wolf road

Chapter 30 Wolf Principle

Chapter 30 Wolf Principle (9)
No matter how dangerous the environment is, wolves can be called the strongest in nature.The life of a wolf is actually full of hardships.In the world of wolves, the natural law of survival of the fittest continues to operate. Just as the weakest caribou is captured by wolves, the weakest wolves will also be eaten by other animals.The survival of wolves mainly depends on the way of defeating and eating their opponents, otherwise they will starve to death.Hunting is dangerous. When a wolf captures its prey, it often encounters desperate resistance from the prey. When it encounters a prey that is bigger than the wolf, it may even hurt the life of the wolf.It is in this dangerous environment that wolves can defeat their opponents and become the highest in the food chain on land.Wolves have a calm and optimistic mentality, so they can create miracles of survival in the animal world.

To learn the wolf mentality, you must first learn the rationality of the wolf. In life, you must restrain your words and deeds rationally.We often say that to do something and not to do something refers to being able to rationally restrain one's words and deeds.No matter how great a person is, he cannot be as free as an animal.Human beings are much more restrained than animals, so if a person wants to be successful, he must know what to do and what not to do.In social life, we can often see people who are respected by others.But we should know that whether a person can be respected by others, the key factor is not how much freedom he has, but whether he has enough restraint.

In nature, in order to get food, wolves can wait tirelessly, and they have enough restraint.Successful people in society also know how to restrain themselves, and they get information constantly in practice: success requires patience!
A person who can restrain himself is a rational person and a person who can achieve a career.

In 494 B.C., Fu Chai, King of Wu, led a large-scale attack on the Yue State, and defeated the Vietnamese army in Fujiao (now Dongting West Mountain, Taihu Lake).Gou Jian, king of Yue, had no choice but to kneel to Fu Chai for peace.Gou Jian and his minister Fan Li and other 300 people came to Wu State and became Fu Chai's servants.Gou Jian raised horses and drove chariots for King Wu, and served him for three years.Fu Chai thought that Gou Jian had completely surrendered to him, so he let the king of Yue go back to Yue.

After Gou Jian returned to Yue, he vowed to avenge his shame one day. He worried that the easy life would wear down his will, so he used firewood as bedding and hung a gall in the house. He often tasted it to remind himself not to forget the shame of the year. , Don't forget the great cause of revival.This is what people call a hard work.Gou Jian made great efforts to govern, and made great use of Fan Li, Wen Zhong and other virtuous people to manage state affairs, and at the same time trained the army and developed production.After more than ten years of struggle, a weak Yue country was finally governed into a strong one.

In 482 B.C., when Fuchai, the king of Wu, was in an alliance with the feudal lords, Gou Jian led his army to attack the state of Wu, defeated the Wu army, and captured the prince friend of the state of Wu. Fucha had no choice but to seek peace from the state of Yue.In 473 BC, Gou Jian finally destroyed the state of Wu, and Fu Chai committed suicide.Since then, Yue State has become a powerful country in the Jianghuai area, and King Goujian of Yue has also become the overlord of a generation during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

The restraint of Goujian, king of Yue, has become a model of restraint in life, and his success is also typical of persuasion.It is necessary for us to remember some similar examples to motivate ourselves.

We also need to remember this couplet:

Where there is a will, there is a way, and if the boat is overwhelmed, Qinchuan will eventually belong to Chu;
If you work hard and live up to your expectations, you can swallow Wu for three thousand more.

In fact, it should be our motto.In the process of struggle in life, we always ask ourselves to be able to endure hardships.

Man-made is also an important wolf mentality.The so-called opportunity is just a favorable condition for success, and whether you can achieve success ultimately depends on a person's subjective efforts.

When Xiao Li went bowling for the first time, he went with a few friends.Friends who know how to hit gave a few general pointers: how to stand, how to throw the ball, and how to aim.In each round, he followed their instructions seriously, but the results were very different: Sometimes, when he threw it straight, he rolled it in the wrong direction, and watched it roll into the ditch. But there is no way around it; sometimes the ball is already sideways when it is released, and at the end it can only touch the bat on the far side, but somehow, when the baseball falls sideways, the bats next to it will follow one by one. collapsed.

Seeing this, Xiao Li gradually felt some emotions: Maybe life is like a game of bowling, and success is just those bats waiting quietly. All the choices and efforts in our life are based on standing at a certain distance Otherwise, try to throw the perfect throw.However, the moment the ball was released, he was handed over to fate.Whether it can be hit, how many hits can be hit, and whether it will be the most brilliant grand slam as we hope, all these can only be determined by the hand of fate.Thinking of this, Xiao Li felt a little depressed, and felt that success seemed beyond his control.But at this moment, he suddenly noticed an elder next to him: he saw the elder hold the ball in one hand, run up a few steps on the wooden floor, stop, squat down slightly, and threw the ball with his right hand. Steady shot, straight to the finish line, hit a grand slam easily, the whole set of movements is smooth and graceful.He played several innings in a row, and his skill was very sharp. In one inning, after he hit one, there was only one bat left, and he stood alone in a remote corner. The position was very bad. Xiao Li thought it was over this time, and he must miss it. Unexpectedly, for the second hit, he just threw it seemingly casually, and the ball naturally deviated in that direction, and when it reached the end, it happened to hit the seeded player without deviation.

