Chapter 609
Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and songs.

Hehe, for her, it's not as easy as Xiaobei's dealing with those princes.

This is her battlefield.

One morning, she sat in front of the vanity mirror.

Take a deep breath.

"Tang Nineteen, if nothing else compares, let's fight."

A damp cloth gently wiped off the "red cloud" on his face, revealing a slightly darkened but healthy face.

Opened a bottle and took a little liquid.

Xu Laosan said that it only needs to be painted four times.

She kept it, this last time.

Just for this day.

The cold liquid was rubbed over the warm skin little by little, and the black skin of the person in the mirror turned into suet jade inch by inch.

Beautiful, so beautiful.

Tang Nineteen couldn't believe it, this was himself after breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

She stared at herself obsessively, almost fascinated by the woman in the mirror.

It wasn't until the outside came to remind her that the carriage in the palace had been waiting for a long time, that she quickly regained her composure and called Xia Ying in.

Xia Ying entered, her steps suffocated.

Tang Nineteen smiled slightly: "Why, don't you know me?"

"No, the princess is born beautiful, but her skin color and birthmark are covered up. What does the princess want to dress up today?"

Tang Nineteen touched this face: "I went to Qingguoqingcheng, even the emperor saw it, and he was fascinated."

Xia Ying's mouth twitched slightly, but then she smiled.

Well, it's very princessy.

"Yes, slaves obey."

Royal Palace.

Royal Garden.

Yingying Yanyan, Yan thin ring fat.

For a moment, Tang Nineteen seemed to be back in May last year.

It's also like this, with beautiful women like clouds, the queen hosted a banquet, and invited all the harem concubines and princes' wives and concubines to enter the palace to enjoy the flowers.

The reason why the Empress hosted a banquet today was to get some beautiful embroidered cloths, and I invite everyone to come and appreciate them. Those who attended the banquet knew exactly what it was for.

The emperor examined his sons in the previous dynasty.

The queen was in the harem to help the emperor assess the emperor's daughters-in-law.

Of course, in name, it is to appreciate embroidery. It will not be like the modern times, where there will be a ostentation of the exam, and the exam will be passed one by one. After all, the royal family wants to save face. How can it be so grand and grand when receiving an envoy.

But this is not an exam, but it is better than an exam.

Tang Nineteen couldn't win the exam. The most precious quality of a person is self-knowledge.

The most important thing is that the queen is in charge, so she has nothing to do.

It's better not to make a fool of yourself at that time, if you barely deal with it, the empress has nothing to say, at most she will report to the emperor, the sixth concubine's aptitude is mediocre, and her talents are shallow.

If she makes a fool of herself, that's fine, the queen will definitely add fuel to the picture, saying that she will be ashamed and lose her style.

At that time, if she can still show off her cleverness and innocence to the queen, then she will be too naive. Being coquettish and cute works on Murong Xi, but on the queen, pull it down.

Looking at it from a distance, she stopped joining in the fun.

She changed her face, not for these people to see.

The emperor is so face-saving, the king is the son of the legitimate son, but he was struck out because of his disability.

How could he bear Tang Nineteen's face?

The reason she changed her face was to let the emperor understand that she followed Qu Tiange to attend the reception of the envoys, and she would never lose "face" to him or to the Daliang royal family.

She had to amaze the emperor and let her face pass the test smoothly.

Next, she has already planned every step of the way.

Everything, according to her plan, if there is no accident, adapt to the situation, this reception right, if you can't escape, it will be Qu Tiange's.

Of course, she had to see the emperor first.

(End of this chapter)

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