students to become officials.But Qi Diaokai replied: I have no confidence in being an official.Confucius was very happy after hearing this.What is Confucius happy about?It is Qi Diaokai who can know himself and have self-knowledge.

In fact, there are also some people who, once they get a little achievement, get carried away and complacent, thinking that they are all-knowing and omnipotent.However, making work decisions will inevitably be subjective, one-sided, and dangerous.As everyone knows, however, this is actually a manifestation of not being able to recognize oneself.If a person cannot know himself, does not know his mistakes, and does not correct his mistakes, he will inevitably stumble.There is no one who has fallen into the abyss of failure.The importance of knowing people and confidantes has been generally recognized by people. The question is why some people get confused when it is their turn to encounter specific problems?This is something people should seriously think about.

No one is perfect, no gold is pure.This is also a famous saying of truth left to us by our predecessors. It is also because everyone has shortcomings, so everyone will make mistakes of one kind or another, but it is also because of these mistakes that we are more aware of the mistakes we have made. Recognize and make corrections in a timely manner.

To be a person, one must be self-aware, and often learn from others' strengths to make up for one's own weaknesses.Especially in work, we should face up to ourselves. We have shortcomings. It is not our fault that there are bad places. What is wrong is that you do not correct it after you know it. If you find your shortcomings, then correct them. .If you are too confident, no one will look at you and think you are too proud. If you don't want to change your self-confidence, then don't take yourself too seriously, just work hard.

As the saying goes: the ruler is short, but the inch is long.A wise man has a lot of worries, and there will be a time when he will make a mistake.

Knowing the shortcomings of one's own self and knowing the strengths of others is the basis of respecting others.Especially in school, students are of different ages. Those younger students can see the behavior of older students, and at the same time, they can also see their rich experience; Active and energetic.As long as you learn from everyone around you with an open mind, unhealthy tendencies will not approach you; and at work, even if your work is not recognized, you should not lose your principles of life.

In fact, interpersonal relationships in the office have always been a sensitive topic. If you get along badly, then your work will not be done well. If you get along well, then there is no need to talk about it. It's all related to one thing, that is to see whether you can act according to other people's faces, that is, whether you have self-knowledge.Relationships in the office are critical to productivity.As for the tense relationship among colleagues, the competition between people is in a vicious state. A small number of employees have mastered most of the resources, and most of the employees' time and energy have to be used to deal with things other than normal work. Normal work efficiency Low, the enthusiasm of most people is frustrated, internal friction is serious, and the vitality of the unit is exhausted little by little.

Self-knowledge is to have self-knowledge.In the office, the meaning of self-knowledge is to know your own strengths and weaknesses, know your position, and know your weight in the eyes of others.Keep in mind your responsibilities and obligations in this position, know what to do and what not to do, what to say and what not to say.On the basis of doing well in one's own duties, and according to one's own talent and value judgment, make a good long-term career positioning.

Especially in the workplace, we often worry that others do not understand us.In fact, what we should really worry about is not whether others understand us, but whether we understand others. "The Analects of Confucius" says: Don't worry about what others don't know, and worry about what others don't know. This is what it means.Understanding others first is very important for everyone in the workplace, but it is especially important for employees.If an employee wants to obtain a good career development channel, the first thing is to be able to understand your boss.Understand the boss' goals, understand the boss' philosophy, understand the rules and regulations formulated by the boss, understand the boss' expectations for his position, and implement and implement on the basis of understanding.

When the work is going well, when we cooperate with each other tacitly, we can basically treat others kindly.But there is no pure gold, no one is perfect, and everyone has deficiencies.For office work, it is impossible for everything to be completed smoothly and perfectly, and some may even fail due to various reasons.At this time, it is especially necessary to be kind to others and to be kind to others' mistakes.For the parties involved, don't rush to push the responsibility on others, but seriously review your own mistakes, discover your own shortcomings, and avoid similar situations from happening again.

If you are the boss, especially treat others with kindness.When the boss treats others well, he treats himself well.The boss is the eternal star in the minds of employees.Even if the subordinate employees can't see him, they will perceive what kind of person he is through the boss's employment, the boss's style of life, and the boss's attitude towards problem employees.

All changes in employees will be carried out according to the attitude of the boss.A boss who is kind to others will create more employees who are kind to others.When there are more employees who are kind to others, interpersonal relationships will be easier and harmonious, office work will be carried out more smoothly, work efficiency will be higher, and the boss's goals will be easier to achieve.

Self-knowledge, understanding, respect, and kindness can not only help you improve interpersonal relationships in the office, improve work efficiency, but also add more fun and joy to your daily life.

The Fourth Principle of Wolf Nature: Know Yourself and Your Enemy
Every employee must understand that victory does not mean that they are strong, but that they are more attentive than their opponents.

There is a saying in "Sun Tzu: Mou Gong Pian", which goes like this: If you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you don't know the enemy but know yourself, you will win and lose once; if you don't know the enemy and yourself, you will be imperiled in every battle.What it means is that in military disputes, if you know both the enemy and yourself, you will never fail in a hundred battles; Myself, that only son who is sure to lose every battle.

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.This law is not only admired by many military strategists in ancient and modern China and abroad, but as a kind of wisdom and a winning strategy for decision-making, it can also be applied to all fields of social life, especially the current economic field.

(End of this chapter)

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