wolf road

Chapter 34 The Wolf Pursuit

Chapter 34 The Wolf Pursuit (2)
Even the greatest ambitions can be severely wounded for a number of reasons.Habits of procrastination and evasion of important things can seriously weaken a person's ambition and affect a person's ambition.

This call from the heart, this voice that inspires you to forge ahead, if you find yourself rejecting it, you should pay attention at this time, don't let it become weaker and disappear, and don't let your enthusiasm fail.When this positive voice rings in your ears, be sure to listen to it. It is your best friend and it can lead you on a bright path.

So, no matter what occupation you are in in real life, no matter what skills you have, you should strive to be a leader in this field, always be enterprising, strive for excellence, and always be the North Star of human progress.It not only creates great companies and outstanding people, but also enables everyone who strives to achieve themselves to create their own world on the road to the future.

dare to say no
To learn the wild spirit of a wolf, you must learn to say no.

Saying that it is not an individual's right does not require courage.Everyone is an independent individual, and disobedience is human instinct.A child is a self-centered individual from birth, and has the right to accept and reject.China has never had the courage to say no, and the courage to say no to power is even more pitiful!Ministers are attached to the emperor, ordinary people are attached to officials, and women are attached to their husbands.It is the reason of dependence that Chinese people lack the most independent spirit and independent personality.Subjects in this environment can only have the happiness of being raped, and have almost no independent personality of their own.

In the ancient autocratic society, there was only one kind of howling, and there was no freedom of speech.Subjects want to have opinions on state affairs, but they cannot suggest to the leaders, let alone make them public if they want to, or publish them if they want to.If the ordinary people really have any ideas, they really can't hold it back, and they can only reflect to the leaders. At the same time, they must be absolutely loyal to the leaders and trust the organization 5000%, otherwise, they will offend the official face and rebel.The long-term lifestyle of agricultural production as a means of livelihood has formed an absolute personal attachment relationship: the son is attached to the father, the farmer is attached to the landlord, the landlord is attached to the bureaucrat, and the bureaucrat is attached to the emperor.From the cultivation of scholars in ancient times, to the imperial examinations in ancient times, and to the appointment of cadres today, Chinese elites are dependent on one level, and each level is a slave to the superior and a master to the subordinate. In the [-]-year-old traditional culture, the monarchs, ministers, fathers, and sons have shaped their people into people who have no independent personality and can do what they say.

One of the manifestations of slave consciousness is not daring to say no.Dare to say no is a must for modern independent personality.It is not terrible that one person or a few people dare not say no, what is terrible is that most people or an entire era suffer from hypochondriac.Once this kind of people have the climate they need, they will become slavish, and their personality, dignity, and everything will follow others. They will be represented by others in everything, and they will follow the trend everywhere.Li Ao said: The Chinese have been talking about morality for thousands of years, but they are wrong about morality. They only talk about the morality of "hometown wish" which is good for oneself alone, but not the morality of "madness" which is good for the world.The result is that in Chinese thinking, "Although there are tens of millions of people, I will go!" 'Everyone can say the theory, but few people dare to practice it, because once they do it, they will be unlucky.Confucius attacked 'Xiangyuan', but for thousands of years, everyone is 'Xiangyuan', and as a 'Xiangyuan', he scolded 'Although there are tens of millions of people, I will go! 'A minority of people have 'personality problems'.

A society or the whole, without the courage to say no, is really too scary, too scary.People who dare not say no are terrible people; groups who dare not say no are irrational groups.Because once a person with this awareness is in the right climate, he is likely to become a complete slave, and once a complete slave occupies power, he is a complete master and a deer.In China's feudal society for more than [-] years, from the emperor to the bureaucrats, there were very few people who did not regard the deer as a horse, and almost all the groups under their rule were full-fledged slaves.In the wisdom of the Orientals, there can only be the Ah Q group whose life is like being raped, and since they are powerless to resist, they can only enjoy it happily.

The consciousness of turning a deer into a horse and the consciousness of not daring to say no often exist in the minds of Chinese people at the same time.Refers to a deer as a horse and dare not say no, they are twin brothers in the same soil.In front of small people, they treat deer as horses and represent everything; in front of big people, they dare not say no, but they are represented by others.Like the dignified figures in the previous feudal dynasties, in front of the emperor, they kept saying that they were slaves who dare not be slaves, but in front of their subordinates, they frequently turned black and white.

Because their subjects are afraid to say no, dictatorial rulers dare to point the finger at a deer all the time.India's democracy and national independence were won through non-violent non-cooperation.Although the people we are facing are not benevolent rulers of the British Empire, and we cannot change the history of calling a deer a horse for a while, but we can always say no to a deer, right?I think we should be able to do that.

