Chapter 608 Her Battlefield
Not only did the emperor want to show his demeanor as a big country, but he was considerate and understanding, and he even sent an imperial doctor there to show his generosity and friendship to Bei Qi.

And Daliang domestic.

The several princes, in order to fight for the right to entertain, are still fighting undercurrents and refusing to give in to each other.

Qu Tiange is ill, and Xiao Bei will attend the morning court.

Every time Xiaobei came back, it was like going to the battlefield, slumped on the seat, unable to move, and it took a long time to relax.

Then tell Tang Nineteen about the situation in the DPRK and China one by one.

Qu Tiange hadn't woken up yet, so Tang Nineteen could only analyze the words Xiaobei brought back by himself.

The day before yesterday morning, King Qian and King Rui fought against each other, and the Ministry of Rituals issued a memorial, which reported matters related to this year's spring plowing and offering sacrifices to heaven, including the issue of expenses.

King Rui and King Qian suggested to do it simply so that the people could see a clean and honest court, and the other said that spring plowing is a big event, and the spring plowing festival is the biggest sacrifice in the beginning of the year, so it cannot be sloppy.

Then, he pinched it.

At the end of the pinch, the emperor flew into a rage, flung his sleeves and left, and no one was left behind.

Yesterday morning, King Qian and King Rui were at ease. An urgent report was sent from the northwest, saying that there were bombers at the border, and the army could not suppress them. They hoped that the court would send people down.

This kind of matter of establishing the majesty of the royal family naturally requires sending a person with a prestigious status in the royal family. The emperor did not explicitly say that he would send a prince, but none of the princes dared to say a word. It can be seen that everyone wants to get rid of this matter. I don't want to take on such a "good job".

This morning, the two sides quarreled again, but they didn't lose face in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, but after retreating, the emperor drank tea with his sons in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. One said black tea was delicious, the other said green tea was delicious, and in the end they had a "debate meeting" about this nonsense, and they almost didn't quarrel.

The emperor smiled a little at first, he was fond of tea, and wanted to hear what the two of them had to say about black tea and green tea.

But later on, King Qian and King Rui's discussion from the beginning turned into a fierce debate at the end, and they even blushed.

His old face was getting uglier and uglier, and finally he interrupted Qian Wang and Rui Wang impatiently, breaking up the warm tea party between father and son.

Xiaobei was shocked this morning.

Qu Tiange is the one who knows the tea ceremony best among the princes, everyone knows that, King Rui thought that Xiao Bei was Qu Tiange, and he winked at Xiao Bei everywhere, asking Xiao Bei to help him with a few words.

However, Xiao Beijiu knows a little bit about tea, but he doesn't know anything about tea.

He could only pretend to be deaf and dumb, and when he came out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, King Rui gave him a big slap in the face.

He sat on the chair and looked at Tang Nineteen with a sad face: "Princess, did this subordinate ruin the prince's good deed?"

"What good is bad? You are smart. Do you really think that what the emperor doesn't like is that they argue too fiercely? What the emperor doesn't like is their confrontation. If you don't go to this muddy water, you will at most offend King Rui Not happy, if you go, you will cause trouble for the prince. You have worked hard, go and rest."

Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief: "Tomorrow, I wonder if the prince will wake up."

Tang Nineteen also wanted to know if he could wake up tomorrow.

Time is running out, and the Northern Qi mission can last up to four days.

And there is not much time left for Tang Nineteen.

In the morning of the next day, a message was sent from the palace, and the empress invited her and the concubines to the palace for tea, and she knew that her test was coming.

(End of this chapter)

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