After watching this scene, Xiao Li's mood suddenly brightened again. He thought, although the ball is out of his hand, it has never been out of human control. Its direction, speed, and weight have been determined long before the shot has been precisely calculated and given to the ball.Every grand slam is not an accident, but a personal subjective effort, which is the result of man-made things.

Although this is just a game, it is possible to play such a wonderful game because of the experience, wisdom and hardships of the players; with such confidence, it is possible to challenge happiness calmly: success is a reward from heaven; Failure is due to poor academic skills.Start all over again, win or lose is in the palm of your hand, it has nothing to do with God's will, the key is human effort.

There is such a familiar story:
When Helen Keller was more than one year old, she could no longer see things because of illness, and became deaf and dumb.For this reason, Helen's temper became very irritable, and she lost her temper and threw things around.Her family saw that it was not an option to go on like this, so they invited a very patient tutor, Miss Su Liwen, for her.Under the nurturing and education of Miss Su Liwen, Helen gradually changed.She understands that everyone loves her so much that she can't live up to their expectations of her.She used her only senses of touch, taste and smell to identify the surrounding environment, worked hard to learn knowledge to enrich herself, and later studied writing further.A few years later, when her first book "My Life" was published, it immediately caused a sensation throughout the United States.Helen Keller did not give up on herself because of her physical defects, but worked harder to make progress, so she achieved this hard-won outstanding achievement.

As long as you want to do it and can make up your mind to work hard to achieve the goals you set, you may be successful.

How can we achieve success through hard work?
First, there is a clear direction of action, that is, the goal of efforts.

Second, a thorough understanding of human effort.

After determining the goal of the action and what to do, it is necessary to take action and strive for success. ("Shuo Yuan·Shuo Cong") said it well: If you plan first, you will prosper, and if you plan first, you will perish.If you plan before you act, you will succeed and your business will prosper; if you do it before you start planning, you will fail.To do anything, you must first be prepared and have a plan, and you cannot rush into the horse and do it recklessly.The plan should be based on an in-depth understanding and scientific analysis of the objective situation.To fight a war, one must understand the enemy's situation, friendship, and our own situation; to run a business, one must understand the needs of the market and the situation of one's peers.The correct course of action and work plan can only be formulated on the basis of mastering the objective situation.To understand the situation is not only to understand the favorable situation, but also to understand the unfavorable situation.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" says: A wise man's worries must be mixed with benefits, mixed with benefits to be trustworthy, mixed with harms and troubles can be solved. ("Nine Changes") A smart person will definitely take into account both benefits and harms when thinking about problems.

Only by understanding favorable conditions can we increase our confidence in completing tasks; only by understanding unfavorable factors can we eliminate disasters and prevent problems before they happen.If you lack confidence in doing something, you should think more about favorable conditions to strengthen your confidence and increase your courage.When confidence has been established and action is decided, it is necessary to calmly analyze unfavorable factors and be prepared to deal with possible problems and risks.

The formulation of plans must be well-founded, grasp important links, and consider issues from multiple aspects and perspectives.Planning requires brainstorming and grasping the right to make decisions.Act decisively and quickly.What you want to do is justified and convincing.With the conditions of the above-mentioned links, you can do your business well without always worrying about failure.

Throughout life, there will always be many unsatisfactory things happening, such as: family members are injured or sick, voluntarily resign or be fired, or even laid off early.Or natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, fires, train collisions, plane crashes and other traffic accidents.People have two attitudes towards these things: face it with strength or struggle to extricate themselves.In fact, everything is man-made. As long as you work hard to survive and develop, you can crush these pains and even prevent certain things from happening.This is the great power of man-made things.

Those who have read the book "Five Body Incompleteness" may understand that the various deeds of the protagonist who can't remember the name, who has no limbs but has become a strong man with tenacious perseverance, all reflect this truth—— It's man-made.On the road of life, if the path you choose is correct and you will work hard, then you will become a real strong person in life.

Don't lose confidence because of a temporary failure, and don't be disheartened because of someone else's ridicule, and don't stand still because of repeated failures.If you want to be a strong person in life, you must face pain bravely and face failure bravely.

