
Chapter 1248 Wedding

Chapter 1248 Wedding (1)

The new house is the courtyard of a large local family. It was bought with money, painted, and the flowers and trees were taken care of. It also looks very warm and elegant.

Yuanzi was still not satisfied, so he stood in the middle of the yard and glanced around, then said softly, "It's too small and shabby, but we can only make do with it."

The people who were holding back their stomachs and wanted to praise the grandeur of this house were all stunned. How can this be called shabby?Also called too small?What does that mean to be broad-minded?Tsk tsk, this Mr. Fang is full of big talk.

Everyone thought in their hearts, although they didn't dare to say it, it was inevitable that they would show something on their faces.

He Miao coughed lightly, reminding someone not to be too arrogant.

Yuanzi smiled, looked back at her and said, "However, as long as you are here, I will be happy even for simple food and drink. The thatched hut is also a fairyland on earth."

"Nonsense, are you willing to be a mediocre person?" He Miao blushed slightly, only thinking that he was really eloquent, and he could open his eyes and tell nonsense in front of so many people.

Yuanzi laughed: "Could it be that you are willing to be mediocre again?"

It is because they are neither that they come together.

The day is set on the sixth day of September. After the autumn harvest, the granary is full, the pigs and sheep are fat, neither hot nor cold, and the food is not easy to deteriorate. It is a good time to hold a wedding.

He Miao took a pen and wrote invitations to several leaders of the rebel army, sincerely inviting them to watch the ceremony, while Xiao Yang's letter was written by Yuanzi himself, and delivered by Jinping himself.

In fact, watching the ceremony is a small matter. They want to form an alliance. As for how many people can come and how many people are willing, that's out of their control.

Jiujun also wrote back, and his words were not allowed. The four parents were furious and scolded the two of them bloody. They only said that they were rebellious and disobedient.

Bai Luoluo's words were the most straightforward. He said that it was hard work to raise two children. Seeing that he could finally satisfy the vanity of being a parent, he held a wedding ceremony for them in order to collect all kinds of envy and hatred.

Then, these two children have to make their own decisions, don't let them interfere, don't let them show off.Isn't this clearly against them?So angry.

So resolutely don't allow it.

The empress's words were much more tactful, from the symbolic importance of status to the level of family and country affairs, it was to let them pause for a while.

He Miao was a little worried: "They all object, what should I do? I don't care, but my parents just beat me up, it's just that you are different."

After all, it is the emperor's family. If he acts so boldly, he is afraid that his father will be displeased. It's fine if he didn't make a mistake. If he made a mistake, he would be accused of being ignorant of his father.

Yuanzi burned the letter casually, and said without changing his expression: "What's the difference? We'll do it here first, and if they don't like it when we go back, then we can do it again. As for this letter, we haven't received it yet." .”

Isn't this lying with your eyes open?
He Miao's eyes widened: "The person who delivered the letter will be hurt by you."

"Is it just me?" Yuanzi looked at her sideways, with unkind eyes.

"It's going to be a disaster for us." He Miao quickly corrected.

"It's his luck to be harmed by us." Yuanzi looked up at the sky: "This winter will be difficult, and there may be a big snowstorm."

Speaking of this, He Miao was also very worried: "I heard that Shen Guo suffered a catastrophe this year. There were floods in many places and there was no harvest. I am very worried."

Shen Guo has been eyeing it for a long time, and he hasn't avenged the last time. If the lack of harvest affects the army's rations this time, it might come to loot, so he has to guard against it.

And Wei Buwei in the distance seems to have learned his lesson.

After Chuchu Wei Mianmian ascended the throne, he made a few petty fights angrily, but suddenly stopped, took up a few state capitals and then practiced honestly, looking like he was trying his best to fight a protracted war.

This time the northwest is also a bumper harvest, with lush water and grass, fat horses and strong people. If they really face the main force again, it may not be easy to win.

Wei Mianmian and Wei Zizhao were also very quiet, they didn't fight or quarrel, they didn't know what they were plotting.

"I'm worried that they have a secret agreement." Mariko expressed his worry.

The members of the Wei family are not stupid, the reason they made such a fuss before was because they were forced to do so in order to survive.

But now that the dust has settled and the situation is clear, no one can do anything to anyone in a short period of time. For everyone's benefit, of course a truce is the most realistic thing to do.

Otherwise, there will be internal and external troubles, Li State in the south, Shen State in the north, and more than a dozen rebels, large and small.

He Miao also understands this truth: "It's a pity that the Shen people are stingy and refuse to cooperate with us sincerely."

When Jingzhong was still strong and unreasonable, Shen Guoren showed the greatest sincerity. Now that Jingzhong is no longer as strong as it used to be, Shen Guoren took precautions against Li Guo again.

"I hope elder brother and sister-in-law won't be affected by this." Yuanzi drank a cup of strong tea: "So I want to marry you earlier. Let's go to patrol the camp together. We need to adjust our defense."

The current situation is like this, life is changeable, today does not know what will happen tomorrow, when it is time to get married, it must be done, and we cannot stop for some reason, otherwise it will be too late to regret in the future.

He Miao thinks so.

The two went to tour the camp side by side, and then held a secret meeting to analyze the current situation for everyone, saying: "There will be troubles on the day of marriage, everyone should be careful."

Everyone promises.

In the blink of an eye, it was September, and the rebels from all over the country sent envoys to bring gifts. Of the six rebels, only one sent a deputy leader, and the rest were small shrimps.

As for Xiao Yang, there was no news at all, and Jinping did not come back.

He Miao couldn't help but murmured to Yuanzi: "I guess I thought you were dead, but when I saw your letter, I over-thought it, got angry and impatient."

She was worried about Jinping: "Even if you are angry, don't detain me. I don't know what happened to Jinping. What a talent."

Yuanzi smiled: "He came back, but it must be true that he is angry in his heart. I'm afraid he will fight with me when he comes. Don't worry about it."

"I don't care, I don't care." He Miao was inexplicably agitated, so she ran into the house to try on the wedding dress. The wedding dress fits very well. It is Jingzhong's style. It is much narrower than Li Guo's, and it can better outline The figure of a woman.

She really looks good when she wears it, she is delicate and exquisite but also has a heroic appearance, it is the most suitable for her.

Yuanzi looked fascinated: "In the future, I will wear the dress of our princess again in the future, and that one will definitely look better than this one. It must be very imposing."

He Miao said cheekily, "That's for sure."

When everything is ready, it's the right day.

People who watch the day are capable. The sky was clear, the clouds were light and the wind was light, and it was neither hot nor cold. It was a beautiful day.

He Miao woke up early and was dragged and tossed by a group of mothers-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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