wolf road

Chapter 41 The Wolf Pursuit

Chapter 41 The Wolf Pursuit (9)
Make up your mind and pursue persistently, then success is waiting for you not far away.The following is a statement from a successful person:

How many 10 years in your life are gone in the blink of an eye, and you have wasted your life in mediocrity, don’t fantasize about it; make up your mind and stick to what you want to do because your life is defined by the decisions you make.

Zhang often tells his students: There are three most important secrets to success, the first is to make up your mind; the second is to make up your mind.The third asks what are they?They said: Of course I still have to make up my mind.

To be successful in everything, you must make up your mind. Many people asked him: What if you make up your mind but don’t succeed?He told them: This is nonsense at all. How can it be possible that the resolution cannot be successful? If the resolution cannot be successful, it means that he has not really made up his mind. Determination will definitely help him persevere to the end, never give up when encountering difficulties, until he succeeds, this is the real determination.Zhang was working as a salesman when he was 17 years old. All his relatives and friends were very opposed to him being a salesman, so he had to make strange visits, but he didn’t dare to do strange visits because he was afraid of knocking on other people’s doors or talking to them. When strangers talk about products, they will be rejected by them, so the performance has not been able to break through.

Until one day, the manager came to him and said: You come to visit with me today.As a result, he went downstairs with the manager and walked to the road. When he saw a little girl walking across the road, the manager told him: If I can't sell products to her when I walk across the road now, I will be caught by a car when I walk back to the road. I'll kill you to see.At that time, he was shocked when he heard it, thinking how could the manager say such a thing.

So he watched the manager walk across the street and began to sell the product to the little girl. After 15 minutes, he finally sold the product.

So, the next day Zhang wanted to do the same, so he went downstairs and started selling to strangers.However, when he opened his mouth to a stranger, he immediately thought of what to do if he was rejected?So he retreated again.

Later, he went back to the company, found a colleague to go downstairs with him, and said to the colleague: Look, if I can't sell the product to the stranger opposite, I will be hit by a car and killed when I walk across the road. look.

When he finished speaking, his mind went blank, and he didn't know how to sell.

He just walked over and started talking to the stranger. He didn't know what to say, but he couldn't go back, because he just made a promise and swore, so he tried his best to tell the stranger After 20 minutes of promoting the product, the unthinkable happened: the man finally bought his product.

He later found out that it was his determination that helped him sell.

When Zhang was 20 years old, he took a course. In the class, the teacher told him: There will be another course next time, which is very good. This course can help us stimulate all our potentials and make ourselves a top person.

He said: This course is very good, but I have no money, and I will take it after I save enough money.At this time, the teacher said to him: Do you want to succeed, or must you succeed?He said: I must succeed.The teacher asked him again: If you must succeed, how would you deal with this matter?

So he said, I'll borrow the money right away to take the class.

Of course, after taking the class, he has grown a lot.

So, the teacher told them again: There will be another class next time, which is still very good, and will teach us about leadership and sales.

He was very excited after hearing this, but he had no money, so he had to wait until next year.

At that time, the teacher asked him again: Do you want to succeed, or must you succeed?He replied again:
Of course I must succeed!
You must succeed, so when will you wait to come to class?Your income is not enough, so you have no money, you should come to the class, don't you think?So, he borrowed money to attend classes again, and in this way, repeatedly, he borrowed a total of 10,000+ to attend classes.

After taking these courses, a very big change occurred in his life, and he believed that his whole life was shaped by those courses.

Later, Zhang analyzed how his life changed, and found that the answer was only four words, that is: make up your mind.

Wanting is different from having to. Many things seem difficult, but when you make up your mind, it becomes very simple.

Many people often talk casually about making up their minds, and today they say: I have decided to do this.Tomorrow said again: I decided to do that.The day after tomorrow he said: I decided to give up.None of them took making up their minds as a serious matter.I think real decision is a strong desire -- a desire that will not stop until it succeeds.Otherwise, never give up, this is the real determination.

Remember, your life changes from the moment you make up your mind, and any decision you make determines your life.I have many students who want to quit smoking, change careers, and break through themselves, but after many years and many attempts, they are still unsuccessful.I told them this concept, and as a result, they have all changed a lot now.

