wolf road

Chapter 43 The Wolf Pursuit

Chapter 43 The Wolf Pursuit (11)
Only with a clear goal can we point out the correct direction for action and avoid detours on the road to achieve the goal.In fact, aimlessness, or too many goals, will hinder our progress. If we want to achieve what we want, if it is unrealistic, we may end up accomplishing nothing.

In one's life, there is a multi-year plan. If this multi-year plan can become more and more focused, it can become the goal of your life.Your life goals should be subdivided into different areas, including your health goals, family goals, work goals, interpersonal relationship development goals, financial goals, your growth goals, and even leisure and spiritual growth goals .When you have a dream, the dream can become a multi-year plan.

Setting these plans as goals is actually future-oriented thinking.To achieve these goals, of course, there are certain conditions, and these conditions are the steps we need to achieve our goals.

What are we going to do?It is to determine our starting line first.First of all, whether you really want to achieve this goal is a key factor. Without a strong desire, this goal is difficult to achieve.Your desire for many years, how to make your dream come true, the key lies in whether you have a strong desire for this goal.Having a strong desire is half the battle, without a goal there is no way forward.How do you plan your future journey without the starting line?
Articulate your goals clearly.State your goals based on your dreams and your personal beliefs.Do you have a firm belief in your goals, and what is the level of your confidence? If not, there may still be a gap in the realization of your goals.Concentrate and condense your plan for many years, and write it down clearly and concretely in black and white.In this way, you can concentrate and let your efficiency reach a higher level.

Divide the overall goal into several easy-to-remember goals.Dividing a goal into several goals may seem complicated, but in fact this is the most effective way to make progress by retreating.In fact, each of us may have used this method, but you have never noticed it.Let's take a few examples: the example of the rocket ascending to the sky.

The speed and mass of the rocket flying to the moon are absolutely indispensable.After precise calculations, the scientists concluded that the self-weight of the rocket must reach at least 100 million tons, and such a cumbersome monster cannot fly into the sky anyway.Therefore, for a long time, the scientific community has agreed that it is impossible for a rocket to be sent to the moon.It wasn't until someone proposed the idea of ​​a graded rocket that the problem suddenly became clear.Divide the rocket into several stages, and when the first stage sends the other stages out of the atmosphere, it will fall off by itself to reduce the mass, so that the rest of the rocket can easily approach the moon.

Bissell is a pearl in the Western Sahara Desert, and tens of thousands of tourists come here every year.But before Ken Levine discovered it, it was still a closed and backward place.None of the people here have ever walked out of the desert. It is said that they are not willing to leave this barren land, but have tried many times but failed to go out.

Ken Levine certainly didn't believe that.He used sign language to ask the people here why, but everyone gave the same answer: No matter which direction you go from here, you will always turn back to the place you started.

In order to confirm this statement, he conducted an experiment, walking north from Bissell Village, and he walked out in three and a half days.

Why can't the Bissells come out?Ken Levine was so baffled that he ended up hiring a Bissell to lead the way and see why?They brought water for half a month and led two camels. Ken Levin put away the compass and other modern equipment and followed behind with only a wooden stick.

10 days passed, they traveled about 800 miles, and on the morning of No. 11, they returned to Bissell.This time Ken Levine finally understood that the reason why the Bissells couldn't get out of the desert was because they didn't know Big Dipper at all.

In the endless desert, if a person walks forward by feeling, he will walk out of many circles of different sizes, and the final footprint will most likely be the shape of a tape measure.Bissell Village is located in the middle of a vast desert, with a radius of thousands of kilometers and no reference point. If you don't know the Big Dipper and don't have a compass, it is really impossible to get out of the desert.

When Ken Levine left Bissell, he brought a young man named Agouter, who was the one who worked with him last time.He told the man that as long as you rest during the day and walk towards the star in the north at night, you can get out of the desert.Agutel followed suit, and after 3 days, he came to the edge of the desert.Agutel thus became the pioneer of Bissell, and his bronze statue was erected in the center of the town.A line of words is engraved on the base of the bronze statue: New life begins from the chosen direction.

Therefore, the real journey of life starts from the day when the goal is set, and the previous days are just going around in circles.

