As soon as I speak, I can convince everyone

Chapter 27 When you show off your smarts, you start to be stupid

Chapter 27 When you show off your smarts, you start to be stupid (2)
Mr. Guo is not a person who inherits the inheritance of his parents, that is, he has come to today by little by little in the past 30 years.We all have a dream. My dream is just the opposite of Mr. Guo's. This is where our first quarrel started.I think big companies will become smaller and smaller in the information age. My dream is to turn all big companies like Foxconn into small companies, at least dismantling them into fragments. It's big.

We feel that there is no distinction between the new economy and the old economy. In our new economy, the so-called Internet is the initial perfect equipment, and the traditional industries are better and more perfect. However, I think that in the old industrial era, in the 20th century, due to scale and capital Due to the resources of various large enterprises, the monopoly of large enterprises has gradually formed, and the Internet should break this monopoly.

This passage is very simple, but the meaning is clear.Such words are touching.

We must know that the beauty of language lies in its content and emotion, not whether it is gorgeous or not.Expressing the most basic human emotions in the simplest language is the most touching.If you leave this point, then no matter how you package it, it is useless.Language is for expressing emotions, not for creating emotions. If you give up language expression for the sake of pursuing language, it will give people a fake feeling.It's fine to say it however you want, as long as what you say is true emotion, then the listener will definitely be able to receive it.

Many people want to practice eloquence well, but in fact, it is very simple to practice eloquence well, all you need is to express your sincerity.Express your truest thoughts, as long as you speak clearly so that the listener is not confused, you will be able to get the other party's approval.Because, they can receive the emotions you radiate.

Lower your posture, get closer
Everyone likes to show themselves in front of others, hoping to be the focus of everyone and the one who attracts the most attention.And among these people, some of them will deliberately highlight themselves because of this kind of thinking is too strong, and they like to exaggerate when they speak, especially when they talk about the things they have done that they are proud of, they will hide some information , become completely highlight their own good aspects.

In fact, this kind of psychology is okay. Who doesn’t want more people to pay attention to themselves?But this approach is really not advisable, because it makes us fake.Most of the time, when faced with something you don't know, it's good to say that you don't know.Facing the things you have done, especially the things you are proud of, don't cover up your flaws.Because only flawed people are real, credible, and can resonate with others.

Ma Yun is a very real person.He has enviable achievements and a strong personality, so many people like him and even admire him.And those Ma Yun admirers will unknowingly myth Ma Yun, at least they will say that he is particularly powerful.When most people face this kind of situation, they will act out of vanity, so they acquiesce.But Ma Yun rarely does this, and he always tells the truth.

The most legendary legend about Ma Yun is the story that he conquered investors with a 6-minute speech at that time.There are many versions of that story, and most of them are highlighting Jack Ma.Let's see what he has to say below.

Ma Yun: My collaborators are quite good, like that Sun Zhengyi.Masayoshi Son of Softbank, he is a person I admire very much. I can solve all the problems within 6 minutes of negotiating with him. We settled the investment of 6 million US dollars within 2000 minutes of our first negotiation.

Host: 6 million in 2000 minutes? !

Ma Yun: A few days ago, we were even more amazing, because sometimes there is such a chemical reaction between people, many people think that the two of us are crazy.

Host: Have you ever asked him why he dared to invest 6 million US dollars within 2000 minutes of contact with you?
Ma Yun: Far more than that. Later I said not so much.

Moderator: Why is this?
Jack Ma: I don’t know either. I’ll ask him later, anyway, we’re pretty funny.I was with him in Tokyo last month, he said I believe in you, and I said I believe in you, so you didn't come to blame me when I was most unlucky, because you had too many things to blame, so it was too late to blame me .

Host: In other words, which aspect of you is he attracted by?

Ma Yun: One thing, both of us want to do really big and meaningful things.That is to say, many people may say that I want to make money, but I think what I want to do is such a huge plan, an 80-year enterprise, and being one of the top ten websites in the world.I recorded what I have done in the past few years, and he feels that this person has a big heart, and these shareholders are all world-class.I choose shareholders all over the world, such as Sun Zhengyi in Japan, Goldman Sachs in the United States, and Investor AB in Europe. ABB and Ericsson are all family companies controlled by them.I chose in Asia. I not only want other people’s money but also other people’s people, because I think Sun Zhengyi’s money is different from other money. What I want is what he can bring me behind the scenes and what kind of support he can give me.