So, my friends, don't think about success there, you will never succeed if you want to succeed for the rest of your life.If you don't believe me, ask the beggars on the road if they want to succeed?They may also want to be successful; you ask the waiters in the restaurant, do they want to earn 10 a month?They also want to; you ask the old ladies waiting for the bus, do they want to take a Mercedes?Of course they want to, but why can't they do it?Because they all just think, but don't make up their minds and move forward persistently!

Confidence, persistence, and diligence in practice will allow you to hold a permanent ticket for the journey of life, and will also allow you to be unimpeded on the road of struggle.In fact, in life, many places require courage and persistent pursuit.Without persistent pursuit, beautiful love will not blossom and bear fruit; without persistent pursuit, there will be no brilliance in the business created; without persistent pursuit, technology that benefits mankind will not appear with fruitful achievements.

We need to pursue persistently in life.

Enthusiasm is a strength

It is very important to have the relentless pursuit, enthusiasm of the wolf.

Let's take a look at a famous motto:
You are young when you have faith, and old when you doubt;
If you are confident, you will be young; if you are afraid, you will be old;
Hope is young, despair is old;
Years wrinkle your skin, but loss of zeal damages your soul.

In history, there has never been a great cause that has not been successful because of enthusiasm.Emerson's famous quote.This is also a signpost towards success.By cultivating and developing the trait of enthusiasm, we can add sparkle and interest to everything we do.A dedicated person, whether farming or running a large company, considers his work a sacred calling and takes a deep interest in it.People who are enthusiastic about their work, no matter how difficult the work is or how much effort is required, they will always do it with a calm attitude.As long as people move forward with this mentality, they will succeed and they will definitely reach their goals.

Enthusiasm is the main driver of action.

Napoleon Hill said that enthusiasm is a state of consciousness that inspires and motivates a person to take action on the work at hand.And not only that, but it is contagious, and not only will it have a major effect on other enthusiasts, but all those who come into contact with it will also be affected.Enthusiasm is to man what a steam engine is to a locomotive; it is the prime mover of action.The greatest leaders of mankind are those who know how to inspire enthusiasm in their followers.Enthusiasm is also the most important factor in salesmanship.Mix enthusiasm with your work, and your work won't appear to be strenuous or monotonous.Enthusiasm energizes your whole body so that you can work two or three times as much without 1
Evenings have always been Napoleon Hill's writing time.One night, when Napoleon Hill was concentrating on typing on his typewriter, he happened to look out of his study window—his residence was just across from Tower Square in the Metropolis of New York City—and saw what seemed to be the strangest reflection of the moon, Reflected on the Metropolis Tower.It was a silvery-gray shadow he had never seen before.Looking carefully again, Napoleon Hill found that it was the reflection of the sun in the morning, not the shadow of the moon.It turned out to be dawn.He worked all night, but was so absorbed in his work that it seemed like an hour of the night passed in the blink of an eye.He continued to work for another day and night, without stopping to rest except for a light meal in between.If it were not for the enthusiasm for the work at hand, which gave the body sufficient energy, it would have been impossible for Napoleon Hill to work continuously for a day and two nights without feeling tired at all.

After Napoleon left Paris to take office, what he got was [-] tramps who were demoralized, hungry, poor, and lacked weapons and ammunition. They were jokingly called the beggar army.In fact, this is simply a trick played by politicians, a post arranged to transfer Napoleon from Paris.

Enthusiasm also plays a very important role in sales.A good style of enthusiasm can save the day in many cases.Enthusiasm is the mainstream of human consciousness, which drives a person to put knowledge into action.

To a salesperson, enthusiasm is as indispensable as water is to fish.All successful sales bosses should understand the psychology of enthusiasm and apply it in various ways to help their salespeople close more deals.Almost all sales organizations hold regular review meetings, the purpose of which is to boost the morale of all sales staff, and through the principles of mass psychology, instill enthusiasm for work into the hearts of these sales staff.Such sales review meetings may rightly be called resurrection meetings, for their purpose is to revive the interest and enthusiasm of the salespeople so that they return to the field once more with renewed ambition and energy to start the business. Another sales plan for them.