Set your goals first, then go to achieve your goals.

It is an effective way to achieve the ultimate goal to learn to decompose the goal, break it into parts, turn it into small goals that are easy to achieve, and then break them one by one.

Set a time limit for the achievement of your goals.If you don't have a time limit for achieving your goals, then you don't have any goals.Only specific, clear, and time-bound goals have action-guiding and motivating value.

You have to complete certain tasks within a certain period of time, you will concentrate your energy, use your brains, mobilize the enthusiasm and potential of yourself and others, and strive to achieve your goals.If there is no clear and specific time limit for specific goals, anyone will inevitably be distracted and lethargic, let alone success and excellence.

The realization of the goal not only has a time limit, but also requires you to take action. A goal without action is also equivalent to no goal.

Thinking hard and planning how to achieve something can't replace physical practice. People who don't take action are just daydreaming.

It is very important to evaluate the achievement of your goals and the progress of your goals over a certain period of time.As your plan progresses, you're bound to find a lot of questions in it.These problems are often decisive, which requires you to improve and take action. The process of realizing the goal is actually the process of your continuous progress.As long as you continue to improve and walk on the right path, success will be very close to you at this time.

Congratulate yourself.When you celebrate yourself when you have small successes, you are motivating yourself.

turn goals into reality
Do your own thing.You hew your own wood, you pick your own water, you shape the major goals of your life, and it is up to you to turn them into reality.

Anthony Robin believes that the establishment of a great career in life lies not in knowing, but in being able to do.Go all out in infinity, and you will find that there is still infinite world as far as your eyes can see.

Similarly, the famous former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once pointed out that although actions may not necessarily bring satisfactory results, no satisfactory results can be achieved without action.

Action is a great thing.As long as a person behaves rightly, he will like to act more and more.

So want to be an enterprising person?Start with action.

James Williams also said that a person's attitude is affected by his behavior: it is better to sing and sing first than to sing aloud when he is happy.The above examples all have the same meaning, action can bring feedback and a sense of accomplishment, and it can also bring joy.Being busy doing one thing is a constructive behavior, and it is irreplaceable by other methods such as self-satisfaction and happiness obtained when you concentrate on work.So, if you're looking for happiness, if you're going to reach your potential, you've got to be quick and aggressive about it, work hard at it.

Every day thousands of people cancel or bury their hard-earned new ideas because they are afraid to execute them.After a while, these ideas come back to torment them.

Therefore, keep in mind the following two methods:

(1) Execute your idea in order to realize its value. No matter how good the idea is, unless you really practice it, you will never gain anything.

(2) Be calm when practicing.I really should have done that but I didn't. This is the saddest sentence in the world.It is almost common to hear someone say: If I had started that business back then, I would have made a fortune long ago!Or I expected it a long time ago, and I regret not doing it then!If a good idea is stillborn, it will really make people sigh and never forget it.If you really do it, then you will be infinitely satisfied.

Have you come up with a great idea by now?If so, act now.

Actions help you accomplish great things in life

You can set your life goals and carefully formulate goals for each period.But if you don't act, you will still get nowhere.Thinking hard, planning how to achieve something, cannot replace physical practice.People who don't act are just daydreaming.So, Anthony Robin said: Action is the key step to turn goals into reality.

To turn goals into reality, Napoleon Hill gave the following steps in the book "The Law of Success":

([-]) You have to determine in your heart the specific number you want to have
It is useless to say vaguely: I need a lot of money. You must determine the specific evaluation criteria for the success you are pursuing, for example, how much money you earn, how big an official you are, what scientific achievements you have achieved, and so on.

Both Tom and John are engaged in real estate business. Tom plans to borrow $120 million from the bank, while John plans to borrow $119 million from the bank.In the end, the bank granted John a loan, but rejected Tom's loan request.Because the director of the bank thinks that John's budget is specific and thoughtful, which means that John handles things carefully and carefully, and he has a great chance of success.

It can be seen that it is necessary to set a specific and feasible goal.