Ma Yun did not myth himself, but used "don't know".Confess that it's just a weird emotion at work, not any magical powers of its own.He restored Ma Yun, who was rumored to have a strong ability to fool investors and can make investors withdraw money smoothly, into a kind of mutual attraction between two strangers based on fate.This way of emphasizing contingency is calmness, and this calmness is exactly what others should learn.

For many things, it’s good to restore their original appearance. There is no need to interpret too much, especially what happened to yourself. If you interpret too much, it will give people a feeling of boasting about yourself.That's not beautiful.

Say what you have, and say you don't know if you don't know, that's the best.Because this is the most authentic, speech is to express emotion, and emotion can only impress and persuade others if it is true.

Don't be too vain and say something exaggerated. No one in this world can live on exaggeration forever.Those who really achieve are real people who tell the truth and their emotions.Only in this way can we gain lasting recognition from others.If you think that other people are stupid, and they can't tell you when you tell a lie, then sooner or later you will taste the bitter fruit of vanity.

When you show off your smarts, start being stupid

People have a certain amount of vanity and like to beautify themselves, which is normal. After all, everyone is eager to be recognized by more people.However, even if you beautify yourself, you must master a degree.Especially when appearing as a member of a team, you must know how to grasp this speed.You can promote your team, you can tell others that your team is very good, and you can also show others the results of the team, but you must not put all the credit on yourself.The most important thing for a person is to know how to respect the labor and dedication of others.

Ma Yun is a person who knows how to respect others, especially the labor and dedication of every employee in the company.In the eyes of most people, it is due to Jack Ma that Alibaba can exist today. It can be said that there would be no Alibaba without Jack Ma.However, Ma Yun has said in public more than once that Alibaba can leave Ma Yun, but Ma Yun cannot do without Alibaba.This is a manifestation of not being greedy for merit. Speaking like this makes people sound very comfortable.This is also the uniqueness of Ma Yun.

Alibaba can live without Jack Ma, but Jack Ma cannot live without Alibaba.With me and without me, the company is actually not much different.

After 10 years of development, our company has grown from 18 people to more than 18000 people today, which is not easy.

Over the past 10 years, we have made far more mistakes than we have achieved.What others want to know today is what achievements we have made. In fact, we don't think there is anything, but we survived.From 1999 to now, at least 2000 companies around the world have engaged in e-commerce. Compared with them, we have really survived.

Our generation is very lucky.On the day before the listing, I gathered all the employees of Alibaba, and the least of these people is now a millionaire.I asked them, why are you so rich, is it because we work harder than others?I feel that there are too many more hardworking people than us.Are we smarter than others?I think it's even more unreliable.

I studied in elementary school for seven years and took the college entrance examination for three years.Later, I took the entrance examination to the Teachers College, a junior college. At that time, there were few boys in the university, so I "transferred" to a bachelor's degree.I applied for a lot of jobs, but none of the units wanted me. In the end, I worked on a tricycle for two months.So along the way, I didn't think I was smart.

I think it's because we were lucky.Looking back, if I do it all over again, I will still go like this.Will it succeed, will it come over?I think the probability is very low.

No matter what the occasion, you must know how to respect others.We should not only respect the people who work with us, not take the credit of others, but also respect the audience present.Don't use a strong command tone to speak to the audience, that's not personality, but impolite.Respect for each other is the first principle that people should adhere to when communicating with each other.

If you want to respect others at all times, you must first correct your mentality and understand that people are equal and differ only in circumstances.Most of the time, it is not because of who is smarter than who, but because of who has more opportunities to encounter.Knowing this, you will naturally not feel that you are superior and talk to others in a tone that is not respectful.

Also, don't take ignorance as your personality.Many people think that in order to get the limelight, you have to be different.But they don't understand that this kind of difference is a difference in education and temperament, and it's not just a matter of doing some weird behaviors.Therefore, people often fall into a misunderstanding, deliberately showing differences for the sake of being different.And when they show this difference, they often show a frivolous side, which gives people the impression that they don't know how to respect others.

Generally speaking, when people communicate with each other, it is a symbiotic relationship.If we make a metaphor, that is, others are the land, and our actions are the seeds.If we plant the seeds of respect for each other through our own words, then what we reap must also be respect.If you feel that you are great and don't need to respect others, then what grows from other people's land must also be disrespectful.At that time, it is ourselves who will be hurt.

If we respect others, others will respect us. If we want to become a truly respected person, we must sow the seeds of respect every day.