The Story of Hughes Chalmers' Million Dollar Shoe Shine:

When Hughes Chalmers was a sales manager for National Cash Register, he encountered an embarrassing incident that likely got him fired, along with thousands of his salespeople.The company's finances were in trouble.This incident was known by the salesperson who was in charge of sales outside, and lost enthusiasm for work because of it.Sales began to drop, and later, the situation became so serious that the sales department had to call a meeting of all the salesmen, and all the salesmen from all over the United States came back for this meeting.

Chalmers chaired the meeting.Some of his best salespeople, he first stood up and asked them to explain why sales were down.The salesmen rose to their feet when their names were called, each with the most shockingly tragic story to tell: bad business, lack of money, people wanting to wait until after the presidential election to buy anything etc.When the fifth salesman began to enumerate the various difficult circumstances which prevented him from meeting his usual sales quota, Mr. Chalmers suddenly jumped onto a table, raised his hands, and demanded silence. Then, he said: "Stop, I order the assembly Pause for 10 minutes and let me polish my leather shoes.Then, he ordered a black worker sitting nearby to bring his shoe-shine kit, and asked the worker to polish his leather shoes, while he himself stood on the table without moving.

The salespeople were stunned.Some of them thought Mr. Chalmers had suddenly gone mad.Among them began whispering to each other.At the same time, the little negro worker first polished one of his shoes and then the other, and he did it without haste, showing first-class shoe-shining skills.When the shoes were finished, Mr. Chalmers gave the boy a dime, and began to deliver his speech.I want each of you, he said, to take a good look at this little black workman.He has the privilege of shining shoes throughout our factory and offices.His predecessor was a white boy, much older than him. Although the company subsidizes his salary of 5 yuan a week, and there are thousands of employees in the factory, the cost of maintaining him is still not enough in our company. .And this little black boy not only earns a good income, does not need the company to subsidize his salary, but also saves a little money every week, and his working environment is exactly the same as his predecessor, and he is also in the same factory. The objects of the work are also exactly the same.Let me ask you a question now, whose fault is that little white boy for not getting more business?Is it his fault, or his customer's fault?Those salesmen replied loudly at the same time: Of course, it was the fault of that little boy.exactly.Chalmers replied, Now I want to tell you that you are selling cash registers in exactly the same way as you were a year ago: same region, same audience, same business conditions.However, compared with the previous year, your sales performance is not as good as in previous years.Whose fault is this?Is it your fault?Or a customer?There was also a thunderous answer: Of course, it was our fault.I'm glad that you guys can openly admit your mistakes.Chalmers continued, I'm going to tell you now that your mistake was that you heard rumors about the company's financial difficulties, which affected your enthusiasm for work, so your previous efforts were reduced.You all go back to your own sales area, and promise to sell 30 cash registers each within the next 5 days, then the company will not have any financial crisis again, and all future sales will be net profit .Are you willing to do this?Everyone answered that they were willing, so the result is that it will definitely be done.

Enthusiasm never fails, and the boss who knows how to make the sales staff he dispatches full of work enthusiasm will surely gain something.Mix enthusiasm with your work, and your work will not appear monotonous, nor will it make you feel hard.Enthusiasm will energize your whole body and mind, and you will get twice the result with half the effort when you work.

Enthusiasm is an important power, it has more than just a name, and you can use it to your advantage.Without it, you are like a dead battery.Enthusiasm is a great force that you can harness to replenish your physical energy and develop a strong personality.The process of developing enthusiasm is simple.First, do your favorite job, or provide your favorite service.

If you are currently unable to do your favorite job due to special circumstances, then you can also choose another very effective method, that is, to take doing your favorite job in the future as your clear goal .Lack of funds and many other circumstances that you cannot immediately overcome may force you to work in a job you don't like, but no one can stop you from deciding in your own mind a definite purpose in your life, and no one can No one can stop you from turning this goal into a reality, and you pour enthusiasm into your plans.

Creating good after-sales service conditions is the secret to success of IBM, the largest computer manufacturing company in the world today.In order to keep all employees with great enthusiasm for work, the company has selected a group of excellent technical backbones for a long time to be responsible for solving customers' problems and difficulties, and promises to customers:
Services must be completed within 24 hours of the customer's request.

(End of this chapter)

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