([-]) Strong determination can work miracles

Anyone who wants to be truly successful understands that progress is achieved through continuous efforts bit by bit.Houses are built brick by brick; the final victory of a football game is accumulated by scoring one after another; the prosperity of a store is also created by customers one by one.So each small achievement accumulates into each major achievement.

All over the world, as long as they are accomplished people, they pay attention to using their energy on one goal, concentrating on one goal, and concentrating on breakthroughs. This is the best plan for their success.Many people have been buried in history. Apart from social reasons, they have not found a specific career goal for which they have devoted their lives. There must be an important reason for a hammer in the east and a mallet in the west, sowing melons today and planting beans tomorrow.

Someone once asked Newton how he discovered the law of gravitation, and he replied: I have been thinking about it.Successful people keep their eyes on their goals, and they often use their imagination to remind themselves of their goals as they work towards them.

Bruce Jenner, an Olympic decathlon gold medalist, even outfitted his entire apartment with exercise equipment to remind him every day to reach his goals.He puts the equipment for each decathlon event where he has to see it when he is not training. The high hurdle is his worst item. He puts a hurdle in the middle of the living room. 30 spans; his goal stop is a shot put; the barbell sits outside under the eaves; the pole vault pole and javelin stand behind the sofa; his sports uniform, cotton suit and running shoes are in the closet.Bruce said the unusual setup helped him improve his game as he prepared to win an Olympic title.

In order to achieve your goals better and faster, you have to learn to remind yourself all the time.For example, write your determined goals and implementation plans on sticky notes or notepads, and place them in your home and office in a planned way so that you can see them often; Record implementation plan statements on tape and play them while you are driving, doing chores, resting, or thinking; edit your implementation plan on your computer screen; Print out the decorative paper and hang the sheets on your office, bedroom mirror, or even your refrigerator.In this way, your goals and plans are always in front of your eyes, helping you to keep your attention on these most important things.

The only smart way to achieve any goal is to do it step by step.The best way to quit smoking is said to be to keep at it hour after hour.Many of my friends use this method to quit smoking, and the success rate is higher than other methods.The method doesn't require them to resolve never to smoke, just to resolve not to smoke for the next hour.When the hour is over, it is only necessary to change his resolution to the next hour, and when the urge to smoke gradually subsides, the time is extended to two hours, then to a day, and finally to quit completely, those who want to quit all at once Some people will definitely fail, because the psychological feeling is unbearable.It's easy to endure for an hour, but it's unbearable to say never smoke.

No matter what the goal is, as long as you want to achieve it, you must do it step by step.For those junior managers, no matter how unimportant the assigned work is, it should be seen as a good opportunity to take a step forward.Every sale a salesman closes is a step toward higher management positions.

Every lecture given by a professor and every experiment performed by a scientist is a good opportunity to take a step forward and reach a higher level.

Some people seem to become famous overnight, but if you look closely at their past history, you will know that their success did not happen by chance, they have already invested a lot of hard work and laid a solid foundation.Those characters who rise and fall violently-come and go quickly.Their success is often short-lived.They do not have a deep foundation and strong strength.

The magnificent buildings are all made of independent stone blocks.Stones are not beautiful in themselves, and neither is a successful life.

Please do the following:

Have the next idea in your mind, important or not, turn it into a step towards an end goal, and go for it right away.Keep the question below in mind at all times, and use it to evaluate everything you do.Does this event help with my goals?If the answer is no, don't do it immediately; if it is yes, you must not only do it, but also speed up.

We can't succeed all at once, we can only move towards success step by step. The so-called good plan is a monthly quota or list determined by ourselves.

Think about how you can improve your efficiency.Please use the 30-day improvement plan below to measure yourself.You can fill in the things you must do within a month under the title, check the progress after a month, and re-establish new goals.Be aware of the little things around you that contribute to your capacity, conditioning, and strength for big things.

(30) [-]-day improvement plan
From now on, we must formulate a 30-day improvement plan for ourselves, which is as follows:
1.Break these habits:
(1) Failure to complete various tasks on time.I stipulate that I have to get up at 6 o'clock every day, but I have to be half an hour late every day, so that my plan cannot be completed on time.

(2) Negative words and sentences.When I am very tired, I habitually say that I can't do it, I don't want to do it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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