There is a kind of eloquence called humility
There is an old saying: "If you are full, you will lose, but if you are humble, you will benefit." Many people have heard this sentence and understand its meaning.But there are not many people who can really do it.Most of the time, we just regard it as a quotation mantra to preach to others. When we have to face a similar situation, we have long forgotten the truth of this sentence.

This is neither strange nor embarrassing. This is a kind of thinking that people often have.However, just because it appears often doesn't mean it's good for us.In fact, it will be of great benefit to us if we really stick to the truth stated in that sentence.

To be a man is to know how to be humble.First of all, a humble person must be low-profile, so that he will not put too much pressure on others, and at the same time will not be offensive, so that he can earn more living space for himself and win more friends .Second, humble people are often not arrogant. Such people know how to look at things from another angle.Therefore, they can often see their own shortcomings and shortcomings, and then they can correct them in a targeted manner.

On the other hand, an arrogant person is just the opposite. He is full of his own strengths and doesn't feel that he has any shortcomings. Therefore, he also loses the opportunity to correct, which also means that he loses the possibility of progress.There are also people who are too conceited, often look down on others, and often boss around when talking to people, which makes people irritated. Such people rarely have friends.

Therefore, humility is necessary and necessary.Let's first take a look at how Ma Yun did it.

Question: Hello Mr. Ma, I am on your left. I am from the stationmaster’s home. I would like to say a few words on behalf of the stationmaster.First of all, I want to thank Mr. Ma, Alibaba Taobao and Taobaoke have divided so much money for our webmaster. I want to thank Mr. Ma and Ali.The second is a formal question. I don’t know if it’s the first time Mr. Ma has participated in such a webmaster meeting. The first question I want to ask is, how does Mr. Ma feel about the webmaster of our local website at first? of?The second is what suggestions do we have for webmasters who live at the lowest level of the Internet ecosystem?Thank you Mr. Ma.

Ma Yun: First, I thank you to you, I feel flattered, I really think that when I was doing Alibaba and Taobao, no matter what others think of us, I really feel that when I do this idea, I will be with Alibaba and Taobao. People said, thanks to these webmasters.At the beginning of the competition, Alibaba could not survive without the support of small websites and webmasters. Today, Taobao should do some thinking.All the work is not done by me, but by all the engineers of Taobao and Alibaba, and the development of Alibaba today is beyond the scope of my ability.Many people praised me on the Internet, Jack Ma, why are you so good, I am really not good, I really do not understand the Internet.Two years ago, I knew that if it would be so complicated, I might not be able to do Alipay.The ignorant are fearless, the technology is so complicated, what should I do?Sit there and observe carefully, listen carefully, whether there is any violation of our mission and values, and whether there is any violation of what we promised, that is, to do this.Including the development of Alibaba and Taobao so big, I told President Li of Xinhua News Agency that my team and I have no reason or reason to succeed.In China, we have succeeded, and we must be grateful for this era, the Internet, and everyone for their support.We hope to do more things in return. We think this way, so we can do things like this.The distribution of money to everyone is the income of everyone's labor, and it definitely has nothing to do with me.You say that you are the lowest level of the Internet ecosystem, you think that you are the lowest level, you are the lowest level, and you think that you are the highest level must be the highest level.I think webmasters, you are the highest level of the Internet, because you let us see hope.It is the innovation and creativity of all of us here that let people see that we can still have a company that surpasses Tencent, Taobao, and Alibaba. We still have the opportunity to compete with Google, and we can also create a company that surpasses Facebook in China. 10 years ago, who was optimistic about Jack Ma, who was optimistic about Alibaba, and who was optimistic about Taobao?We develop because we ourselves believe we can.

Don't take credit, don't be arrogant, know how to see the good of others, and know how to be grateful to your partners. This is the quality that Ma Yun has shown.It is precisely because of this that so many people are willing to do business with Jack Ma.Because a humble person must be someone who knows how to consider others, and being with such a person will make you feel more comfortable.

People are all the same, there is not much difference.Therefore, don't always feel that you are too much better than others.People like Ma Yun who have a career that countless people envy are also humble and low-key. What qualifications do other people have to be arrogant?

Understand that arrogance is not personality, but shallowness.

"Although we are excellent, we must also keep a low profile"

Ma Yun once said: "People who are good at listening to others are easy to succeed."

The meaning of this sentence is, don't always express yourself, but listen to what others have to say.If you only pretend to be yourself in your heart and show yourself everywhere, it will be difficult to succeed.Because such a person will make others feel uncomfortable because they boast too much of themselves, and then stay away from him.When a person becomes a loner, he naturally cannot succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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