There was a man who suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder because he couldn't bear the sudden drop in academic performance, and was on the verge of suspending school for medical treatment.It can be said that there are huge pressures from society, school, and even family, but it is undeniable that the path he chooses also has a crucial influence.There is a famous English saying:

If you can overcome failure and stand up, you can definitely shake off the stress and start a new life.Then you can get on track and once again everything is going well.A person must have the courage to get out of pain and start a new life, and understand that things are man-made.

Whether it is the road of life or the process of implementing the plan, many things are unexpected and unpredictable, so we will inevitably encounter many serious difficulties.This is a severe test of a person's quality.Some people can be calm and calm in the face of this predicament, and quickly find a proper way to deal with it, so as to overcome difficulties and reach the other side of victory.

Some people are panicked, pessimistic and disappointed, and do nothing, and the result can only be trapped and unable to extricate themselves.In fact, when doing things, how to do it is the most important thing. It is the human effort that matters. This is the truth.

It is difficult to be a human being, but it is even more difficult to be a good person.But as long as you can pay attention to methods and strategies when doing things, and you can win by surprise, you can also be an excellent person and do everything by human effort.When we encounter problems similar to those encountered by Sun Tzu, there is no doubt that we will formulate some policies.But when it was implemented, it could not be used because it touched the old interests of some people.These people either have higher positions than you, or have a lot of backgrounds that you can't afford to blame. The obstacles they form will make you in a dilemma.As the saying goes, if compassion does not lead soldiers, managers should adhere to correct principles. Although the result of implementation may be to offend some high-level people, or even cause them to lose their hard-earned positions, if your policies cannot be implemented, then you The future of the future also came to an end here.This is what we usually call opportunity cost, and it uses one of the most commonly used theories in economics: game theory.In fact, as long as you really implement the policy objectively and fairly, instead of being too entangled in your own self-interest, you will eventually succeed.

As an ordinary person, if you can keep calm when encountering unexpected events and serious difficulties, you can find a way to overcome the difficulties and then get out of the predicament.That's the factor to do well.Do one thing, may often fail, but failure is not important, Edison said: failure is also what I want.As long as you can stand the test of failure, you will have a moment of success.Du Mu wrote a poem about Xiang Yu: Victory and defeat in the army are unexpected, and he is a man who bears shame.The children of Jiangdong are so talented, it is unknown if they will make a comeback.Du Mu has sympathy for Xiang Yu in his poems, and also criticizes with regret.If Xiang Yu could bear the current humiliation of failure, return to Jiangdong, seriously sum up the lessons of failure, and rely on Jiangdong's children to regroup, he might have a chance to make a comeback and compete with Liu Bang again.But Xiang Yu gave up.The reason why Xiang Yu failed completely was because he didn't understand the truth that everything depends on human effort, so he made a fatal mistake, so it was impossible for him to make a comeback.

Nobel may be the one with the most failures and the most terrible one in the world, but he is the greatest inventor in the world.

Before Nobel, more than one person had researched and manufactured explosives, such as Chinese black powder and nitroglycerin invented by Italians.The explosive power of nitroglycerin is much greater than that of black powder, but its explosiveness is not easy to control, it is very easy to explode by itself, and it is not easy to explode according to people's requirements. It is very dangerous to manufacture, store and transport, and people do not know how to use it. it.Therefore, although this explosive has been invented for more than ten years, it has not been used, but is used to treat angina.

Nobel's research on explosives started with the manufacture and research of nitroglycerin.At first, he used black gunpowder to detonate the nitroglycerin, and later invented a detonator to detonate it, and obtained an effective way to make the nitroglycerin explode.

After the initial success, it was followed by a huge setback with a big explosion in the laboratory.Nobel had to move the laboratory to the ship.Later, after several twists and turns, he found a new factory site in a place called Wentwigen, where he established the world's first nitroglycerin factory.

On the road of Nobel's research on explosives, it can be said that there are many difficulties and disasters.The nitroglycerin he made often exploded: a train in the United States was blown into a pile of scrap iron; a factory in Germany was blown into ruins;

This series of tragic accidents caused by explosives has made countries all over the world lose confidence in nitroglycerin, and some countries have ordered a ban on the manufacture, storage and transportation of nitroglycerin.In this difficult situation, Nobel did not lose heart, and he would never stop without solving the instability problem of nitroglycerin.Later, after many repeated experiments, he finally invented the method of absorbing three parts of nitroglycerin with one part of diatomaceous earth (a kind of accumulation of tiny biological shells called diatoms), and made it the first time Industrial explosives that are safe to transport and use.Nobel made persistent efforts and pushed his invention a step further. He used gun cotton and nitroglycerin to invent a jelly with strong explosive power - fried glue; then added a small amount of camphor to the nitroglycerin and fried glue to make It has become a smokeless gunpowder that is widely used in many aspects.

(End of this chapter)

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