Life in reality is always so helpless.There are times when it's hard to say no.When you want to speak, think left and right, look forward and back, because you often have to take care of people around you, people around you, people who have interests in you, people who love you, people you love, afraid of hurting others, and afraid of being hurt. People hurt, so the courage to say no at this time is gone.

Comedy master Charlie Chaplin once said: Learn to say no!Then your life will be much better.

Helping others is the foundation of happiness is a catchy adage that everyone can speak, but when others come to ask for help, it is inevitable that you will encounter a time when you are unable to do what you want. How should you refuse at this time?
Sometimes, if you want to reject the other party, but because you are embarrassed, you dare not say it clearly, so that the other party can't figure out what you mean, and many unnecessary misunderstandings arise.Like when you answer ambiguously:

This thing seems to be difficult to do it!It originally meant rejection, but it may be considered that you agreed. If you didn't do it, it would mean that you didn't keep your promise.

Therefore, boldly saying no is an important but not easy task.Here are a few suggestions on how to say no:
Direct analysis method: directly explain the objective reasons for the rejection to the other party, including the disallowance of one's own situation, social conditions, etc.Usually these situations are also acceptable to the other party, so they can better understand your difficulties, and will naturally give up persuading you automatically, and let him feel that it is not unreasonable for you to reject him.

Clever transfer method: When it is inconvenient to refuse directly, you can adopt a roundabout tactic, change the topic or have other reasons, mainly to be good at using the turning point of tone-gentle and persistent-never agree, but it will not tear your face.For example, express sympathy or praise to the other party first, and then give reasons and refuse.Since the other party has brought the distance between the two closer psychologically because of your sympathy, it is understandable for him to feel that you reject him.

No need to speak: Sometimes it is inconvenient to refuse the other party. I often rehearse how to say it many times in my heart. Once I face the other party and cannot make up my mind, I always cannot speak.This is where body language comes in handy.Generally speaking, shaking your head means negation. When others see you shaking your head, they will understand what you mean. You don’t need to say anything later. This is the best way to deal with salesmen.

In addition, the interruption of a smile is also a hint of a cover. When a conversation with a smile is suddenly interrupted, it implies that it cannot be recognized and rejected.Similar body language includes adopting a leaning posture, wandering eyes, looking at the watch frequently, absent-minded... But don't forget not to hurt the other party's self-esteem!
Procrastinating and procrastinating method: If it is something you have already promised, it is not acceptable to procrastinate. At that time, you did not agree for a long time, but repeatedly expressed that you would study or consider it, then the smart other party will immediately understand that you are not willing to agree.

We not only need to learn the ability to say no, but also need to learn the ability to recognize and appreciate.Say no to true patriotism, say no to false patriotism, say no to past patriotism, and say no to all forms of patriotism today.Chen Duxiu said long ago:

What we love is a country where the people show their patriotism to resist being oppressed, not a country where the government uses the people's patriotism to oppress others.What we love is not a country where the people make sacrifices for the country, but a country where the country seeks happiness for the people.

The wolf will resolutely leave the cubs when they are independent, and drive them to the wilderness to make them fend for themselves.The wildness of wolves is also created in this kind of self-improvement and self-reliance.

Self-improvement should be our basic attitude in society.Our nation has been able to survive thousands of years of history, overcome nature, overcome natural disasters and man-made disasters, overcome turmoil and division, and survive and develop until today, which is closely related to this precious tradition full of vitality and creativity.

Constant self-improvement can become a national tradition and national spirit. It is not only a profound summary of the national historical practice by the sages, but also a comprehensive grasp of the development laws of the universe by the sages beyond personnel.

Continuous self-improvement is a positive outlook on life, a outlook on life that creates transcendence.It rejects weakness and laziness, stagnation and complacency, and the refusal to be dependent on others for what you get.Using this spirit to guide people's thinking and behavior, one should not blame others and do nothing, but should do it yourself, change the environment, and change the status quo; You should succumb to difficulties and pressures, but have the confidence and courage to overcome everything and overwhelm everything.For our children, we need to help them to be self-reliant, master the ability of survival and development, so that they can cope with various living environments, be able to labor, work, create, help others, and serve the society.Nor should money be used to pave the way for them to have a happy future.

Tian Xingjian - a gentleman strives for self-improvement!

In ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, I don’t know how many people have stepped out a series of brilliant life footprints by virtue of the spirit of self-improvement.The legendary life of Helen Keller.

One day in February 1882, Helen Keller, who was only two years old, suffered from scarlet fever, which was quite dangerous at the time.After a period of treatment, Helen Keller's life was saved, but she became a deaf, dumb, and blind little girl.

As she grows up day by day, she really wants to walk, but whenever she takes a step to go, she always gets bruised and bruised.Mother took little Helen Keller to familiarize herself with the location of every piece of furniture in the house every day. After a month, she was able to walk around the house freely. At the age of 5, she knew where each of her clothes was placed, because she was the one who folded her clothes one by one and put them away.

Helen Keller is a very strong child, although she can't hear, see or speak, but she is eager to communicate with people, so she often uses gestures to communicate with her parents, but sometimes the parents don't understand what she means, which attracts the strong child Helen Keller burst into tears.Later, her parents invited her a Miss Anne Sullivan who was very experienced in teaching deaf-mute children.When they met for the first time, Miss Sullivan brought little Helen Keller a doll.Little Helen Keller was very happy holding the doll, and Miss Sullivan took her hand over when she saw the opportunity, and wrote the word doll.But little Helen Keller didn't understand what it meant, so Miss Sullivan asked her to touch the doll over and over again, and then wrote the word in her palm.Soon, little Helen Keller finally mastered this learning method, so she took Miss Sullivan and asked her to spell every item around her, such as tables, chairs, beds, and clothes.

Miss Sullivan often took little Helen Keller to the garden to learn about flowers, trees, roses, birds and other living things, which aroused her interest in learning more.Miss Sullivan began to teach her Braille, and soon little Helen Keller was reading Braille books.

On May 1888, 5, when little Helen Keller was 26 years old, she was unwilling to be satisfied and was admitted to Perkins College, Sullivan's alma mater, and began to study formally.At this time, Miss Sullivan was still by her side, reading with her.

Miss Sullivan is an experienced and enthusiastic person. She let little Helen Keller touch her face to feel the movement of her tongue, mouth and face when she spoke, and then let Helen Keller imitate her pronunciation.Helen Keller quickly learned 6 words. Inspired by Miss Sullivan, Helen Keller began to learn to speak.Of course, this was not an easy task for a deaf, dumb, and blind child in his teens, but Helen Keller practiced tenaciously and persistently every day, and finally she was able to speak completely.

Next, she learned five languages ​​including French, English, German, Greek, and Latin with tenacious perseverance.She also studied algebra, geometry, physics and other courses with amazing perseverance. These courses were taught by the teacher on the top, and Miss Sullivan wrote on the palm of Helen Keller below.During this period, she used a typewriter to write and translate while studying. On June 5, 1896, at the age of 6, she was finally admitted to Harvard University through long-term and arduous efforts. The news shocked New York.

In 1897, Helen Keller, a blind student at Harvard University, completed the autobiographical novel "The Story of My Life" with hundreds of thousands of words.After the novel was published, it aroused strong repercussions in the United States, and Helen also won the respect of countless people.

If there is no perseverance of self-improvement, I am afraid that future generations will not know who Helen Keller is.

It is true that in the process of self-improvement, there will be failures, setbacks, and even sacrifices.Because a person's life cannot be smooth sailing, and our world will not be perfect.If we want to overcome bad luck and lead to the road to victory, we can only open up with the spirit of self-improvement.The general trend of the development of things is that after unremitting struggle, there will always be success.It is not enough to measure the meaning and value of life by victory, nor can the heart and will be ignored.A man of noble heart and strong will, even in defeat, is a hero, a strong, independent, noble character.Their failure is a high-spirited failure to proudly resist victory (Montaigne's "Life Essays"), which can inspire future generations and educate those who come.The joy after victory cannot be said to be a single happiness in life, but also lies in the whole struggle process of victory.The victory achieved after failure, setbacks and hard work is the most complete, most fulfilling, and most memorable; once the victory is achieved, the struggle process is over, and the joy of victory will be replaced by a sense of loss due to the loss of the goal of struggle.The philosopher has a saying: Struggle is happiness; struggling with the sky brings endless joy;

There are also many stories of self-improvement in history. The "Historical Records" written by Sima Qian in the Han Dynasty is known as the swan song of historians, and the Li Sao without rhyme.However, this handed down work was written after Sima Qian suffered great physical and mental torture and humiliation.

In the second year of Su Wu's envoy to the Xiongnu, Li Ling was defeated by the Xiongnu and was captured by the Huns and surrendered.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty summoned his ministers and asked them to discuss Li Ling's crimes.The ministers all condemned Li Ling for not being greedy for life and fearing death, and surrendering to the Huns.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked Sima Qian, the commander of Taishi, to hear his opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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